Who is the best girl to marry in Stardew Valley?

Who is the best girl to marry in Stardew Valley?

>No loli


if I had to pick, 2

I picked Penny for no reason other than that she lives in a trailer with her mom and every other marriage candidate is living in a house.

2,3,4 the tumbler tir shit trash can go and kill them self.

the choker is just so hot

blonde with the blue eyes cause she is blonde with blue eyes

The one that does the butt dance

Where's the black one?

she's at the KFC lol

>dumb emo sjw bitch

>dumb inbred redneck bitch

>dumb blonde bitch

>dumb library boring bitch

>dumb goth sjw feminist bitch

There is no less than three instances of cuckoldry in starcuck valley and a black male white female couple, the black being the only non white in the game. I just wanted to play a harvest moon clone not be cucked.


why are they so disgusting compared rune factory waifus

Chokers are probably the biggest red flag for herpes.

No niggers in perfect world.

What is this uncanny valley shit oh my god, do some people actually use these portraits?



>>dumb inbred redneck bitch

She's the city girl.

Marnie and Lewis? Not cuck.
Clint and Maru? Potential but not actual cuck.
Carol and Wizard? Cuck.

Am I missing one?

>Marry Penny
>Instantly regret not pursuing Leah

What do I do lads?

wasn't penny the crackwhore?

She's cuter without makeup, she just needs to use foundation to hide her pimples


>cuter without makeup
Great meme

-Which she wouldn't have if she didn't cake on all that shite. Let the pimples dry and go away. 3 days tops. It's not like she's hideous with a blemish on her cheek.

I fucking hate make-up sales women. They push this "You gotta have 5 layers of different shit on at all times" bullshit.

It's almost like she would have done the comparison so people can tell her she's cute(r) without makeup!

she looks better without makeup

She doesn't look better without makeup, it's just her taste in makeup doesn't align with yours.


Women spend so much time brainwashing each other that even the attractive women are putting on makeup lmao.