Are you hyped? March 2017 and still no news

Are you hyped? March 2017 and still no news.

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My friend actually works at rockstar and he said there is no way it will be released, they are still changing the multiplayer to be as profitable as gta v mp was

On PC, thats correct.

>gta v online

Fuck I meant that there is no way it will be released this year in any platform. You cant tune horses you know, the big suits are demanding a mp that will encourage microtransactions

Hola, gringo! Where mah burritos at?

Shark cards user are you bring serious? Rockstar literally dropped the DLC for singleplayer to keep pushing shit in the mp.


I want to replay the first one before it comes out but I was stupid enough to lend it to a girl and never got it back

do you live under a rock? That's also the reason they aren't making single player dlc

>GTA Online's $500M In Microtransactions Could Mean A Very Different 'GTA 6'

>It’s hard to understate just how ridiculous of a success Grand Theft Auto 5 has been for Rockstar. There’s the obvious tally, the 60+ million copies of the game sold, but what’s been unexpectedly impressive is how Rockstar bred a perfect golden goose in the form of GTA Online.

>the mode has moved $500M in microtransactions, with a nearly 100% profit margin thanks to the minimal costs associated with them

>Why bother scripting new story missions, recording new dialogue and selling $15-20 worth of DLC when you are bringing in millions just for sprinkling new items into GTA Online every so often, and players line up to shell out for in-game currency?

>tfw was hyped as fuck to play with the Sup Forums clan but got tired of the game 2 days ater online launched

We probably won't even get any gameplay before launch day.

>Rockstar after GTA V online

Not hyped but optimistic.

It's going to get delayed like GTA 5, isn't it?

rockstar is too busy making shitty gta online content

honestly, why the fuck dont they make good dlc anymore? gta4 episodes were good

I'd buy a PS4 for this and some other games, however I haven't played the previous game since no PS3

I see it's available on this "playstation now", apparently it's a streaming service so i presume high input lag and questionable performance. Can anyone inform me on how this works, as in is the first game playable on PS4?

when did he become portly padre?

Are you are time traveler?!?

I'm not hyped, but I'll almost definitely buy it. My only hope is that it doesn't focus too heavily on the online, but I know that's just wishful thinking.

Because the shitty GTA:O content is what brings in the money.

whos this fuck indian?

Nope. Rockstar are asshats and RDR'S is one of the most overrated games in existence even if it wasn't bad. I shelled out $60 for GTAV and I regret it.

>believe me guys my dad works at nintendo

how do people even play it, it's all generic races or whatever

>paying real money for game money


This shit is delayed, just watch.

Modern Rockstar is trash.
>New RDR2 horse pack DLC! Buy a new horse for 1 billion in game dollars or buy our in game cash card!
Can't wait.

I don't know, but it has a large playerbase and has had it since release.

>Are you hyped?


>Why bother?

Because you are a game developer and want to make fun things that people like?

Just because it is not (((100% profitable))) shouldn't mean it's not worth it.

Making the MP stuff can't be as fun as writing dialogue and shit for Mike family or putting in more cult interaction for trevor or a mission for the other kid to find his dad.

fuck off underage

also rdr was incredible boring

Jose Antonio Vargas AKA AngryJoe. He is /ourguy/.

I'm still hoping RRD2 will only be made by Rockstar San Diego since Rockstar is now basically incompetent.

>however I haven't played the previous game since no PS3
Get it on 360 the PS3 version is inferior
20 fps and no grass