ITT: Mindblowing facts

>The M on Mario's hat stands for murder
Damn, that's fucked up How did they get away with it????

It's short for Federal Express

if you 69 mario and his hat says M then he's actually wario because W upside down looks like M and since you are in a 69 position you'll see his hat upside down

actually the even more mindblow fact is that the negative shape between E and x is a mushroom shape but sideways

>Super Mario 64 is the 64th game in the Mario franchise
How were they able to milk the franchise that badly?

The R on Dixie's fedora stands for "Rad"

no it's just super mario 64 because mario is 64 years old

Have you try turning it to Wumbo?

>Peach's Castle looks like an n64

>Console is named Nintendo 64
>operating system wasn't actually 64bit

how did they not get sued?


Actually the M is for Master because he is the teacher in the mushroom Kingdom. His little brother Luigis hat stands for Learner be cause he is apprenticishiping him.

It stands for
>Mmmh, I think OP is a faggot

What does Luigi's L stand for, or Wario's W? Or hell, what does Waluigi's thing stand for?

>L for Luigi
>W for Waluigi

explain this then faggot

I'm going to look up some really steamy yoshi pom.


you thought I wrote p o r n but I wrote p o m


tetris block

The L stands for loitering

it's actually called tetromino because mr. tetromino is from italy

Made me laugh more than I should've