"fug, this fight is hard and my health is running low"

>"fug, this fight is hard and my health is running low"
>*pauses game*
>*wipes sweat off double chin*
>*pulls out smartphone to shitpost on Sup Forums*
>*navigates to inventory*
>*uses healing items*
Modern "video games", everybody.

nice way to say that you never played any zelda in your life

Please fix this, hard mode dlc, I beg you. Also remove the slow mo QTE attacks.

I played Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Healing was exactly like this.

I played about 2 hours of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess but they were so fucking boring I couldn't push past those opening segments.

10 minutes of Skyward Sword was enough. Absolute shit.

The healing so far as I remember is exactly as OP describes it.

You're a fucking idiot. That mechanic is there so retards like you can still finish the game even if they suck at it. It's not a free thing either, since you have to sacrifice time farming items.
In any case, git gud and you won't have to do any of that.

Was this ever a concern in any of the elder scrolls games? Why are people complaining now that Zelda has done it

>playing call of duty and eating my tendies
>having a good time
>mom comes in and starts nagging me about finding a job again
>I turn the game volume up
>she gets mad and snatches my controller
>i go full reee mode
>i tackle her to the ground and start pounding her face
>she screams so I shove my undies in her mouth
>she lies there bloody and bruised

can you believe she made me lose my kill streak?

Some people just really hate Zelda games and like to shitpost about it to get reactions.

Enemies can still kill you faggot, put your phone back in your pocket, wipe that double chin again and neck yourself mook

Dude Zelda games are for kids, fun games but made specifically for kids

B....But they told me this was THE Soulsborne killer.....

It's zelda. Modern zelda. Did you really go in expecting a challenge? You do know, now more than ever, nintendos target audience is children and their nostalgic casual gamer parents.

Why even bother healing, just die and let a fairy heal you. It's still fucking Zelda.

Despite the fact that OP is an obvious retard, I do feel like being able to heal yourself directly from the menu trivializes combat a lot more.

>have to sacrifice time farming items

sounds grindy and not-fun desu

Zelda is for normies and casual girls

>Only played 10 minutes of the game that actually has what he wanted
Sasuga Sup Forums

Once again, Dark Souls succeeds where other games fail.

No pausing. If you open up your inventory to go anything, the game keeps running.

also forgot to mention the fact that it's usually a lot easier to just die if you want to heal yoursel

And that's why you git gud instead. The thing is that you have the option if you suck.

Combat was never about difficultly.

You could stack bottles with 4, sometimes 6 fairies reviving you on the spot

Shields always blocked 90% of the shit thrown at you

Falling into a pit or lava only took 1 heart at maximum

Being a post-AoL Zelda game trivializes the combat.

I feel like they could have taken a cue from the Rune Factory games, where food is your primary source of healing but you have to actually go through an eating animation which leaves you vulnerable.

>What he wanted

I bought the game for my niece's birthday. She loves Zelda. She's 12. I played a bit of the game with her and could tell from the bland presentation and mind-numbing fucking tutorial that there was no point pushing forward.

I liked the graphical style, though. I absolutely loved how Wind Waker looked. Shame that both games are boring as all get out.

All of that said, I think Breath of the Wild looks genuinely great and look forward to playing it. The series is still mostly overhyped bland shit coasting off the prestige of the deservedly praised Ocarina of Time.

Skyward Sword had this, but "NOOOOO!!! That's a TERRIBLE game! We want to be as distant from that as possible!"

>muh estus, muh blood vials, muh grasses

Who the hell is forcing you to use healing items?
Who is forcing you to pick up every single material you stumble upon?
Who is forcing you to cook all of that shit for extra healing food?

You know, how about if you don't heal at all if you fucking want your HARDCOAR challenge?

Why do you care how other people play the game?

so is it true that all dungeons and shrines look exactly the same?

>have to sacrifice time farming items
You really don't though. Just walking past some trees and grabbing a few apples is not exactly "sacrificing time"

From the looks of it, it seems to take quite a bit of materials to make the sort of food you want to use especially if you're don't know what you're making and need to experiment. Looking at any one of the previews or streams nobody even has more than a few prepared food at a time and with as much damage enemies do, they still go through it pretty quickly.

Skyward Sword is the game where Link actually drinks potions in real time.

FF XV did that too and it was awful. If you defend this shit you are defending FF XV.

Spending time creating worthwhile food items by cooking in this game = grinding up your level in other games
Nothing wrong here

Haven't RPGs been doing this since the dawn of time? Why is it a problem now?
Are you 10?

>zelda game
that's what's wrong here. If I wanted to play WoW I wouldn't purchase a Zelda game.

>was this ever a concern in any of the elder scrolls games?

Skyrim's healing system broke the difficulty. Yes it was an issue there too

At least there aren't a shit ton of hearts and pots around...oh now it makes sense. You never die in the other Zelda's either.

>no bra
This is my fetish.

this didn't really affect dark souls at all since estus is the only thing that can heal you

Demon's souls is another story though

>getting hit to begin with

You have no right to complain about anything, casual scrub.

I personally tend to enjoy games when given a bit of a challenge, rather than having to enforce my own

How is it easy if your health got low in the first place?

Are you literally retarded?

Morrowind is modern?

You are free to pick up materials and cook them if you want. You can choose not to.
It's not "enforcing" your own challenge. It's letting you do whatever you fucking please.

6th generation is modern so yeah

It's almost as if sequels should fix flaws or something

that's like saying 3 heart runs aren't a self enforced challenge

>having to heal on a zelda game to begin with

Jesus fucking christ, what happend to Sup Forums ?

>durr if you grind the game is easy
>durr if you don't grind, you're forcing a challenge

Yeah, fuck off.

but souls games are terrible senpai

>this fight is hard

Said no one ever playing BotW.

Yes. Because FF XV was overall pretty good.


nice, now learn to use quick slots, they're there for a reason.

it's almost as if we want the game to have good design or something


has the clean trailer theme been uploaded somewhere?

nothing you just said is untrue though

Zelda will never be Dark Souls you faggots. Dark Souls is a niche category. Its fun, but niche. Zelda is for a wider audience.
Yes I have the same complaint, but I know deep down my mom who loves Zelda would never be able to beat it. She hated SS because the controls were too hard for her to get used to (and wii motion plus is shit in general). Hell thinking about the kid I was in 97, I probably wouldn't have been able to get far in dark souls at all. But I was able to beat and enjoy OoT.
tldr; if you want dark souls play dark souls.

food items spoil. So you really only cook when you need to and enemies one shot you so it doesnt even matter.

Holy fuck they spoil?
I thought they could just sit in your inventory forever.

I get your point but dark souls is no longer niche

Is this a new pasta?

I would like to steal her shard of the triforce
>nom saiyan?

Monster Hunter

enemies do a lot of damage


Go back to Dark Souls then you dumb faggot. Not everything has to be hard and difficult.

Nobody said that.

So are you guys upgrading stamina or hearts? I upgraded hearts twice and I dont know whether to go for another heart or get more stamina. I've just been cooking shit to refill stamina for climbing high stuff.

>implying having estus at the touch of a button is better
>implying Demon's Souls system where youy have to go into the menu to heal, but the menu still runs in real time isn't better

>"fug, this fight is hard and my health is running low"
>*pauses game*
>*wipes sweat off double chin*
>*pulls out smartphone to shitpost on Sup Forums*
>*navigates to inventory*
>*uses healing items*

Don't you need a lot of hearts to get the master sword?


>run out of ammo
>Select weapon
>Weapon instantly reloaded
>Continue firing away without consequence

Wow, real challenging game there, Capcom.

I have no idea, haven't got that far yet.

Now, that's realistic.

RE2 is amazing.

>this didn't really affect dark souls at all since estus is the only thing that can heal you

You get so much humanity in DaS1 you can use it as a regular healing item.

No one ever complained about that shit

People complained about the controls, Fi, and the empty Skyworld

but no one said shit about that.

>Was this ever a concern in any of the elder scrolls games?

Game calls you a shitter for doing this and gives you less red orbs. DMC also limits the amount of items you can buy.

Yes they spoil, otherwise youd just make a shit ton at the beginning and cruise through the game ignoring collectibles later.

>Game calls you a shitter for doing this and gives you less red orbs.
>this board is actually so autistic and socially awkward they feel shunned and bullied if a game calls them a loser
Incredible. I don't give a shit. I'm still going to beat the game no matter how much it throws a temper tantrum for me using the tools it gave me.

Who the hell are you quoting

just don't heal yourself if you are not happy with this

If you can't read English you shouldn't be on this board.

Yeah, its really different from the "press button for potion and world freezes while you heal" from previous Zeldas, huh?

It wasn't good there either

I'm sick of this critical deflection of "yeah, but, the previous entry did it, so...."

Comparisons ≠ deflections
Half of criticism is comparing to what came before, and established conventions.

>We're reaching levels ignorance not thought to be possible.

You're joking if you think posts like these aren't written to be dismissive.

how good does this game emulates if at all?

You've always been able to pause in Zelda and using healing items though? That isn't new.

Except the post in the OP specifically posts out "modern" video games as if games didn't do it in the past either.

You're a retard and need to read before trying to tell someone off.

Nice damage control faggot

Please don't use the r-slur.

Hated this in dragons dogma too
hopefully they change it in their "hard mode" or "pro mode" or whatever they are calling it so it only refills hearts over time or only out of combat

you didn't have to go into the menu to heal in demons souls

literally what is dragons dogma

At least it's harder than Dark Souls.

don't be a nigger, faggot