This game fucking sucks

This game fucking sucks.

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I agree
even harmony or whatever that game everyone hates was better

Harmony of Dissonance wasn't even that bad. I beat it twice. Why do people shit on it?

OP sucks at CotM.

Its clunky

Athleast it doesn't become piss easy at the half of it because you have good equipement.

Sound quality.

So was the NES trilogy.

It's definitely overrated.
>Most of the game is zigzagging staircases

It's kinda slow but I like the card system.

Your taste fucking sucks.

I bet you hate the original Zelda too.

Most big franchises established in the NES were arguably still in experimental and fine tuning phases.

Castlevania was no exception. As far as I know the controls are the most criticized thing about them, and in all honesty one of the best examples of artificial difficulty just for the sake of being difficult.
Stairs were a huge offender. One direction whipping also was but to a lesser extent. These were things addressed in Super Castlevania, but were scrapped from there on out because "tradition lol".

I've never managed to defeat Dracula without summoning Thunderbird.

I have no problem with NES Castlevania or Zelda. But Circle of the Moon was on the GBA released about 15 years later and after Symphony of the Night. Metroidvanias are boring and tedious with that clunky control scheme unlike a traditional sidescoller. They showed they could fix the problem for Aria of Sorrow.

How is Order of Ecclesia?

I've been meaning to try new things.

it's okay. glyph system is kinda fun, level design is mediocre, and it's really short. great bosses and ost though.

>Super Metroid
CotM wouldn't be so clunky if you didn't always have to double tap to dash.

because Juste is the worst Belmont.

There aren't that many good Castlevania games.
Play 1, 3, 4, Rondo, and Symphony of the Night though.

He's a great interior decorator though

It quite literally sticks out too much. Everyone knows why its so bright because ofthe GBA, but even then it still looks bad.

game too easy

i couldn't believe he wasn't gay

literal game boy color music

Include Bloodlines, and Castlevania 64.

No, I'm not kidding. CV64 is clunky as hell, but pretty damn good once you get the hang of the camera and floaty mechanics.

Played it a couple years ago. Wasn't that bad in my memory. Then again I hardly remember anything about it.

>he thinks CotM is bad and HoD is actually decent
The only big bad thing about CotM is maybe how the mc moves and controls. And even then you can get used to under 10min. Otherwise It's a really good game with decent bosses, level design and music.

HoD is like a fucking mess. When the 2nd castle bullshit starts it's going to have level design which is as bad as Roguelike games.
Also press attack bosses and 8 bit music.

I actually love CotM. It's a Metroidvania with the heavier physics of a Classicvania. It's really unique and it makes the platforming more than trivial filler at times.

The best one of DS.

Get the running boots, fucknugget. And the rest of the mobility items.

Judging a Castlevania after five minutes is useless.

Yap I completely agree that CotM is unique. Should've mentioned that but it always sound like a buzz word.

This, except it's actually the worst

Portrait of Ruin is the best.

>Oh shit I'm sorrow

It's the only one I can't get in to.
Dissonance was pretty average but noticeably better.

If he's so bad then why does he have the best theme

>Sorrow for what? Our swords have good sizes and all.

>double tap to dash
>double tap again
>double tap again

No thanks, nigger.

>there aren't that many good Castlevania games
Lel, here's a (you)
You earned it

This game was a little more geared towards the more classic games, theres less customization and its more about getting good.

It was ok. Id give it a 7. Nothing I'd bring up in conversation unless it was already brought up.

>play CotM on a 1st gen GBA I bought at the same time

>this looks kinda neat, not sure it's much better than a GBC

>years later go and play it on a DS

Holy shit this game actually has backgrounds

I always found it funny how CoTM really feels like halfway in between a GBC game and a GBA game

Konami's early GBA games really did feel that way

but all in all DS Castlevania > GBA Castlevania

>artificial difficulty just for the sake of being difficult.

Please kill yourself

The games you listed weren't clunky. That's the point.

Nice argument my man.

Tell me more about how traversing or even being near stairs doesn't put you in a massive disadvantage for no real reason.

To be fair, Castlevania had pixel perfect jumping and no air control in the early games. Both those things were really hated in the 8-16bit era. If the game had 'leaps of faith' it'd have the holy trinity of things hated in platformers.

It wasn't really until the SNES era where it became a great series.

I bet you liked the control scheme of IV, you big baby. It's why IV is one of the worst Castlevanias.

CotM is the only Metroidvania in the franchise with decent platforming, even if half of that is just freezing enemies with your whip and using them as platforms. A lot of it comes from the castle map being almost as vertical as it is horizontal.

Yes it does, easily the weakest GBA title.

But 1 and 3 are the best in the series, right after Rondo.

That's not Vanquish OP

>pointless partner system
>portrait area maps are used twice, just with different enemies and backgrounds
>worse anime art style than even Dawn of Sorrow

Still a good game though.

well...its the worst on the gba that's for sure.

great controls and music. but the bosses and some of the monsters is so damn uneven. difficulty spikes out of nowhere. also random cards are bullshit. I went through the whole game and grinded for a bit and only got 3 or 4 cards.

>shit castle design
>boring story about bromance
>subpar ost compared to other Castlevanias

Off of the top of my head.

There comes a time in every man's life when he can't honestly tell if a post is bait or not.

This is one of those times.

Honestly they all have something good going for them. I can't say any one of them is objectively better than another.

Also if you're emulating CotM you can enable a cheat that makes you always dash. You should do this.

not as clunky as tapping twice to run

>My fingers are too fat to hit the button twice.

I'll never understand why running isn't the default. You get the boots five minutes after starting the game and I can't think of any situation where you don't want to be running instead of walking.

This is an american imageboard, what were you expecting?

How about you try coming up with a good reason to make it a double tap then?
There's no reason to ever stop running after you get the goddamn boots.

PoR is the weakest of all metroidvania. Except for a very few parts, they just didn't feel like bothering that day.

Mashing R/L in HoD made me fear for my shoulder buttons

It wasn't great, but it was a fun little blast.
The clunky movement made going over to Harmony of Dissonance's "Dash in any direction" system fucking satisfying.

HoD had a lot of problems, but that wasn't one of them. It's straight up one of the most responsive games of the series, on par with AoS and the DS games.
Maxim mode in particular is fucking god like for how fucking free your movement is.

Is Alucard a manlet?

It's actually a very good game with one flaw that you get used to.

it doesn't "fucking suck".

Bad Castlevania? Mediocre probably

Bad game? No

The fucking music was awful. That's one of the big factors for me

what? I played it immediately after AoS, which many consider the best, and I still found it to be a lot of fun.

I feel like a lot of people just don't enjoy the whip games

>It's not a bad game but it's a bad ______ game

Stop, it is a bad game

This boss raped me hard.

castlevania is one of the most goddamn consistently good series in video games

fucking stop your autism, just because you like one game better than another does not make the latter game bad

castlevania fans are even worse than megaman fans, you have this huge series full of great games but insist on calling your favorite game the only good one and treating the rest like shit, it's fucking retarded

Do you not understand the definition of comparison?

>Circle of the Moon
Triangle of the Pyramid

How to tell if someone is a scrub.

It's a 7 for me. Way better than HoD, the game in which the only worthwhile thing is the kojima art.

After beating all 3 GBA Castlevanias, I see the standard opinion is true: Harmony and Circle are bad, Aria is good.

>Scumming it with the axe/crucifix
>Using the healing ability in the safe spot after one dragon is dead
I'll beat them legit one day.

You have two kinds of people who say they prefer DoS over OoE and vice versa, so only you can try it out and see for yourself

Activate card combo, mid animation pause and change cards to combo you currently do not have.

You can now activate the card combo despite having not unlocked the cards.

Proceed with game using the screen raping lightning spell.

Do you guys think we'll get a new Castlevania game at all? bomberman happened out of nowhere, so there's a chance, right?


Since we're getting a NETFLIX SERIES, if it does good, I'm pretty sure a new one will come out. Just don't hope for anything good, chances are we'll get Lords of the Shadows RE:DuX 1.5 road to final victory

I just want Harmony of Despair on Steam, I never played it

CotM is the only one of the three that's even remotely challenging though. AoS in particular is in the running for trumping SotN as the most trivial game in the entire series.

Cotm is great game for its time. One of the most challenging metroivanias. All this crybaby shit about the double tap means you must fucking suck at video games. Hod is okay but a cakewalk like sotn. It's only difficult by restricting yourself artificaly. Aos is definetly the king on gba the only shitty thing is the forced grinding to get a good ending.

Difficulty != quality
Means nothing, and SotN is good, everybody knows this

You suck.

CotM is perfectly fine quality-wise. The only viable complaint is the double-tap running, everything else is good.
>Means nothing
Not really. Challenge can add value, lack thereof usually detracts value.

Nice thumbnail, faggot.
>Metroid Zero Mission
>god tier
Fuck off

>Hating on ZM
Wow, what a faggot.

what the fuck are you doing

>ruins og metroid atmosphere
>makes it more casual than ever
>zero suit part

>God tier controls, responsive as fuck
>Sequence breaking for days
>None of the progression restriction and garbage dialogue shit Fusion had
>Probably the best looking official 2D Metroid to date
The worthwhile point you have is that it's easier than OG Metroid, but Metroid isn't that hard to begin with.
But sure, just complain about the Zero Suit some more, like it fucking mattes.


best metroidvania on gba by far

aria of sorrow is too easy

Terrible opinion.


Don't you have a DSP video to jerk off to?

nigger I'll kill you

CotM a best you faggots


Aria of Sorrow is pretty good, it's just diet-SotN though more or less