Are there any good LOTR games?

Are there any good LOTR games?

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Shadow of Mordor.

Battle for middle earth 1 & 2 were nice when they came out. Lord of the Rings Online is decent too.

That's about it though.

made another racist meme up about black people ever being good at something or having privileges

Good game. Shit LOTR game.


I don't remember this scene in the movie, was it cut?

Haradrim go home.


Havnt played Lotro since the month it came out.
Is it worth going back to?

Also I dont recommend playing BFME1&2. It doesnt run super well (or at all, in a lot of cases) on anything 7 and above. When you DO get it to run, its hard locked at 30fps. unlocking it breaks the game completely because the entire game is based around the 30fps, animations, AI logic, everything.

Its one of those games thats just lost to time

Had it on xbox, fun as fuck

>troll doesn't swallow him whole and alive

Goodbye boner

>Good game

Someone post the video of the guys hitting his keyboard with his forehead with his monitor turned off while his character beat the shit out of the orcs

Do physics not exist in their universe?


no really its funny when you talk like a nigger would with capslock and pretend only superior whites wouldve been capable of being in that role, carry on

>Play at launch
>If you get drunk, your character wakes up in a random place in the World
>Player Wedding happening near starting town
>People giving out free booze to newbies
>Half of them wake up in high level areas, completely unable to get back without being murdered by high level enemies

Lord of the rings The Third Age.

did they actually film this scene unironically while intending for it to actually be a part of the film or was it just a gag clip?

Tolkien wrote a letter to a Nazi governor once telling him he was a retard and that Nazi racism was stupid as shit. What have you done to stand up for racial minorities lately other than virtue signal on Sup Forums? The one place in the world where nobody could possibly care any less.


>virtue signalling
>on Sup Forums
surely it's the ironic racist posting that is virtue signalling here

What kind of hack thought that this scene was a good idea

Peter Jackson, but to be fair he was a mess when making this movie.

i dont defend minority rights i just talk to minorities and treat them like everyone else. equality is just that you stop giving a fuck about them being black and carry on as usual

Yes i wholeheartedly believe niggers have no place in media, except as caged monkeys in stage plays.

Some good games I can vouch for, they also use official soundtracks and voice acting:
The Two Towers game
The Return of the King game
The Third Age (personal favourite)
Lord of the Rings: Conquest
Battle for Middle Earth 1 & 2

Shadow of Mordor is good if you don't mind some lore-rape here and there.

>Lord of the Rings: Conquest
it's shit senpai

>equality is just that you stop giving a fuck about them being black and carry on as usual
Are you retarded? Whites have been treating minorities better than any other group in society for decades now. Equality is about minorities and virtue signalling cucks on the left baselessly accusing white people of being evil, racist monsters, while giving minorities special privileges that whites could only dream of.

Whatever racism you see from white people today, is primarily a result of having spent decades under the boot political correctness inspired by white guilt. People are sick of it, and have started calling it out.

explain affirmative action then

It's the weakest in the list but I found it decent, for the most part. It provided the LotR fix and captured the atmosphere pretty well, but I agree the game isn't anything special.

People talk about this happening all the time but never seem to have once experienced seriously being ground down on for the sake of a minority.

It is an Extended Scene

>Equality is about minorities and virtue signalling cucks on the left baselessly accusing white people of being evil, racist monsters, while giving minorities special privileges that whites could only dream of.
That's not equality, dumbass.


someone should tell liberals that it's not because they don't seem to know

Reminder that Peter Jackson is not at fault for The Hobbit trilogy.
He got forced into making 3 movies when he didn't want 3.
HE got thrown into the project in the literally last second.
He didn't want to do 3 movies because there isn't enough content in the book to expand through 3 movies.

What we got from The Hobbit Trilogy was the literal BEST that could have been done. Anyone else would have had it even shittier. There was obviously no way Jackson could turn it into 3 movies and keep it good. He did the best he could do on a project forced onto him last second.

Yes actually, plenty.

Also anyone remember this? Hahahahahahahahahaha FUCK YOU >:(

I agree. Also liberals acting retarded isn't an excuse for being racist. Stop pretending it is.

Is this hobbit? Glad I didn't watch this pile of shit

What the fuck was up with this scene when Saruman died? Anyone else find it out of place in the cinema?

To be honest I really liked the first 2 movies. It just fell apart at the 3rd movie because at that point they didn't even have a finished script and WB was rushing the shit out of them.