How Horizon: Zero Dawn accidentally became 2017’s most important game

Sup Forums shitlords btfo

>Environmentalism, automation and the triumph of the matriarchy: What started as sci-fi has emerged at a moment that makes it look eerily prescient

Sony and Social Justice win yet again


That's one way to put it.

just because it's SJW doesn't mean it's not actually pretty fun

>people get paid to write utter schlock like this

thank god the MSM is going down in flames

She was so in touch with the environment she actually became part of it.

>eerily prescient

She persisted, Drumpfkin


how does one man trigger you leftist retards into oblivion like this?

So much for not having an agenda.

What the fuck kind of storage is this that the data is 100% intact until it's completely broken?

>tolerant leader is a woman and the evil racist leader is a man

why is climate change political anyways?
>scientists say shit
>people consider taking action on the basis of said shit

I really don't get it.


White people are bad, brown people are good

to be fair she talks like a tool

>sonyggers are literally PAYING to get brainwashed

>really bad

>when democrats double down on the things that made them lose any and all control over the united states government

>triumph of the matriarchy
>wow we want gender equality except we want women to be superior to men and have a totally matriarchal society
>stupid bigots you can't be sexist to men that doesn't exist

Literally /our guy/

>main character is from a tribe that believes women are superior and believes in the matriarchy
>not realizing this is only one tribe in the entire land
>surprised there are multiple races together in the same area in the future from now
My god, you idiots are really easy to trigger.

thought she blew her legs off and was just fighting as a torso. Almost made me buy.


Was such thing ever succeed at anything

there are more women than there are men, partially because women naturally live longer and also because men die younger due to accidents or war

given that women are a slight majority, yet they claim the patriarchy is in control of everything, it leaves us with only two possible conclusions
1. Men are in fact superior in all regards to women, so despite being a minority group we can will them to do what ever we want and control them
2. the patriarchy doesn't exist

checkmate feminists

Governments can use what the scientists say to pass laws and regulate what people and businesses do saying it's for the good of the planet. It can turn into a power grab.

I have no doubt that if you followed the money on the development you would find the same people who pay to do those "This is what humans will look like it 100 years" propaganda pieces.

Just pure anti-white anti-male anti judeo-christian propaganda, ironically designed by people who owe everything to white chirstian males.

>If you don't want another Ubisoft outpost hunt you hate womyn, lgbtqa+, and (((undocumented))) """workers""".

Video games were a mistake.


If you're a guy and you're in an "open" or "unconventional" relationship you're a cuckold betamale and your girlfriend is an atrocious slut.

scientist here. every paper in every field has roughly 3 parts

1. abstract+intro where you explain what the paper is about
2. model+evaluation where you do the actual deductive and empirical work
3. conclusions+future work where you propose an interpretation of your results

every scientist understands that part 2 is the important part, and part 3 is the section where you've earned the right to discuss ~opinions~ after 18 months of hard work

but to the public, part 2 is illegible and part 3 seems to offer a plain explanation. the public doesn't understand that the conclusions section of a scientific paper is not scientific, it's opinion. this explains all journalism about science, ever

in particular never cite a fucking paper if you don't understand part 2. please. if you use a paper as evidence based on its premise and conclusions you are a fucking liar and an idiot. the ONLY factual evidence in a paper is in the model and evaluation

>and the triumph of the matriarchy

That could be true, but the SJW aspect automatically knocks the fun potential down a few notches.


This game is ass. I can't believe it got all those high scores. Just goes to show if you feed someone shit long enough they will start to like it.

>Make up your own milestones
End up being reddit tier ideals of what a relationship is. Fuck SJWs thinking connecting to wifi is significant. This is why relationships fail.

Because its based in money user

>Hey we're a GREEN company! *instantly showered with 10 million Obama bucks despite not having to produce any results or actually be sustainable in any way*

>Obama "You need to stop doing ____ because of climate change and start doing whatever makes my wallstreet venture capitalist connections billions of dollars despite it being pointless because China/Brazil/India aren't going to stop their industrial revolutions, ever.

REAL subtle there Guerilla

>using games to push an agenda.
shit like this makes me want to hate the game on principle



>The triumph of the matriarchy
Isn't every modern day matriarchy shitholes where the populace litterally live in huts?

How can you play a game that is trying to enforce a line of thinking on you? This is just too retarded.


That shithole is worse than The Sun I fucking swear.

Another problem with the Climate change community is the accounts of manipulating the data in some sources that really puts a bad mark on it.

But just because some asshole manipulated the data doesn't mean its all manipulated.

You'd think most people learn this shit in middle school.

Apparently it's exceedingly rare to be taught this much, even less so to actually understand it. Hell, my own family has people go
>Wow antivac people are so dumb, none of those claims are actually scientific and are totally misrepresenting information
>I became a vegan because wow all this shit I read from "scientific studies" seems totally horrible and it's clearly legit! :^)

>Europe's opinion meaning anything


i have a problem with this game. not because of the protag or whatever. i could care less. hell i dont even have a problem with the actual core design philosophy of the game.

no i hate it for other reasons. i hate that it's yet another "WOOAAA THE BOW IS THE ULTIMATE WEAPON!!!" trope. i hate that it squandered a far future setting by being completely generic and forgettable and not feeling far future at all. the robots are all just earth creatures with a mid-2000s near future anime aesthetic. i hate that it's yet another "technology is the bad guys mmkay play as the humanity and save em all!" storyline.

caves of qud, a early access roguelike made by meme developers on a budget from a graphical kid-friendly cutesy roguelike manages to be a far more interesting and compelling game than a AAA multi million dollar project with professional writers and project developers behind it. playing through qud, learning the history of the land through unreliable narration and cryptic prose genuinely made me ponder some of the environmentalist themes. I genuinely felt concern at the effect that the thousands of deaths and rebirths of civilization had on the earth. there was something sinister about the Eater's deathbots patrolling the deathlands, the simplistic design contrasted with their advanced capabilities made their technological complexity speak for itself. watching a chrome pyramid crush reality with it's very presence and silently prowl around for organics was more awestriking than 5 story tall metal giraffes with disks for heads. a fucking scene in psuedo ASCII was more beautiful than a professionally developed video game and it's environment and that's not okay.

playing 4 hours of horizon zero dawn just made me angry at the developers for trivial bullshit and i didn't give a single crap about the story. it never engaged me, it never grasped my interest. it just kinda yelled at me in the hopes that i cared about what it had to say.

fuck i hate the AAA industry.

>Ex-European rejects that spent centuries mingling with niggers thinking their opinions matter

Matriarchies rarely work. The evolution of man is built around the tribe and the way of the tribe is the way of man.

Some native American tribes pre white man were matriarchy's mainly just counsels of old woman, some reservation near me is like that...

It's just a bunch of drugged out violent natives, but most tribes are like that so IDK to blame being racist against natives or woman.

Germany is a matriarchy.

>shit apocalyptic tribal future
>triump of the matriarchy

Looks more like women will condemn all of us with stupid decisions.

Germany is a shithole on par with France right now I'd rather live in some fucking swamp in Russia with no house or gun.

Matriarchies fail due to a variety of concepts. a strong matriarch can't afford to be pregnant for 9 months and so won't have offspring at all, not to mention the instability caused by a monthly period isn't conductive to a healthy leadership.

Same shit with trying to put women in the army, it could work now because there's so many humans, but in smaller societies sending the means to produce new soldiers out to die is a terrible strategy. Men can die en masse and the few that remain can still repopulate, if your women die en masse your society has less soldiers every other generation.

This also goes for putting women in any other field, either you're going to have to cope with long periods of worse performance (pregnancy) or less new people every generation.

It isnt. Most of its leadership are men. the women in gov are simply libtard figurehead.
Beside it was successful long before Merkel got elected.

Fuck Drumpf, fuck Xbox and fuck white people.
Sony is officially the console for people who are on the right side of history. Xbots and Nintenbabbies BTFO!

Germany has a female politician in charge, this is not the same as a Matriarchy you lemming. Same as how Brittain wasn't a Matriarchy when Queen Elizabeth was in charge, it was a Monarchy with a female monarch. A matriarchy implies that females are in charge by default.

>Same shit with trying to put women in the army, it could work now
Even if we had a hundred trillion more women than men they'd still be awful to be put into any military. They're just far weaker smaller men with less kill-drive. There is no reason whatsoever at all, not a single justification, to include women into any physical military role.

a cumdumpster might be a good relief of the stress of battle.

Just a fucking distraction and another mouth to feed for the burden. Soldiers have civilians for that.

>a strong matriarch can't afford to be pregnant for 9 months and so won't have offspring at all
>not to mention the instability caused by a monthly period isn't conductive to a healthy leadership.
pffft ahahahahaha

you've never had a girlfriend have you?

you realize hormonal cycles aren't sexually dimorphic, right?

SJWs and SJW games are obviously bullshit, but it's intellectually dishonest to say that there have been NO successful matriarchies throughout the entirety of human history.

Scythia, Vietnam, and the Celtics are all examples of historically significant cultures which were matriarchal.

Thanks for the recommendation.

nigger, look up the menstrual cycle and its retro feedback loops, in comparison to the male hormonal control loop
there's a clear difference


Irrelevant because they all switched to patriarch later, especially the gooks.

o come on now.

And what? And this is why Matriarchies are inherently deficient.
>Literally had no counterargument and just wigs out like a retard
Sure is librul in here.

because I like sniping armor off dinosaurs and riding around with my army of mind slaved dinos? Don't be a triggered special snowflake and just play and enjoy a game

this game is #woke af desu, you're literally hitler if you dont buy it you fascist

>Implying anyone will even remember this in 2 months

lol that you think the difference translates into a greater severity.

sorry you dated a piece of shit who used her menstrual cycle as a scapegoat for her shitty behavior user. you should really raise your standards.

>trying to enforce a line of thinking on you?
I'm sorry?

>it's a feminist tries to downplay the importance and time consuming aspect that is the cornerstone of human biology

I love it

There is a reason the most hardcore tumblrinas/feminists are childless, that's the only way you can pretend you're entire political outlook is completely built on denial of female physiology

Fun fact, the women's suffrage movement was founded by childless and/or menopausal old cunts.

Of course it depend of the hormone but given the context... They are.


Why is Sup Forums surprised? In Killzone you are fighting against the "fascist" state for 4 games straight? These guys literally have never made anything else than pc virtue signaling all their life.

10/10 quality writing

Its like a fucking middle schooler wrote this

You can't stop an army of Hitlers.

>w-women aren't emotionally unstable at all! - t internet virgin with no female interaction or self gender hating female tumblrina

Go on, tell me how women aren't hormonally unbalanced its just male societys fault that constant and frequent mood swings are considered "normal"

having children takes away attention from the responsibilities of statescraft.

if your mark of a good statesman is whether or not they had children you're pathetic and not based in reality.

now please go back to plebbit where you belong, nu-male. you're salting up the thread.

Have we played the same games ? The later games in the Killzone series portrayed the Helghasts as justified in their search for revenge and what ISA did to them as despicable

Could have at least been subtle with the names.

>good guy is a girl who talks like a tumblr retard

>bad guy is man who talks properly

Not my fault you date shitty women and believe their scapegoats user. You shouldn't settle for pretty girls who are ugly on the inside.

I mean the pro-museum argument is literally non-existent and based around "I think they deserve it because urrrr they suffered?" Like really nigger? That's the argument? Answer the question why it's worth it, why it's good, why the fact that they deserve some leisure or memorial is met and satisfied by this expense, fuck.

Did Kojima plan this?

>a generic far cry-esque sandbox game about hunting down robot dinosaurs
>important to anything but sony's bank account

Blows my mind how seriously people take schlock like this. It's a fine game but let's not pretent it's a platform for political discourse, it's fuckin goofy high concept sci-fi not Pride & Prejudice.

>triumpg of the matriarchy

Every woman run society collapses

bruh you are either a woman which is understandable as its hard to see your own faults. or a turbovirgin. the later being more believable.


The funny thing is that three months from now, no one will remember it.

even ass creed is fun for five minutes before it becomes a tedious and uninspired chore

It boasts one dimensional combat, a boring passive-aggressive protagonist and annoying facial movements during overly long dialogue cutscenes. Decent visuals but in every other way has been passed by games made 2 years ago. Oh but... It has photo mode

>tfw in every game the bow is either garbage or godly
I just want to use a bow, man. Doesn't need to be some super mega WOAT weapon.

Matriarchies are the most primitive forms of human society