Is this shaping up to become the most hated console of all time?

Is this shaping up to become the most hated console of all time?

Not even the ps3 or xbox one got shat on this much.

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what's there to hate, give it at least a year

Go on any switch thread right now and you'll see

There's no way it's gotten more hate than the X1

not hated, but who asked for a portable wiiU?

>Sup Forums represents mainstream opinion

This happens at every console's release on Sup Forums. Is this your first generational change?



>Sonyponies still believe they're more than a tiny vocal minority.

No people that buy it will enjoy it.

>Implying people weren't voting Zelda because Horizon is just generally shit
If there was a "Both are shit" option that would've won.


Japan's interest shift towards phone games. Nintendo is trying to tap into that market.

>Not even the ps3 or xbox one got shat on this much.

I'd say the PS3 got more hate. Turned out to be a pretty good console in the end, whereas that remains to be seen. I feel like once they release a new version of it with fixed controllers, better battery, and better storage I'll get it and enjoy it

Of course it would've won. We all hate video games, why else are we here

Sup Forums as a collective must mean something if there are this many shills and this much damage control before the console gets released.

I mean the past 3 weeks have been nothing but shitposting about this fucking thing or horizon zero dawn.

are you kidding, don't answer that, I know you are.
The Xbox One is still hurting from its dreadful PR before launch.
The switch has a lot of stupid ass problems but it's not even getting close to the vitriol the One got.

What the fuck are you talking about? There's some worry around the Joycongate thing but let's wait and see if it gets fixed by a patch.
Other than that it's getting mostly praise.

It's fucking trash.
There is literally no reason to buy a Switch over a PS4.

>Not even the ps3 or xbox one got shat on this much
what timeline am i in

>Sup Forums as a collective must mean something
Sup Forums doesn't mean anything.
Opinions on Sup Forums have no value.

How likely will we see a New Switch XL with the kinks ironed out, better battery life, bigger screen, better kickstand, chargeable in kickstand mode, gorilla glass screen, etc?

Why is it called the Nintendo Switch?
Because when you realize how shitty it is, you'll switch it off.

>Own a PC to play multiplats
>buy Switch for ninty games

Or are you saying to buy a PS4 for bloodborne and Horizon? kek.

Wow you're right, it is totally getting shit on by hardcore gamers. It's like the Wii all over again!

Get out of my head Tom Jones

>Not even the xbox one got shat on this much.
user, pls.
The fallout was so severe it killed off Microsoft's Xbox brand. You obviously weren't here when it happened.
It was so bad, Sonyggers and Nintendicksuckers temporarily united to shitpost Microsoft and Xboners into an exodus and a permanent exile.

>or xbox one
The Xbox One got shat on so hard, you don't even see Xbox fans on the board.

>Virtual Boy
>Sega's Hydra
>Panasonic's console

Christ, are you underage or retarded?

That was all Sonyggers m8, remember the PS4's campaign? "At least not the Xbox XD"

>everyone hates switch
no it's just Sup Forums console war propaganda, maybe go on critic sites, youtube and other boards.

I got to test one for 5 hours and I don't think I've had so much fun on a console before...

Weak lineup, but literally the ps4 release was worse. Though I have a PC, I like sony, don't get me wrong, but I literally have no reason to buy a PS4, even when I have enough money to buy it, I literally feel like theres no games on it that my PC can't already provide me, besides bloodborne, which I can just borrow of a friend and play on my little brothers ps4. I see no point to a console that cant hit 1080@above30fps and claims to be the godsend elite gaming system every sonycuck screeches it to be... I just feel like the ps4 lacks a lot. While the graphics and anti ali actually burns my eyes, a switch is waaay smaller, can do much more, and actually has a reason to be used, regardless if it collects a little dust.

I'm not a nintendrone, I've been laughing at nintendo since Wii and Wii U, but after playing it, it felt positive

>actually attempting to paint any console fanbase on Sup Forums as "innocent"
Dude, come on.

You're right but there's so many people on this particular imageboard at any given time.

So they are marketing the switch at any given time just to generate hype and boost sales.

More like I'll switch back to the last good system they made, the gamecube

Newfag you need to leave

PS3 got absolutely shit on by everyone

>W-Well I hate it

Yeah, those numbers are impressive until people find out that poll was amde at

>I don't think I've had so much fun on a console before

I don't think I've had so much fun with console gimmicks before*

Fixed that for you.

Fuck off, honestly. That E3 was a shitfest and the sonyggers on this board made it unbearable.

>what's there to hate

Keep your head buried in the sand, nintencuck

>I got to test one for 5 hours

battery dies ater 2 1/2 hours already.

>Im underage and I wanna troll like the big kids

>Not even the ps3 got shat on this much

This is my lean mean fat reducing machine
Only $599!
Here's a giant enemy crab
Based on actual Japanese History
Attack its weak point for massive damage
PS3 has no gaems
People actually get pissed off at Sony reusing the Spiderman Font for the system name
>Proceeds to be shat on for inferior multiplats for the next 5 years until PS3 versions begin to match the 360's

>generally agreed by all sides that everybody played a part to oust Xboners
>in comes you, the huge faggot pointing fingers

You have no idea what you are talking about edgy kid. Even normies trashed the Xbone.

Every E3 is a shitfest.
The worst part is the single scapegoat faggots like you thinking it's "epic" to incite more console war garbage.

Maybe you should step outside of your Sup Forums echo chamber and look around. It's not really hated that much by the population at large. In fact, it seems like the most anticipated Ninty console in a while.

I'll consider it a good console if third party devs don't pull out and abandon the thing like they did with the WiiU

Until then I'll stick to playing games made by nintendo when they were actually good and didn't lock content behind amiibos

>literal all-out console war
You are literally worse than all three put together.

Why are you surprised? The Xbone's lead competitor was the PS4. of course there was a fucking console war, it was just propelled by sonygger shitposting.

looks like any normal console thread

>xbox one
Nigga, Xbone launch was so bad the damn thing is still feeling the bad reputation to this day.

People don't even give it the time of day here. People don't even shitpost about it, because after all the memes were used up most people already gave up on it.

>I'll stick to playing games made by nintendo when they were actually good and didn't lock content behind amiibos
Yeah, go back to the system from the gen where every console first-party title was literally unfinished and they locked both console and handheld content behind quickly discarded peripherals and card packs.

>backlash is so bad over the XB1 that the head of Xbox "quits" and gets replaced
>A company actually reversed their business plan instead of saying "fuck you we know better than you"

>Why are you surprised?
Because you're putting a lot of effort into nothing.

And it came after like 3 godawful E3 confrences by Microsoft trying to shove Kinect down everyone's throat.

>Not even the ps3 or xbox one got shat on this much.

Bullshit, the PS3 was shitted on for 2 years and the Xbone is still being shat on to this day.

You mean the most hated vidya company
Nintendo betrayed us

>Not even the ps3
Oh please, PS3 sucked and it was easily one of the worst turds to ever come from Sony. Their glory days have long since passed.

>ignoring Nintentoddlers wanting to see both sides crash and burn
>ignoring PCucks laughing the entire time that both consoles couldn't hit 60 fps despite being the latest gen

Here's your last (You). Go be retarded somewhere else.

Xbox Ones launch revealed it was literally the most anti-consumer console ever made because of always online and no used games. Only a retarded moron would think people were critical of it because they preferred another company.

No it doesn't.

Are you new here or something? There's always constant shitposting about a new thing that's a major release in the time leading up to it. The PS4 and the Xbone had CONSTANT shitposting and shill threads both. Still do. Of similar volume to this, at that.

And if you go outside of Sup Forums, the general level of excitement is pretty high. This place just tends to be a cesspool of accentuating the negative, as it's always been.

Just as you did shitting on the Xbone.

>everyone cries "no games" for all its lifespan
>the other had to do a massive U-turn after the horrendous backlash over everything and in the end its games aren't even platform exclusive
And then there's the fucking Virtual Boy. You know, the thing that did objectively worse than anything Nintendo has done.

I don't believe in Nintendo and I don't believe casuals believe in Nintendo.

I love how mad Switch makes people.

It's just a portable console.

thankfully they rescinded most of their original intent. But had everyone not lost their mind they absolutely would have gotten away with the ridiculous extent of anti consumerism

>what's there to hate
Cheaply made
Tons of problems
Substantial pricetag for accessories and controllers
Hardware is only slightly better than Wii U
32 gigs of internal storage, forcing you to buy external storage
Paying for terrible online services
Having to use a phone app just to play online
Not having any kind of bundles, having to pay almost $400 at launch for the thing
Making 1-2 Switch not come with the console, as if anyone's going to pay $50 for a game of charades

>3/4 of XB1 conference is about TV
>Most of the TV stuff is USA only due to licensing
>The rest literally doesn't work in Europe
No I'm not even kidding, the TV passthrough feature didn't work in Europe because it seems like Microsoft forgot PAL is 50Hz so it had an awful flickering which made it unviewable.
>Only release in half of Europe
>UI is so fucking terrible that you need the Kinect to actually navigate around it
>Voice commands don't work outside of 3 countries, even if you set your system language to a supported language
>Games look noticably worse on XB1
>System costs 100 Euros more

"W....why has Europe gone over to Playstation?"

Those were gimmicks for a hand full of games, that locked out experimental shit devs did with the games.
What point are you trying to make, exactly? Just about every new title nintendo has released for their console has some sort of amiibo integration, and locks out meaningful content that you need to purchase in order to experience the whole game.

Welcome to Sup Forums, where console wars have been going on since 2003. Hell, console wars have been going on since before you were born.

It looks to me like you're just desperately trying to make it sound like the Switch is one of the worst things ever, when it doesn't even hold a candle to the Virtual Boy, Ouya, or N-Gage. Stop trying so hard to fit in.

If you stop browsing Sup Forums, you can immediately see all the hate disappear

I played on the handheld and tv mode, I had no freedom to move things around, nor do I care for it. But you can twist my words if it makes you feel better I guess.
appreciate the bait, and know you're trolling. but I may as well point out, that the switch was going full power, brightness max, sound maxed, bluetooth, wifi, open world power housing. 2 1/2 hours is impressive, I'm expecting 3-4 hours going easy on it. But I'll be in bed on handheld, so I can just play it charged, I'm not glued to the screen, I can put my console down and go do other stuff.

To be honest dude, I just really can't wait to lay in bed while my girl sucks me off. Take a shit while playing, take it in a car and play, I can't see myself needing 3 hours of travel where I live.

I don't really get the system bashing, I get discussing the ups and downs, but shitposting and trolling constantly just makes me kek and close the tab, go somewhere else and watch/read critics, mature viewers etc. instead of reading 15-23 year olds who live with their parents sitting on a site memeing all day...

literally it makes me think like
>PC, most likely have jobs, can afford to build gaming systems
>Ps4 for kids who's parents bought them the console and can't afford to buy a switch so shitpost

I mostly see kids who owns PS4s, at least a majority

I'm just pointing out that compared to other events and console launches, the switch seems to have way more damage control and shitposting from both sides, not to mention marketing and """"opinions"""" from people that managed to get their hands on a switch early.

I don't think anyone realizes just how awful the Xbox One's launch is.

I'm not exaggerating when I say it's easily the biggest blunder of a console release by a major corporation. The stuff like Ouja had the excuse of being a dumb Kickstarter project by new people who had no clue what they were doing. Will the Switch be bad? Probably. But I sincerely don't think we're ever going to get a console as disgusting and horrible as the Xbox One in it's first launch.

When the competitor manages to win over consumers by literally just saying "Well, at least we're not the other guy right?" then you fucked up big time.

>compared to other events and console launches, the switch seems to have way more damage control and shitposting from both sides
it literally doesn't you dumb revisionist

>Stop trying to hard to justify your opinions!
>You must be new!
Might wanna try a little harder than that.
Spoiler: You're only helping me prove my point further

>compared to other events and console launches, the switch seems to have way more damage control and shitposting
Nothing can match the Xbone launch.

Literally open the catalog and go into any nintendo switch thread.

>muh sony boogeyman

Now I don't agree in the least that it's "hated," but damn if the switch isn't starting to look just as stupid as some people suspected.

so now we're pretending 6th, 7th, and earlier 8th gen never happened
okay that sounds perfectly not retarded

>nothing but shitposting
>it's no different from any other year
>assume I'm shutting down your opinion and not just reminding you that the only thing that changes here are the memes of the week
Nice leap.

>[newest console] has the most shitposting EVER
Do you say this at every console launch?

>Can't back up your own justifications
>Better just start using greentext!

You walked right into it, and just had to keep making it worse for yourself, didn't you?

>back up Sup Forums being console war central
OP, if you wanted to shitpost in your little fantasy corner, you should have said so.

The Xbox One launch wasn't even that bad, you newfags.


Xbone and Ps4 launch threads weren't full of people going full damage control about ports or the controllers malfunctioning.

Success breeds jealousy.

you're an xbone fanboy aren't you

Like the success of the Wii U, right?

>most hates of all time
>ps3 or xbox one
Are you 12?

Cry more nigger

It was bad.
Then there was the ps4 demo where it crashed.

This seems pretty bad though.
Nintendo's marketing made the controllers look much larger than they actually are, the library won't be decent until early 2018 at least, and they tried to sell it as if people actually play vidya in public and don't get shunned for it

>people are pointing out how retarded I am!
>better call them newfags!

>the past 3 weeks
Were your first huh?

>being this buttblasted

Cry more nigger

>Wii U
Hey look, there's a console worse than the Switch but I'll pretend it didn't happen.

So you admit you found Sup Forums when the PS4 came out?
Either that or youre too young to remember the PS3 launch.