It's my and Chun Li's birthday!

It's my and Chun Li's birthday!
Say something nice about us.

Other urls found in this thread:

you ruined 3s

>49 years old


Lara croft is 50.

49 and still thicc.

>weight: unknown

Chun Li is a fatty who's selfconcious about her weight!!

That is clearly using jap so its 3rd jan

>height in feet and inches
Nice try faggot

Taller than me. FeelsBadMan

why havnt you just killed yourself yet?


hey, I remember her last birthday thread
what an uneventful year it was

He doesn't love himself some GILF

You both have nice tits

I will reveal my boob size, but not my weight. Teehee.
Fucking women.

it is also my birthday. It is a good day.

A 22 inch waist is impractically tiny.

Unnerving for her to be that size and have those thighs. For that matter, I don't understand how you guys can want a woman that's a fair bit shorter than you or more. That just feels wrong.

In any case, Happy Birthday, faggot!

>For that matter, I don't understand how you guys can want a woman that's a fair bit shorter than you or more. That just feels wrong.

when dey short dey get thigg

You mean unbelievably arousing. Also most women are pretty short, I think 5'8 is a fair bit taller than the average woman.

The taller a woman gets, the more curves they lose. A woman who is above 5'9 almost becomes damaged by their height as they nearly all become lean.

Happy birthday, OP. I hope you don't become unimportant because something better named Cammy comes along.

>I don't understand how you guys can want a woman that's a fair bit shorter than you or more. That just feels wrong.
Wat a fag

Never ask a woman her weight

A woman can be fairly tall and also thick.

Then my 6'0" is rare?
Shit, and here I want mid 6-low 7.

It'd feel like you're having sex with someone half your age, easy. That just doesn't fly. I mean, I'd like to pick her up and shit, but not for the tradeoff.

>Girls want tall guys
>Guys want short girls
>They make babies who will never be tall boys or short girls

>they make babies who will never be tall boys

A walk around the local college says you're really fucking wrong.


>Going on half a century
I swear the moment Asian women hit 50 they turn into angry dehydrated prunes.

>Not wanting a lean amazon to be your lifetime companion

>Chun-Li is 49.

Fucking BUENO.

You can both get some birthday dick?
I don't fucking know you and Chunners is garbage so I don't have anything else for you.

>Chunners is garbage
How does it feel having literal shit taste


How is this relevant? What the fuck is wrong with Japan?

Well it sucks, you know?
Everything I eat is shit. Everything I drink is shit. Even the scent of the air is a constant reminder of a trip inside a rest stop. I've become emaciated due to my throwing up every time I try to eat a meal. Or just about every time I try to take a breath. I have to wear a specialized breathing mask and have nutrition supplied through an IV just so I can survive.
It isn't very fun.

Goddamn I love Floe so much

Sounds about right.

would still bang

>Not liking MILFS/GILFS
Gay beyond all belief.

I want her to crush my skull with her thighs.

What is the best Chun-Li futanari doujin?


>there's no good Chun-Li nor Cammy Rule 34
prove me i'm wrong

hello birthday bros

never played SF but she's pretty thicc i guess

Wasn't Rosalina's weight attributed entirely to star matter in her crown and garments?
