What is the most polished bad game ever made?

What is the most polished bad game ever made?

Anyone can make a janky and broken piece of shit, but this thread is dedicated to finely crafted turds. Games clearly made by people of talent, but which are so terribly designed that one has to wonder why anyone would spend time optimizing them.

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Any Ubisoft game. Production value is insane but games are so shit gameplay wise.


Red Dead Redemption

Other M. I mean, it works as intended.

Sol Divide

Big Rigs

Polished, user.

ubisoft games are not very polished tho, no idea what they are doing with the money

Most of Nintendo's latest output, especially this little turd right here.

I liked 3D World for the 15 hours I spent with it.

who would have ever guessed back in 2009 that this collaboration would end up ruining metroid AND ninja gaiden?

This is my thread.

It was made for me.

Is it really bad or just a grossly inoffensive game made by devs with more offensive ideals? I mean, what got me about The Order was how clearly they wanted to make a movie instead of a game. The final product just looks like a bog standard shooter with an above average setting and a strong helping of cinematic bullshit.

Team Ninja isn't even a bad dev.
They had their fuck ups though.


user, Nioh is their first good game in 8 years.

They are sorely missing Itagaki.

Yeah, because Devil's Third was such a good game

Nioh wasn't that great either, it had some good parts. But the reason it succeeded is because they stuck to proven formulas.

Nobody at Team Ninja is fucking good at game design anymore. Itagaki was absolutely essential to them.

Lmao come on.

>Yeah, because Devil's Third was such a good game

Devil's Third was in development hell and also didn't have a talented team like Team Ninja.

Itagaki designs the games, he doesn't actually make them.

Nioh was great and Itagaki is an absolute hack as evidenced by latest game.

Dont go around talking shit on nioh mate, most fun i had since bloodborne

Only ps4 game after bloodborne anyway, uncharted 4 is some good multiplayer tps but damn are there a lot of spics and nigs online

Witcher 2

He designed a shit game.

>Nioh was great

Compared to every game directed by cookie face it really wasn't. Hayashi the hack didn't damage Nioh too bad but his influence is a constant danger.

>user, Nioh is their first good game in 8 years.

>DoA 5
>Hyrule Warriors

>Hyrule Warriors



Did this gane really have a "morality" system where ninpo made your enemies surrender?

Dead or Alive 5 is a great fighting game. Most people agree it's the best in the franchise next to DOA3.

I liked DoA5.

>Did this gane really have a "morality" system where ninpo made your enemies surrender?

Not really, it tried to make you feel bad for killing dudes by having segments of people begging for their life.

Ninja Gaiden 3's attempt at storytelling was absolutely laughable and Team Ninja doubled down on their weakest side. They literally thought that seeing Ryu Hayabusa dealing with the consequences over the people he killed is what westerners wanted.

Literally retarded.

Here's a hint: "I don't like it" doesn't mean it's shit, retard.

>AND ninja gaiden
Hayashi ruined Ninja Gaiden. It has nothing to do with Other M.

>Here's a hint: "I don't like it" doesn't mean it's shit, retard.
It's a fucking musou game.

Textbook kusoge

"I like it" doesn't mean it's good.

It's actually funny how Razor's Edge has one absolutely brilliant idea for action games genre. Its "chapter challenge" is absolutely amazing mode where all cutscenes, story bullshit, cinematic moments and shit just removed and all you have is pure gameplay. I wish every action game had this feature.

How is it bad outside of "muh musou"?

The story of Ryu Hayabusa feeling mopey for killing terrorists, evil ninjas, and monsters while trying to save his not-wife's daughter.

What a trainwreck.

3D World was pretty fun tho

fucking this. especially the not-daughter shit. Hayabusa shouldn't be some teenage girl moping and thinking about his appearance.

Like this user said. The games they make are horrendously buggy and mechanics are wildly inconsistent in assassins creed. The parkour has gotten progressively worse as far as doing what you're trying to tell it do to, getting detected is a coin flip where they'll either be braindead retards or far cry tier where they can see you through a god damn mountain.

Fuck off, Nioh is good.

Sorry, but musous ARE shit.

They build on an extremely derivative and braindead formula that's flawed by design. It's Action games for lazy dumbasses.

>Literally zero argument in his post.

Don't listen to Sup Forums contrarians, Nioh is great.

What the fuck is there to argue?

They are quite literally mindless buttonmashers.

>This game genre is shit because I say so.
>Because I fucking say so!


He at least does some programming.

>praises the shitheap that is 3D World
>shits on the possible GOTY
Your nintendrone is showing

Its like Uncharted but way shorter and more QTEs. Its pretty inoffensive if you liked Uncharted and didn't pay $60.

>Because I fucking say so!

No, they're bad because they are fucking low-effort buttonmashers that require the absolute bare minimum attention a human being can give, can you not read?

What are your thoughts on Razor's Edge OP? Fair warning, you're level of faggotry hangs in the balance here.

>What are your thoughts on Razor's Edge OP? Fair warning, you're level of faggotry hangs in the balance here.
I guess it's impressive that they managed to salvage so much? Still not all that great, I probably enjoyed it more than most though.

>didn't have a talented team
did not half of Team Ninja leave with him a while back? I know NG2's lead animator is with him.

>it's bad because of development hell
No. The Devil's Third we got was a mass of conscious decisions that turned out terrible. Everyone that loved Itagaki's work or what Ninja Gaiden 2 offered was hyped from the original trailer.

Final Fantasy XV
They actually polished it up before release and it looks great, works as intended but the whole concept of the main game mechanics is just...ugh.

>open world with invisible walls everywhere
>a car you barely have any control over
>flashy combat that is braindead due to being designed for holding down the buttons and spamming infinite supplies of healing items
>fetchquests and hunts with zero exposition, story and characters building

Which makes me salty too, that game could've been so much more

By that logic every RPG is also shit.

Resident Evil 6.

The base gameplay itself is fine, but the level design, length, and just the situations it puts you in suck.

Oh fuck, this. Easily the worst game I can think of that is competently designed and programmed. It just sucks otherwise.


>By that logic every RPG is also shit.

No, just the Musou RPG's.


But RPGs are just mindless button mashing. You just mash A.

A RPG you can mash your way through is definitely shit, i.e. Pokemon.

I was able to mash my way through Ninja Gaiden Black.

NGBlack is shit.

Stop user

Sure thing, user.

You stop, fag.

Not an argument.

>But RPGs are just mindless button mashing. You just mash A.

You're playing a lot of shit RPG's then, because last time I checked I couldn't beat an RPG by pressing the analog stick forward and mashing the attack button.

>I was able to mash my way through Ninja Gaiden 3. NG3 is shit

>I was able to mash my way through Ninja Gaiden Black.

You're embarrassing yourself MusouAnon.


>Implying you can't

Having Hayashi over Itagaki ruined NG, but I'm an Oatmeal apologist who would have loved to see Other M done by him instead

Warriors is Koei Tecmo, TN is just a subsidiary

>Warriors is Koei Tecmo, TN is just a subsidiary
And Team Ninja made Hyrule Warriors. Much like how they're making Fire Emblem Warriors. They don't make the regular Warriors.

Razor's Edge is physical proof that Itagaki was the only one in Team Ninja who could put together a decent action combat system. Because they basically threw out everything NG3 did and went back to NG2.

Your results have come in

10% faggotry

Not bad

Personally i think it IS great. Better then 2 actually

You mean Oatmeal instead of Sakamoto? Because I still think that most of went wrong with Other M falls squarely on the Nintendo side.

>Because they basically threw out everything NG3 did

Except they didn't, only the things that made it not NG. RE has a lot more mechanics of their own the 2 ad it fixed several of the...i wouldn't say bad but strangely misplaced in the genre elements of 2.

RE made me wish TN made a NG game focused entirely on the girls. Momiji and Kasumi look especially delicious in this game and they are all extremely fun to play as.

The game also looks so good on the PS3, i really love what TN does with the textures in this series.

Yeah, if he was given the IP with Sakomoto supervising at best, then it could have been a lot better, I still like Phantoon and Nightmare being in

I keep waiting for that Team Ninja non-fighting/non-"volleyball" hot girl starring game. Girls are the only thing they're consistently good at.

Also I agree, Kasumi's the only moveset in RE I actually like. Maybe I just didn't find it on other characters, but Kasumi seems to have the only command throw in the game. Which you'd think would be a more vital part of a combat system where trash enemies block infuriatingly often.

You literally can't, even on normal. Mashing against Murai will invariably get you killed, and that's just at the beginning of the fucking game.

but that was the one who didn't have Rachel who had my favourite default weapon

Emma' Fang>Warhammer>Naginata>Lunar rod>Katana,
too bad my favourite two were pretty worthless in MNM

>You literally can't
I literally did.

Post webm or fuck off.

Bioshock Infinite, perhaps.

>Post webm of shit you did years ago on the fucking Xbox Hueg
Are you fucking retarded?
You fuck off.

I like Rachel in 2 because she played very differently then the other characters but Enma's Fang is like my least favorite weapon in the whole series. I wouldn't mind Rachel in 3 but i think Kasumi is a much better and obvious fit for the series, and i like her a lot more then Rachel. I think all the girls got a massive gameplay improvement in 3 and i love how they all have their own playstyle and focus. Another thing that i think got a lot better is the projectile weapons like the explosive kunai and shuriken in general.

Best weapon is Dabilahro, son.

Then fucking do it again and record it, fucktard. If it's so easy then it shouldn't be a problem. Doesn't even have to be NGB, Sigma or fucking whatever will do. Oh wait, you still can't because of convenient excuses and you're totally not lying.
>I-I don't need to prove anything to you!
Then fucking piss off.

>Implying I fucking own a copy of Ninja Gaiden anymore.
You can button mash through fucking anything but guitar hero, gayboy.

The last half a dozen games Naughty Dog has made come to mind. Same with Horizon and The Order 1886 also. These huge budget titles that shit out pretty graphics and some of the least creative gameplay. Games that last less than six hours and you get maybe four hours of actual gameplay inbetween scripted events and cutscenes.

>C-convenient excuse
Called it. Good. Now fuck off.

Yeah, how convenient. Here's another excuse:
I literally don't own a capture card, because I have no reason to.

I know what I said aren't the best weapons, they're just my favourite, but any two-handed hueg sword/ax is a good shout

Kasumi was easier to put in because Rachel wouldn't have any basis for being able to kunai climb, raptor dive, and all that other shit they chucked in.


>Call musous shit buttonmashers
>Call Ninja Gaiden buttonmashable
>"Sign this contract, time-stamp it, record it, and cook me dinner or you're a liar!"

Really gets the neurons going.

Don't be that guy, guy

Isn't it like one of the most common mistakes in the English language? Y'all niggas need to streamline that shit

I know when to use what but it never crosses my mind.

Sure is. And it's not like you could just find gameplay footage of people mashing through NGB (or even any version of NG1) online instead or anything, given that it's totally doable and that tons of people would've done it if it was possible. And that you're totally not a lying sack of shit who can't prove a god damn thing.
Oh well. I guess we'll never know.

Plus you know, she's actually a Ninja like every other playable character. NINJA Gaiden

I think the Regent of the Mask might have been planned a s playable character at some point. You get his sword for no reason and he has like a complete moveset.