Let's break up the shitposting with some talk about the best RPG in the last decade

Let's break up the shitposting with some talk about the best RPG in the last decade.

>Favorite companions
>Favorite main quest
>Favorite side quest(s)
>Favorite Class/Specs
>Options/Choices you learned about years later

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>Let's break up the shitposting with some talk about the best RPG in the last decade.
Haha no. Gameplay in Da:O is garbage. Divinity:Original Sin is miles better.

I'd say Underrail is the best recent RPG.

>Divinity:Original Sin is miles better.
What an odd way to spell "Dark Souls is miles better".

>Sten is a best, Zevran is also a best
>Brecilian Forest with the Dalish
>The Blight Orphans from Awakening
>DW Rogue with Assasin, also Arcane Warrior
>You can bully the tavern owner in Redcliffe into giving the bar to you
>If you pickpocket too much Arl Eamon accuses you of it after he's been awake for a while

Nice opinions, thanks for the bump

Main story is generic garbage. Loghain is a retard.

Right, how dare I think we could have a thread about good video games.

Why did I start coming back here

>>Favorite companions

>Favorite main quest
Dream sequence, bonus points for talking with sten while being in it. The most memorable dialogue I had in an rpg.

>>Favorite Class/Specs

Mage/Healslut. No game could reconstruct the amazing healing this game offers. Feeling like a commander when keeping shit alive. Hardest difficulty wasnt a problem.

But now explain to me. Why is Sten so down to earth andprobably the most insightful person in the whole game? What ias it, that made him so incredibly intelligent compared to all other lol so randumb characters?

>Sten in the fade
We are soul brothers user, that and him getting Asala back are two of my favorite scenes in the game


None of the cast is really lolsorandumb outside of Origins Oghren though

>Why is Sten so down to earth andprobably the most insightful person in the whole game?
Because he's a religious fanatic of a religion with clear and non contradictory guidelines.
Also, his personality made for some good banter with the silly party members.

>Anora sells out the warden and tries to explain herself to eamon
>Fascinating, in my language there is no way to speak and yet still say nothing

>Favorite companions
Sten & Shale. They also had some surprising dialogue when they're in the same party.

>Favorite main quest
Elf forest one where you take care of the werewolves. I'm always a sucker for stories where people have to let go of harmful feelings/events and move on.

>Favorite side quest(s)
Not sure if this really counts, but there's an option to spare Loghain later on in the story. I thought Alistar was being a little bitch for deserting everyone right on the eve of the assault on the Archdemon. I understood that he resented Loghain like nothing else for killing so many people who was close to him, but deserting his commander and friend when he was needed the most really showed how undependable he was in the end.

I was even more surprised when I learned that Loghain's recruitment wasn't done entirely out of the goodwill and a chance to make amends, either.

>Favorite Class/Specs
Blood Mage/Arcane Warrior. You get several forms of good CC and you can tank really well while putting out great autoattack damage. It only gets more absurd by the endgame/Awakenings.

>play for an hour or two
>"this gameplay is garbage, but it gets better right?"
>sleep at a camp
>someone runs up to me
>"Help were under attack!"
>Select to help
>Pop up asking for real money to do the sidequest

>Turn off and never play again

Origins was such shit that I never even gave any later games a chance. I hear they got a lot better, but I also heard Origins was "amazing".

that's an action game not an rpg

>Its all a dream
>I know

This man, I swear.

>None of the cast is really lolsorandumb

Dumb forest slut being just that and the dedicated healing slut that leaves the mage school to help you instead of healing them.
There are many more but I havent played this game in ages.

>Because he's a religious fanatic of a religion with clear and non contradictory guidelines.

Is it ever stated what religion? Cant be good since his alligment isnt good either.


>Favorite side quest(s)

Protecting the village was really intense on higher difficulties

Was just thinking about giving it a try
Can you play an archer without gimping yourself like on NWN?

>I hear they got a lot better, but I also heard Origins was "amazing".

They did not.

I liked Origins. It was ruined by the Deeproads but otherwise it was a pretty decent RPG, and being able to play through different origins was interesting.

Dragon Age 2 is garbage. The gameplay is overly simplistic and the entire game takes place in a single city.

Dragon Age Inquisition has the shittiest setup to a story and the shittiest NPCs I've seen in an RPG.

>Let's break up the shitposting
fuck off.

>Dumb forest slut
But there isn't a Dalish in Origins, do you mean Morrigan?

Wynne and Morrigan are both far from lolsorandumb user, you need to replay the game I think.

Shale and Zevran are the only other characters you could make a case for but there's a real personality under both of their senses of humor Kind of like real people

Oghren is just "*Buuuurps* lol alcohol Dwarves amirite" until Awakening where they gave him more detail that turns him into more of a sad alcoholic with a sense of humor character

Loghains possible recruitment is amazing whether you do it or not
>Want to recruit him
>Alistair makes it pretty clear he's not gonna let that happen
>Alright fine I guess we can kill him
>Mfw Riordan tells me about killing the Archdemon
>Stuck between dying and letting Morrigan do who knows what with the soul of a god
Alistair you fucking dork

Oghren was that already, it's just that a lot of his drunken dialogue were shitty humor.

Yeah probably you are right. I just was let down by morrigan being just a hot, witty forest hoe and that old had from the mage school that is a healer, because well, half of the school was dead or dieing and all she had on her mind was helping you instead of the people who needed her help. It was really weird. The prince is witty but I kinda felt that the 3 companions had no real depth nor personality. Maybe, I just really should play the dlc's.

Right, Awakening actually portrays him correctly instead of just the silly part of alcohol

>Not liking Origins
Jesus christ your taste is shit please go back to Skyrim you fucking normalfag trash

>I just was let down by morrigan being just a hot, witty forest hoe

Are you a faggot?

If you do Wynne's personal quest it 100% makes sense and her insisting on accompanying you is suppose to be odd

Actual spoilers: She's terminal after a close brush with a spirit from the fade before you show up at the tower, and wants to spend her final days doing something that really matters instead of sitting in the mages tower

Also Morrigan is a teensy bit waifubait, but she's also a real character and has a great romance

I also misspoke slightly on Wynne, her personal quest has something to do with it but it isn't where you find out.

But if you use her character and talk to her in camp, why she came with you comes up.

Name ONE(1) RPG with better companions that isn't a Baldur's Gate or similar CRPG.
Protip: none of your weebshit even comes close

>dragon age isn't for normalfags

Oh wow now this makes sense god damnit I need to replay this game.

No, you dont understand. This game has some real elder space gods tier dialogues. lIke when preparing to save the village. That priest guy tells you that the pendants or someshit you got dont really have any magic in them but that the moral can turn the tide. There are so many more so I just automaticly assumed morrigan would have had enouigh depth but no, just a nice and fance vulva through panties action is all i got. YOu dont know how often I masturbated you are the gay

Xenoblade Chronicles has better companions, doesn't metter if you call it weebshit.
And why wouldn't CRPGs count?

At the time of Origins release it wasn't

Now obviously the franchise is normalfag tier you dumb nigger but everyone knows the sequels and nu-Bioware is garbage

still bratan.Lets be honest here. People are dieing on mass, she is the only healer. There is no way anything of her own will has more importance than doing what she is most capable of. But i think its just my personal opinion.

I think final fantasy 12 has some decent character writing but of course, not as memorable as sten.
ps. i dont play weebshit webigger.

Because it's a different genre and was during the golden age of RPGs. Origins should be compared to games that are contemporary.

>Xenoblade Chronicles
Oh boy i am laffin

Because they're obviously superior because their format allows for more depth than a voice acted experience, that's why I put in the last decade in the OP

t. OP

Cept old bioware was garbage too

>Sten and Morrigan, I like all of them really
>The City elf origin or maybe the line of quests leading up to fighting loghain.
>Killing flemeth
>Warrior with shield and board
>I didn't know you could harden Alistair and Leliana. Or that Zevran trys to leave the final battle since he always betrayed me before that point.

Nah, BioWare was trash long before Dragon Age came out, and it was primarily hyped by normies.

Dragon Age is a completely mediocre game.

*Sword* whoops

>Mods wont just keep a few offtopic threads up to contain these idiots
>Instead we have to deal with at least one in every thread making it their mission to ruin it

Just stop responding to it ffs

And thats why I will never reply DAO

The deep roads were bad but literally fuck you The Fade is one of the best parts of the game.

Are we remembering the same game?
The Fade where you run as rat n shit?

Unless you're literally retarded you're stuck with just the rat form for like 5 minutes

The Fade is one of the strongest parts of the game

Well I guess I am retarded

I'm thinking about giving this a try. I loved KOTOR 1 and 2, but hated the combat in them. Will I like DAO?

>I'm not gay
>It's just I'm gay

I unclothed and masturbated to all female companions. Your words cant stop me for I am not operating on your plebean plane anylonger.

>We will never get something as awesome and with as much work put into it as the Fort Drakon breakout in Origins


If you don't remember, when the warden gets captured two of your companions can come in to save your ass.

Each combination gets like 2ish minutes of dialogue, different combinations of companions feature wildly different plans. Even ones that feature the same party member using the same plan will feature wildly different dialogues based on the other party member (To explain, if Sten is present for a break-in plan involving the circus performers his dialogue with Oghren there is totally different then his dialogue with Zevran there.)

Bioware (Or really most video game companies today) would NEVER put that much work into something that the average playthrough sees a tiny percentage of.

This is also on top of the warden opting to break out themselves, which you can do a number of different ways.

You'll love the atmosphere/story/quests/companions, the gameplay might be touched up enough for you to like it too but if it doesn't turn out to be the case you could muscle through gameplay pretty easily if you didn't like it and still loved Kotor 1 and 2 overall I can't see any reason you wouldn't love this game.

"Magic can kill. Knives can kill. Even small children when launched at great speeds could kill."

Reminder that best romance is the only one actually loyal to The Warden.

The story doesn't really question the fundamental laws of the setting like KOTOR 2 does, but it's still pretty enjoyable. It's pretty much a basic story of betrayal and rallying everyone to fight a big threat, but it was executed pretty well.

The combat is similar to KOTOR 2, having a real-time with pause system. But you can customize your party members to have their own AI settings that they can follow so you can concentrate on your own character.

I myself don't mind micromanaging characters, so I turned the AI off and didn't bother to read up on the best settings for them. But there's plenty of console players who have made lots of guides on how to set the AI so that your allies will be self-sufficient while you do your own thing.

>The story doesn't really question the fundamental laws of the setting like KOTOR 2 does,

t. Hasn't played awakening

Wasn't counting Awakening as part of the base game of DA:O, like ToB to the base BG2 game.

That's pretty much what all of Awakening does, in addition to granting more insight to the Darkspawn beyond "disposable enemies that the player should feel okay to kill without remorse".

Ah, I gotcha

At this point I just kind of count DAO as a whole package what with every version being the ultimate edition with the whole expansions/addons/and standalone dlc campaigns together.

Also if there's anyone in this thread who skipped out on the extra content, go get yourself a free and easy copy of the ultimate edition since it's on GoG

>Let's break up the shitposting with some talk about the best RPG in the last decade.

OK. I loved Mass Effect 1 too.

How longs the game in total when playing through
with the dlc's?

Int Sys tend to do that a lot, like most people never used to see supports because you had to wait an ungodly long time to get them up, and PoR had multipe different dialogues and uspports written in the case of character deaths, gave non-physical units, or units that would do no damage special boss convos, and wrote in a script for one of your characters re-joining the opposing army, and possible getting re-recruited back into yours depending on her support levels

>Loyal to the warden
>Gets himself trying to kill the warden a second time.

DA:O is alright, but it's utter lack of polish is mind boggling.

>look, a puddle
>invisible wall around the puddle to prevent you stepping in
>look, deep roads
>5 textures repeating into infinity
>look, the fade
>*diarrhea noises*
>look, a big world map
>can visit 2 percent of it

Morrigan. Don't remember much about anyone else. I enjoyed getting Loghain for a little though. I'm a sucker for big bad joins your party situations. Think I used Sten with Morrigan.

>Favorite Main Quest
Templars vs. the Mages or Elves vs. the Werewolves stands out to me. I love warring races type situations. Quarian/Geth stuff was the best in Mass Effect too.

>Favorite Side Quest
Important ones like fighting Flemeth are good but Dagna always stands out to me because she's a returning character and becomes this insane bloodthirsty magic Dwarf

>Favorite Class/Specs
Blood Mage

>Choices you learned about years later
I didn't know you could sit on the throne and marry Anora, likely because I never played a human.

Anyone else pick up Inquisition from the PSN sale? I bought DA2 on release and returned it after like an hour of play but had heard good things about Inquisition and it was cheap. I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying myself. The open worlds are tight and interesting rather than being shitty sandboxes, the companions are all pretty cool and the story has been serviceable. The game feels so long too there's just so much to do I'll spend an entire day playing in just one biome.

I know we're supposed to hate NuBioware but I gotta give them credit for the effort they put into a lot of aspects. There's so much unnecessary dialogue and lore dumps everywhere that they didn't NEED to include but go so far in expanding the world and making it feel real and lived in. Bard songs, random books, stories and folklore found on parchment, notes and diaries. And I'm 50 hours in & haven't heard my companions repeat conversations with each other once. Dorian and Solas were sassing each other and I went to find the dialogue on Youtube to show my friend and found that if you have Vivienne too the exchange expands even further. Can't imagine all the lines they've programmed for 9 different companions interacting and also combinations including Inquisitor.

In fairness, DA:O was just before " nuBioware " really happened. The strong emphasis on romance was really the only outright cancerous thing about the game.

The standalone campaigns all run about 1 1/2-2 hours (Weren't really worth the separate purchase back in the day but packed in with the game they're all good fun) They also give you some very top tier items for Origins and Awakening, you may want to avoid using them as several are just obscenely good.

The main game addons vary,

Shale is a fullscale companion, an entirely different talent tree/equipment system than any other character like the Dog

And the different playstyle is a lot of fun, stance dancing between DPS, Tank, and Ranged.

Shale also comes with two separate quest areas, Honnleath where you pick him up, and the objectively strongest section of the Deep Roads content in the main game. Shale objectively gives you the most bang for your buck.

Wardens keep and Return to Ostagar run about 40 minutes, have lots of good shit packed into that time, and the drops are good but not gamebreaking (Cailans armor is arguably too good)

Feastday is garbage, its just a bunch of gag gifts and pranks to give to your companions and basically is just cheating the approval system, they're at the bottom of the vendor in your main camp, just ignore them/mess with them and then don't save the game. If you give dog the cone prank and then give him his gift you can cheese max approval on the dog which is otherwise impossible, giving him like 6 extra dexterity

hows the combat system?

Inquisition starts off fun but you quickly realize it's all smoke and mirrors, like every open world meme

The main quests compared to the main quests in origins are laughably shallow.

>The strong emphasis on romance was really the only outright cancerous thing about the game.
But even the elements that weren't "cancerous" were still incredibly bland and boring.

>tired warrior/thief/mage paradigm
>titular "origins" mean nothing after the introduction, so much so they were dropped in all future games
>uninspired "pause-to-give-orders" RPG combat
>choices you make often don't matter
>extremely derivative worldbuilding (just hearing "Darkspwan" makes me groan every time)
>game's entire prerelease marketing was focused on trying to cash in on that Baldur's Gate nostalgia

DA:O was far more overrated than it deserves to be. It was incredibly underwhelming for the pedigree that people expected from Bioware, and now it gets even more retroactive praise because "At least it isn't as bad as the sequels".

How many campaigns are there? I only played base and didnt finish b/c I wanted to play on the highest difficulty setting and needed optimization therefore restarting around 7-9 times.

> addons

are there addons similar to neverwinter nights?
I mean player made full scale campaigns or something?

Forgot to add, the main game runs anywhere from 50 to 75 hours (75 seems like an exaggeration on how long to beat, my last playthrough achieved the 75% of sidequest complete and was done in like 50 hours, but I have played the game a billion times so that probably has something to do with it.)

Awakening is about 20 hours or so.

Sorry there wasn't a game that changes mechanic for every encounter. Do you bitch at everything that isn't new or "revolutionizing"?

For Inquistion? I actually enjoy it. The interplay between abilities is really satisfying and makes me want to do more playthroughs with different party members (Partly to hear their interactions and partly for combat)

For example right now I use Cass/Solas/Dorian and I'm a Necro Mage. Solas has a Rift Mage ability that pulls all enemies into a designated spot and casts a weakening affect on them, then I have Dorian with Lighting Cage that basically creates a circle of lightning with a tesla coil in the middle constantly zapping enemies and preventing them from leaving the circle. Then my Necro throws up horror to panic them, fire wall to burn them and finally Walking Bomb on one of them.

So they're stuck in a circle on fire and panicked, weakened and burning an taking mass damage and because of Walking Bomb as soon as that target dies he'll explode and trigger a domino effect because of my upgrade to the skill that hops to each enemy in succession blowing them all up.

Idk I'm digging it so far. The time displacement mission was pretty rad.

It was also poorly balanced.

>two archers and a mage
>proceed to steamroll the entire game with impunity

There's 4 seperate addons

There's no main game sized player content because the engine wasn't all that conducive to modding. There's a few quests and dungeons that can be added to the main game (I haven't used these myself yet, trying it this next time but I'm worried it will break the exp curve and make me hilariously overleveled) I downloaded and checked to see if Alley of Murders was working on my machine recently and it seems like it even has half decent voice acting.

Thers also a few smaller standalone campaigns (Including the start of Baldurs Gate 2 recreated in the engine)

There's also a standalone voice companion, don't download him or anything else that involves the companion compatibility core, it WILL break your game, making it so the final goodbyes from party members and the epilogues don't play, is a royal pain in the ass to fully remove from the game files, and isn't very well voiced (Mic quality alone is noticeably terrible compared to everything else)

The 3 addons I was referring to were DLCs that take place in the main game instead of separate

That and the Winter Palace are pretty much the only good story missions.

NONE of the side content is remotely close to story mission quality, whereas there was some very good side content in Origins

okay, what the fuck. I only played it for less than 15-20 hours, my next goal after neverwinter/neverwinter nights.

Sounds actually like fun, but what about melee or healing (my preferred roles in most rpgs.)
furthermore, how do you interact with the party mid combat and how fluid is the interaction? For example, do I press just 1 button to switch to the next character, do i press a button combos, does the game pause while doing so etc. (is it fun)

>titular "origins" mean nothing after the introduction, so much so they were dropped in all future games
You're retarded, every origin comes into play plenty in the game (Besides Dwarf commoner which was given some love in Awakening), at least one main questline will have additional stuff depending on your Origin

You're retarded user, congrats

>There's 4 seperate addons

4 separate standalone DLCs*

I wont be bothering with the player content then, since the game is long enough on its own anyway.

Okay so the dlc's add actual places/quests while the content addons (9 total or so) just add op items and one character? Do I need the content packs since, as seen in fnv and helldivers, they more often then not just ruin the balance.

haha yeah i completely forgot about that part. Best part of the game. Thank god I got captured instead of killing everyone

>best RPG in the last decade


Melee seems to have a lot of variety in playstyle. I haven't touched a build yet but you can play as teammates. Reaver is basically a bloodthirsty savage barbarian where the more damage to take and dish out the stronger you become. You get rage modes and berzerker type things. Templar is anti-magic and all about buffs. Champion is basically an unkillable tank if you spec properly. You can literally create an artificial chokepoint so enemies can't move past you, enemies that hit you get staggered, every hit you take reduces cooldown on abilities. So they're all varied But those are just specializations. You mix your specialization with base trees as well like Sword & Board (Tank, Counter & Stagger), 2 Handed (Sunder and Guard Break), Vanguard (Aggro Tank), Battlemaster (Buffs & Debuffs). And all threes are open (only one specialization you have to pick though) so you can mix and match.

>furthermore, how do you interact with the party mid combat

It's a mixture. You can go into a timestopped strategic mode where you get a top down view of the battlefield and can designate commands and movement and then speed up time at your leisure. But you can also do it all real time with a button press to switch between each party member and start controlling them actively.

So generally I always control my MC but if I was to set up a combo to start a fight I'll go into tactics mode and have each character do what I want them to set up the initial push and then go back to real time as my MC.

>titular "origins" mean nothing after the introduction, so much so they were dropped in all future games

Origin typically means beginning, user.

You've gotten the origin of each race and all the lore of the universe in the first game. Why would consecutive games still be origins...


Thanks for the rundown user. The combat sounds flexible, and this is kinda nice but I probably should decide for myself. Why was v shitting on it again?

People usually refer to the 3 additions to the main game (They appear on the world map while you're playing the main campaign) as the addons, they give you a companions and game appropriate gear that really wont break anything.

The 4 standalone minicampaigns are the ones usually referred to as DLC (For some reason, I've never really been sure about why) they're separate from the main game (Half don't have you playing as your own character) and completing them/completing objectives in them will give you rewards that are pretty much unanimously too good unless you're running the nightmare+ mod.

Then Awakening which is a fullscale expansion pack, whole different cast of companions, different setting. New main quest and plot.


Then there's feastday which is no actual gameplay content, it's just a bunch of gags you can give your companions and fucks with the approval system.

Even the shiteatingist Bioware fans also criticized Bioware for removing them and never bringing them back, just as a heads up.

Because it all falls massively short of the first game.

Whats there isn't TERRIBLE for a modern triple a open world game. But the bar isn't exactly high by that measurement

Combination of kneejerk NuBioware hate, it wasn't Origins and muh diversity.

There's a black girl, gay man, lesbian elf, bisexual Qunari, caramel skinned Italian girl. And apparently that was too much SJW shit for Sup Forums.

But so far none of that has ever come up. Sera (lesbian elf) just said it wouldn't work and laughed when I hit on her. Dorian is eccentric but even he's not in your face about it again, unless you flirt. And the rest you wouldn't even know. And that's ignoring the fact that Cullen, Cassandra, Cole, Leiliana, Morrigan, Varric and Blackwall are all white and Solas is a skinhead elf.

IMO it's one of the few times being inclusionary worked in its advantage making the cast feel more diverse and worldly rather than pandering

To be fair Sup Forums was actually warmer on Inquisition than initially expected. Most people consider Origins great, Inquisition decent and II terrible.

Literally just beat this yesterday for the first time. I'm playing the DLC now. I haven't played other Bioware games, but this seems pretty good tbqh. Any other recommendation? DA2? DAI? ME?

I like to compare it to Mass Effect 1 & 2.

Both good games but both are trying to accomplish completely different jobs with completely different focuses and they do it well. Some people will be okay with that and enjoy them both for what they were others will pick a side. But everyone will avoid ME3/DAII.

Whats the nightmare+ mod and do you recommend the ultimate edition of the game?

I thought there was some kind of political propaganda bullshit going on so I stayed away until the fog has lifted and people could talk about it again.

this is what I meant. Who even cares if the story or character writing is good or is there some kind of lore that speaks against of the existence of them?
Does the second game have at least some replayability for being short/small? or is it just plain bad in every regard.

I thought me3 had decent gameplay, its something, i guess.

>picking that bitch alistair over Loghain
muh feelings the character. if he's all that's left of the old royal family they're better off gone.

There's fun to be had but you can end up grinding rifts and fetchquests in between every main quest for, what, like 20 levels? The game makes zero effort to direct you to minuscule amount of fun side content in the massive zones. The first time I tried I quit out of boredom part way through. The second time I looked up every zone I was going into on the wiki and saw what was worthwhile, I had a decent time, but even then the better content is just dungeons, not much interacting with the world involved (There's only 3 optional trials in the entire game, and the one from the desert zone is fucking laughably bad, the other two are pretty cash though)

The main quests are laughably bad compared to Origins. Besides the Winter Palace every single main quest is a hallway of some standard enemy throwaway fights, a boss at then end, and 1, occasionally 2, choices right near the end of the quest. None of these choices have any real effect on the game aside from the conversation directly following the choice (Like the terms on which you recruit the mages/templars) and several of the choices don't come up in the epilogue or end it the exact same result (The Warden mission choices).

Choosing between the Mages and Templars is similarly pointless, it gives you one different story mission, and a different group of people help you out at the final Haven mission, thats it.

You're looking forward when you need to be looking backwards in Bioware's game catalogue. Their older stuff is more like Origins and their newer stuff is different (mostly for the worst)

>Favorite companions
Alistair and Sten
>Favorite main quest
Mage Tower Fade Stuff
>Favorite side quest(s)
Fuck if I can remember any of that
>Favorite Class/Specs
Two Handed
>Options/Choices you learned about years later
You could Marry Anora if you went Human Noble

As a hardcore Biocuck who loves both series. I couldn't enjoy DAII but DAI is really enjoyable. Mass Effect 1 has aged like shiiiiiiit but if you can get through the roughness you'll find a bit of a tarnished gem in there. I love Mass Effect 2 though because it steps back from the forced connectivity of the plot and just does its own thing and becomes a video game version of the movie Armageddon in that you recruit this huge crew of specialists for a suicide mission. Combat is also streamlined but vastly improved with a real focus to it this time around.

I'd say it depends what you're looking for. The Mass Effect games are more action-y than the Dragon Age games which are typically dense as fuck with lore. I get lost in the world of Dragon Age. Mass Effect I love for entirely different reasons. It feels like you're playing a sci-fi TV series like Firefly or something. There's much more of a focus on Good/Bad in the ME games to the point that they made the idiotic decision to literally color good decisions blue and bad decisions red. So even conversation feels more organic in Dragon Age.

Regardless all three ME games are worth playing (Even 3 just to get the payoff from some of the really good story arcs). I recommend Inquisition personally but hell pirated DAII and give it a shot no reason not to.

Zevran wanted me to give him the dick and I told him to stop being such a homo and it was -20 points or something retarded like that so he tried to kill me later

>Start the game, make a elf healer
>Meet Alistar
>Spend the whole game trying to romance him
>Almost get into his pants
>Says he's not swinging this way
>Restart game, make a dwarvess rogue

It did happen, at the end.

There's literally like one option of a billion ways to shut him down that results in strong negative approval user

>Gets himself trying to kill the warden a second time
That's what happens when u neglect the loyal bp

Ultimate Edition is all the DLC/Addons/The expansion, and pretty much every online distributor (Buy the GoG version if you're gonna buy) sells that version. So yes go for that version.

It's a mod that adds another difficulty to the game, you should have a fine time the first go around without it. Just remember you can change the difficulty on the fly if its 2easy

II has lots of replayabitily.

The problem with the second game is that DAO was a very classic feeling Bioware RPG and then II removed everything people loved. They streamlined the fuck out of it all. Forced you to play as a human with a linear story. Lots off customization was just gone. Repetitive and constricted environments. Tons of reused assets making it clear the game was rushed out.

To its credit Inquisition feels in a lot of ways like it's trying to apologize for DAII.

>Who even cares if the story or character writing is good or is there some kind of lore that speaks against of the existence of them?

Nope. Vivienne and Josephine's skin color doesn't matter at all and never comes up. Iron Bull is just a sex deviant (youtube.com/watch?v=rr8-5Fn_6XY), Sera is a self-loathing elf but other than that she just happens to like girls.

Dorian is actually an interesting case. His sexuality is important to his character but its used interestingly. He comes from Tevinter which is basically a country run by mages. He's also from a noble bloodline. Because magic is so unrestricted in Tevinter, especially in the noble families, Dorian's father tried to use blood magic to correct his homosexuality. AFAIK though you only find this stuff out by romancing him so again not intrusive. And it explains why he stays on the run and some of his stances on certain things.

>>Favorite companions
Oghren Zevran Wynn Shale
>Favorite main quest
Killing howl and the landsmeet
>Favorite side quest
Fucking dragonslaying with my bro oghren
Duel wield warrior Berserker/Templar

That's not Fallout New Vegas.

DA is terrible. Had potential but is just shallow mmo wannabee