What video game tattoos do you faggots have?

what video game tattoos do you faggots have?
I unironically just got this, assassins creed logo with star wars and harry potter to top off the trifecta of not just movies but also video games. The new battlefront is perfect

Kill yourself

great vidya tattoo thread?

If you're hairy like that you might as well submerse yourself in chemicals and get rid of it all

>that face


Bump for more tats


>what kind of tattoos do you want
>just give me that "I'm a geek" starter pack
>say no more senpai

I wish it was that easy
I want to be a smooth baby

I'm hairier than him

You get used to it eventually

I considered the Hunter's Mark from Bloodborne. It's small enough to be hard to regret

Wanted the Horde logo when I was younger, glad I didn't do it