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they gave skyrim a 40/40

are you saying that zelda is just as good as skyrim?


Ultimately its going to get nothing but 10/10s, except one company will give it a 5/10 and the shitposting will intensify beyond mortal limits

So it's as good as FFXIII-2.

Didn't they give Final Fantasy 13 a 39/40 score? And you still pay attention to them?

you mean like skyword sword or nintendogs

Famitsu gave a perfect score to All Star Battle. Means nothing.

As of 2017, twenty-four games have received perfect scores from Famitsu.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Vagrant Story
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Final Fantasy XII
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
428: Fūsa Sareta Shibuya de
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
Monster Hunter Tri
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Pokémon Black and White
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Yakuza 5
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
Grand Theft Auto V
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Was there ever a time Famitsu was credible?

fuck off drone, the only site that matters is dualshockers, unless they also give it a good score, then no site matters

All Star Battle, how did you sneak into this list?

>Barren and empty.
>Too big, unecessary big.
>To fill the world they spread a lot of collectables, breaking weapons, small clusters of enemies.
>Fetch quest, like finding Shrines to progress the story.
>Padding, like fiding Koroks seeds, to make the inventory manageble, gathering resources and cook to deal with enemies that take half of your HP and to make Link walks faster, taking 380 pictures to complete the compendium for no reason.
>Too many mountains, you have to hike a lot.
>Hiking takes forever and is tiresome.

>Shrine are easy and small.
>Dungeons are much smaller than previous games and have some dumb puzzles, non-intuitive puzzle into it.
>Bosses are uninspired and clone to one another.

Enemies and combat:
>Lots of reskin with few enemies variation.
>Bad AI.
>Damage Sponge.
>The camera doesn't follow you around behind your back.
>The lockon doesn't lock easily.
>The lockon doesn't cycle through the enemies.
>Your shield an sword breaks too easily, really, it breaks a lot, specially on mini-bosses.
>Quick Time event if you dodge.
>Feels like a dumbed down version from Twilight Princess battle.
>Knockback is strange, you can't really knockback the enemies, unless you are using a heavy weapon, it is strange, can't pinpoint exactly.

>Pretty confy, good characters.
>Bad dub.
>Nice villages and cities.
>Only four small villages.

>Too much inventory management. The stuff is intense. Water temple is nothing compared to it.
>Minimal physic based rune abilities that got switched for traditional items.
>Master sword needs to charge, like a smartphone.

>The way you cook is kind of dumb, you should open a menu after interact with the pot instead.
>Framerate deeps to the point of micro stutter.
>Generally runs at 25 FPS.
>Too much assets pop up.
>Too much fog, baraly having any depth of field.
>Low level of detail.

How would you feel if it somehow managed to get a perfect score from even them?

Only three of those deserve it

>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle

What the actual fuck?

They gave a perfect score to The Unfinished Pain, their opinion isn't worth shit

which ones?



OOT, WW, and Pokemon BW

switch is dead

I just realized I can post anything I want. I don't need to fit into your Sup Forums meme etiquette. I can like a game and talk about it if I actually like it. I'm not part of some bigger hivemind. Truly, I've lived in a prison of abstractions, but now I feel set free.

>Metal gear
>skyward Sword
>final Fantasy
>Kid Icarus

Wow, I didn't know Famitsu loved cinematic movie games. You learn something new every day.

Holy shit, would you fuck off with that copy pasta.

>Black and White
>Platinum, HGSS and B2W2 don't make the cut

t--that MEANS that there is a TRAITOR at dualshockers.. who.. must... e..killed...

> Final Fantasy XIII-2.
Ahahahahahahaha ok

>movie games
nigger what

This will explain.


Most websites and media will give it scores no lower than 9.5, then after a while "BoTW isn't as good as people say" articles will start to pop up

>perfect score from jeuxvideo, biggest and most respected gaming magazine and site in france
>they haven't given ANY game a perfect score in FOURTEEN (14) years

Holy fuck... Nintendo just won. It's absolutely over.

First perfect game in
F O U R T E E N years

>He believes in media.

how can media be real if games aren't real

Heh, wonder how much Nintendo paid them

Sonyggers literally BTFO! How can they even recover?!

>Pokémon BW
>New Super WAHOO Rehash
Fucking kek.

What Zelda hasn't got a 40/40 from Famitsu?

We got a lot of milage out of the guy from Dualshockers.

>The French

Ironically a lot of people there called his shit.

It was quite amusing.

Doesn't Nintendo pay them for 40/40s? Wasn't Skyward Sword a 40/40?

>Vagrant Story
These japs are all right.

Some comments from game sites about BotW:

>" Best console launch title since Super Mario 64?"
>"Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda."
>"It’s the best opening of any console launch title I’ve ever played, at least back to Super Mario 64"
>"Five hours in, it feels like a contender for the strongest game Nintendo has launched a console with"
>"Allow yourself to make a memory that will last a lifetime because The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of those rare games. It's an Ocarina of Time level game, it's a Super Mario Galaxy level game."

Jesus christ... it's really happening. History in the making.


Vagrant Story and Soulcalibur deserve it too.

>Metal Gear Solid FUCKING FOUR
>New Super Mario Bros Wii
>Pokemon Black and White
>Skyward Sword
>Final Fantasy XIII-2
>Yakuza 5
>Jojo's Worst Fightan Game
>GTA 5
>Metal Gear Solid FUCKING V

>people actually give a shit about these fucking scores
I mean, these games are not bad, of course, but to think that 4 different people would think they deserve a 10 it's absurd.

Zelda games with perfect scores from Famitsu:
>Ocarina of Time
>Skyward Sword


Why is this BOTW GOAT meme so forced?

Can ANYONE stop Nintendo and their domination?

Zelda will be the best game of the decade holy fuck

Shit taste.

The real answer is Soul Calibur. Three times.

Known for giving high scores to japshit.
And, surprisingly, 22 of those games are japshit.
Famitsu is as reliable as kotaku. It panders to japanese and mangofucks.

Who gives a shit what a bunch of moe shit binge watching Japanese plebs think? they probably only loved it because of the waifu baits

They gave MGS4 a 40/40. Fucking Metal Gear Solid 4.

Is this the best pasta of all times

>that salty over NieR Squeenix account in conversation
Sonyggers absolutely BTFO

And what was their last game that got a perfect score?

It was problably shit.

BotW confirmed as good as Skyrim then, no easy feat.

>8.8 was over 10 years ago

Fuck me

>Final Fantasy XIII-2

Wtf famitsu?

Ok, pretty clear that they became irrelevant somewhere after FF12. Clearly.