How early are you waking up to get in line for the Switch?

How early are you waking up to get in line for the Switch?


This is probably my favorite scene in the whole show. I'm not even a feels-fag but something struck a cord when Steven pulls out the flag

About 9. Hoping no one is there at dawn

It's suppose to be nigger lips

7, since Target opens at 8.

>Having a preorder
No fun

Are they though?

Only on Garnet. Maybe Jasper.

Noon-ish the previous day. I'm just gonna chill reading a book in a lawn chair until the midnight release at bestbuy.


What a shitty song. Could've used better lyrics


There's a lot of value in it. The presentation is bad. A reboot would serve it well.

That's not what I said???

I hope the ending is an EoE-tier clusterfuck that makes everyone angry.

Connie and Stevonnie are the worst parts of the show without question

110% agreed,
I'd add Lapis, too.

Lapis was fantastic in the first season, Peridot was great too at first

Both are completely wasted- potential meme characters now. Literally the MGS5 of the show

They already had that. The "writing" in SU is all shitty anime/vidya references.

I would love this so much. There is room for it too, considering how dark and surreal the series isn't afraid to get

I like stevani more than Steven desu. Steven is way too immature and often preachy. Especially the most recent season

That song is.great, fag.

Stevvonie has a nice dick

I preordered mine so I'll aim to be there when the store opens.

I'll probably get up around noon then wait a couple hours for the UPS guy to show up.

I have a preorder. So I am going to wake up my regular time and go to work.

Why else would you watch the show?

About 6-12 months too late

The two in the op don't even have lips

Now that's something that really makes you think


You know, for a piece of shit, this show has its charm.

Wow maybe it turns out Sup Forums was wrong again and it's really not that bad

get the fuck out of here
my nigger

If you watch up to Ocean Gem you can really form your own opinion.
Most people I know agree that's where the series really gets going.

Going tonight. Waiting till midnight.
Fuck NYC

>Up to ocean gem
I'd say up to jailbreak.

Return/Jailbreak is the best episode, Mirror/Ocean Gem is the start of the plot.

>Implying there's going to be a line for this shit