Tfw you'll never get to babysit Ram and Rom

>tfw you'll never get to babysit Ram and Rom

I want to bully Ram.

They're so girly that it makes my dick hurt

I'd rather just headpat Rom

Why would I want to babysit Ram?

>you'll never join Ram and Rom in an after sex bath
Why live?

Because when Rom goes to find that board game she wants to play with you, you can molest Ram

I'll baby sit Rom but fuck Ram

Because she's the cuter of the two.

Why does everyone hate Ram all of a sudden?

They'd be sitting on something alright

My lap as I pat their head.

It's not that I hate her, it's just that Rom>Ram
And Rom is for protecting, Ram for sexing

She comes off as a jealous cunt in mk2. Nepgear and Rom were practically a couple at some points, hell they were even closer than Gear and Uni in that game. Ram felt cucked and lashed out.

She's also a rambunctious little shit, but she would be fun to have as an imouto all the same.

If any of you sexualize these girls then you need to fuck off and seek professional help

Didn't Rom also get Vert's power? So not only is Rom more loved than Ram by Nepgear but also by Vert.

is this a re zero thread in disguise

I'm going to fap to this image right now and there's nothing you can do to stop me.


Tsunako does it. She's a woman, the creator of Neptunia and enjoys cute lolis. It's not something she's forced to do, it's her style and her preference, it's the same way in her other works like DaL.

This kind of stuff goes way over your head as a westerncuck.

Rom is great, but Ram needs the love more. She needs someone to guide her and laugh at her pranks.

This. I'm sure she'd love to have another playmate to enjoy her antics.

I guess that would be good, if only to keep her antics away from Blanc

And it would be heartwarming to see her smile and thank you for playing with her.

I actually really like Ram, but I'm a weirdo.

Remember when Sup Forums wasn't full of people like this? I might not agree with the degenerates in this thread, but I wouldn't start whining about it on an anonymous image board. What impact do you think you're going to have on them? What was the best outcome you'd hope from making your pointless comment?

well I can understand you, but I'd rather spoil Rom or spend days with Blanc, they are better in my opinion

I want to babysit and take a bath with Ram and Rom while they sit naked on my dick.

>Remember when Sup Forums wasn't full of people like this?
What, people liking lolis? You do realize there used to be a loli board, right?

Ram is objectively the superior twin.

Rom is boring. Only misogynists who don't like spunky girls prefer her.

That works too. You can spend the day with them while I play with Ram. That way everyone has a good day and they have something to talk about later.

>memba when Sup Forums was good

Sup Forums was always shit, so fuck off

I'm afraid spunky girls will try to rape me.


I'd rather get them naked, make them hug and fuck that belly sandwich.

I dunno.

No, remember when Sup Forums wasn't full of people like the user I replied to.


Don't mind me. I'm just posting best girl.

>hey i'm gonna shit up this board
stop shitting up our board faggot
>b-but it was always shit

They're annoying brats anyways


Get in the car onii-chan, I have free beer and rock CDs. You like Dark Side of the Moon, right?

But that's wrong


Go away Arfoire


Public service announcement to not trust lolis. Don't get into strange cars. There are no rock CDs.


Why would a loli lie?

I feel like I missed out on a meme

Because they want to harvest your fluids and dump you on the side of the road.

>dealing with any Lowee trash
They really need to replace their shitty goddesses

It's a reversal on the usual "adult lures loli with candy" trope. See, in this case, the lolis are the mischievous ones, luring innocent adults with rock CDs,because that's totally a thing among 30something years old. Isn't that hilarious?

>fags ruing a perfectly good thread with their loli memes

No I get it, I'm just surprised I haven't seen it before


Old Sup Forums pasta. Search

>there was no rock

on the archive.

Sup Forums was good when moot didn't act like a dictator because he had to beg for donations.

Tks user

post link to the best lolicon femdom doujin

What do you think of this nep?

Gas all pedophiles.

it has a great butt

Are you in this thread you faggot?

She's fun.

I love her even more after VII. I always suspected the

>I was just pretending

thing, but VII made it established canon. All the Planeptune CPU have split personalities between their human and goddess form, but in every case their "true" personality is that of the goddess form. Neptune could act like PH any time she wanted, but prefers to goof off, have fun and make friends while in human form. She's a serious person who prefers to be light hearted whenever she can.

Real question.

Which Nep outfit is best?

Even PH can be silly and like to have fun. It's just that her appearance and demeanor are generally more "mature," so she gets taken more seriously.


V dress makes her seem more mature and competent. It's also the cutest from a pure design perspective.

Hoodie is the classic and most endearing one.

Palanep is cool but I haven't played 4GO yet so I can't judge it fairly.

ha joke is on you I'm only 30.

I think she's cute in every outfit, but I spent a lot of time in VII with her wearing summer yellow. Those shorts and her butt were too good to pass up.

>a disgusting 30 years old manchildren masturbating to little anime girl

What a sight that must be.


Hoodie is best.

Paladinep has my favorite design, but you really can't go wrong with any of them.

>it's pedophilia even when no children have been abused

Pedophile doesn't mean rapist.

This one.

Reminder that pedophilia =/= hebephilia.

Also, either one are "primary or exclusive attractions." If your primary attraction is to fully grown women, then you're not a pedophile.

Who says I'm masturbating? I'm just posting cute girls. Besides my mommy says that I'm a good boy.

>you'll never get to molest Ram and Rem


>tfw primary attraction is loli


My primary attraction is neppy. I love her so much!

As much as this guy?

Best Nep award:
It's Blanc!
Congratulations to Blanc.

>mfw nude mod
I's like you took pewdiepie and turned up cancer to 99

Dumb frogposter

Also, don't molest lolis you heretic, they're for protecting or tender loving.

More than that guy because I'm not being ironic. I really, really love Neppy. I want to keep her in my life forever!

I fucking ADORE Blanc


Loli is digusting.

I am literally going to marry Uni!

Are you a robot by any chance?

>someone had to earn their paycheck by responding to customer service tickets about marrying fictional characters

Is it weird to want to kill yourself for someone else?

You've pre-ordered neppy's new figurine, right?


Why are you posting this old hag?

>Loli in the sewer