what video game tattoos do you faggots have?
I unironically just got this, assassins creed logo with star wars and harry potter to top off the trifecta of not just movies but also video games. The new battlefront is perfect
What video game tattoos do you faggots have?
Kill yourself
great vidya tattoo thread?
If you're hairy like that you might as well submerse yourself in chemicals and get rid of it all
>that face
Bump for more tats
>what kind of tattoos do you want
>just give me that "I'm a geek" starter pack
>say no more senpai
I wish it was that easy
I want to be a smooth baby
I'm hairier than him
You get used to it eventually
I considered the Hunter's Mark from Bloodborne. It's small enough to be hard to regret
Wanted the Horde logo when I was younger, glad I didn't do it
Skeiths wand. I don't like gaudy tattoos and it was pretty minimal.
I'm planning another tattoo of the head from a Zaku II mobile suit but that's for being a gundam fan, not necessarily vidya driven.
you're no better than the kids who think those tats are cool you know
fuck off,
Hairy = Best body
I wanna stroke that guy's chest
>Lit to the power of two.
I'm black and I'm cringing more than the rest of you jesus christ
More dead Princesses.
>I'm black
What did that have to do with anything else you said?
I don't know maybe because black people use the word "Lit"
Get out once in a while Jimmy.
Just shave user, use aftershave and bodylotion so you get soft skin and smell nice
>black people use the word lit
some do? and so do white people and pretty much everybody under 18 nowadays. Still don't see why it matters.
>video game tattoos
>harry potter tatoo on a man
You're very homosexual user.
i´ve just taken skulls and text art so far, taste changes over the years so i feel like a gamer tattoo would be a bad choice
I got the hylian crest in the same exact location on my back
It was pre-Wii days, Zelda was renowned but hadn't yet entered the realms of quintessential normie-core, and I figured it's a slick enough design that those who don't recognize it just think it's a regular tattoo.
I regret it immensely of course, haven't had one done since.
I would get this, on my shoulder probably 2 or 3 inches tall.
That's about it.
I have a naked lara croft taking a cumshot that covers half my back.
I want to get an undertale tattoo or an overwatch one not sure which only have 80 dollars to spend
You will have a lot of people jerking off on your back if you ever go to prison
>only have 80 dollars to spend
Don't, it will be shit
when I read this I pictured lara croft giving a cumshot
fuccbois on my Sup Forums ?
GTFO normies REEEEE!!!!
not bad where is it?
its common african american vernacular
stop being white about it, jfc
>want to get half life 3 logo tattoo
>game might never come out
>game might come out
>it might be great
>it might suck
It's an abstract kind of feel.
daily reminder: girls who have either a zelda tattoo or a harry potter tattoo probably fuck on the first date and should be treated as such
I mean she's my fiancee and she had a kid from highschool but whatever go fuck yourself NEET FAG
>never talk to me or my fiancee's son ever again
you can't fight when you've already fallen
requesting that image of the guy who tattoo'd his preorder receipt for duke nukem forever
This will be in my back for cristhmass
awful tattoo
get it redone into a dude in a wizard hat
Underages not welcome
I guess vaguely vidya related.
I plan to get this, probably on my inner forearm.
Who'd get any tattoo, especially one of a freemason compass?
Upper arm
I saw a normal looking guy with regular tattoos have a Battle Network symbol tattoo once on his upper arm. It was kinda strange