He allocated his limited points to dex rather than vastly superior strength statistic

>He allocated his limited points to dex rather than vastly superior strength statistic

>Not putting all points into Int master race.

>Not accidentally dropping every point into luck.

what good is having 999 strength when your dex is so low that you miss every attack

how you gonna be smart if ur dead

Depends on what game we're discussing though.

>Not going quality

>Not putting all your points into faith


>needing to put points into faith
>not simply having it

you shame everyone

dex > str


>not specializing in strength and intelligence for the ultimate battle mage combo

you got melee covered, ranged covered, and support spells too.

can I get a quick rundown on these two?

But you do not have god on your side.

>Not going INT

>not putting all your points into resistance

Guess you cucks like being poisoned and shit

>not putting all into health and getting str and dex from equip

>not putting all points into magic

>not using gameshark to get max stats in everything

Thats Phill Heath (left) and Jay Cutler (Right)
Phill Heath is the current Mr.Olympia and I think Jay won it a few years ago.

>tfw very few games make int feel fun and not a micromanagement chore

>wasting time thinking when you could be getting more gains