Unpopular opinions thread ahoy

Unpopular opinions thread ahoy

>Battlefield 4 is the best online shooter you can buy right now
>Dishonored 2 is miles better than the first one in almost every aspect, only bogged down by its optimization
>Skyrim is a fun game to just lose yourself in, and I honestly think its one of the few games that did open world in an entertaining way. Its still mostly really bad gameplay and quest wise
>The Witcher 3 is the most overrated game ever made, and it does not have a single piece of gameplay that is good.
>The Last of Us actually has some very, very good character driven story writing in any game ever
>Demons Souls is the second worst souls game, Dark Souls 3 is extremely jarring and bland
>The story for MGS was never good. MGSV has the best gameplay in the series, even if the setting and levels are mostly ass

>The Witcher 3 is the most overrated game ever made, and it does not have a single piece of gameplay that is good.
thank you

>The Witcher 3 is the most overrated game ever made, and it does not have a single piece of gameplay that is good.
>Skyrim is a fun game to just lose yourself in, and I honestly think its one of the few games that did open world in an entertaining way. Its still mostly really bad gameplay and quest wise

>The story for MGS was never good. MGSV has the best gameplay in the series, even if the setting and levels are mostly ass

You made me cry, user. I really wanted to hear this words from someone.

Hotline Miami is boring garbage.

fuck you

Portal and Half-Life are trash.

Pure. Fucking. Trash.

Shits getting a bit emotional up in here


>Burnout Paradise is a stellar fucking racing game, only beaten by Takedown in its own series
>Battlefield 1 is a great online shooter, which suffers from some balance problems and bugs.
>Metal Gear Rising is far, far more fun and exciting to play than DMC or Bayonetta
>GTA4 was miles better than GTA5
>RDR is a good game, but is only regarded as something extraordinary because its pretty much the only good western game ever made
>RE7 is a shitty cashgrab made for the youtube amnesia jump scare crowd

>Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are not overrated at all
>I prefer Morrowind over Oblivion but only because of the setting
>Oblivion and Skyrim are roughly equal
>Daggerfall is an interresting game but I think almost everyone here saying this game is the best TES are pure hipster contrarians
>I unironically like almost everything KB wrote for TES
>Stanley Parable was not pretentious at all
>I don't believe in SJWs
>I don't care about Sup Forums
>If you like OFF and Lisa but think Undertale is utter shit, then you are lying for being a contrarian hipster

Congrats OP. You're a casual.

I disagree - but feel free to have your own opinion.

> Xbone is a good console. I don't care about Soulsborne/Uncharted while features such as BC are system sellers for me.
> Witcher, Dark Souls and Elder Scrolls are all trash series. Witcher has shitty gameplay, DS is "no tutorial and roll spam becoming features". Skyrim is obviously
> You don't have to be Sup Forums or weeabo to be annoyed at current liberal trend in games. EUfags like me are annoyed by this shit.
> Poltards and Libtards are both annoying as fuck. It saddens me that America is so fucked up - though it's still the best source of entertainment like vidya.

2d zelda>3d zelda

I consider Musou games to be more 'game'like than most of the recent AAA titles and I am waiting patiently for Dynasty Warriors 9.

Too bad BF4 is starting to die a bit, at least on ps4 I can't find any dlc matches. Despite giving them away before BF1 came out.

It's a good game.

People shouldn't bother the Final Fantasy games before XI

Not a single one of these points is "le epic unpopular opinion". 99% of your points are parroted all the time.
These threads are fucking stupid. The fact you have to parade around the fact that you disagree with other people is stupid, it doesn't make you special.

You say it like its somehow a bad thing.
Name some hardcore games will you, I'm sure they're fucking fantastic.

I somewhat agree with everything except tlou. I thought uncharted 4 had better story and characters.

Server browser for Overwatch was a mistake.

Grinding is fun

Every Youtube-Trendy game is garbage, such as Yandere-Sim and Hello Neighbour.

None of those are parroted on Sup Forums though

>stop discussing video games reeeeeeee

Oh Im sorry, I'll just continue posting furry porn threads instead :')

>PC gaming is dead
>The Switch is shit and Zelda is for kids and overall bad for a game coming out in 2017
>Horizon is good
>Sony won this generation, like all the others
>The last of us is the best game ever made
>The Witcher 3 is the second best game ever made
>The last good JRPG game was Tales of Vesperia
>Final Fantasy series was never good
>Dark Souls series are highly overrated
>Nioh is pretty bad
>Hard games never existed
>GTA V is the worst of the series
>Buying a ps4 pro makes no sense

Nice unpopular opinion.

I love you

I'm aware of its faults but its feeling of adventure edges it out over Four Hours of Brown Bricks: The Game.

The videogame awards are garbage.

Uncharted is completely broken story and character wise because of the action and the violence. Nathan is quite literally a fucking mass murderer, and hes often the perpetrator and actually the antagonizing party in a lot of the levels.
Rafe in comparison goes after the treasure using legal means.
In last of us when people get hit by bullets or otherwise get hurt its a big deal.

I don't really care about the overarching story though, the character driven writing is very good though. UC4 is pretty much just the same things again and again from other uncharted games.

anime aesthetics make me puke and i masturbate all day over realistic women because i hate fiction

Witcher 3 is garbage.
And it is unpopular opinion, but it's the truth

>I regret getting into fighting games, it gave me more trouble than any shooter or moba ever could and i wouldn't recommend this genre to anyone.
>i honestly think nintendo should just release a normal console for once, trying to "innovate" ain't bringing more people
>Borderlands the pre sequel was better than borderlands 2
>I don't know why people get so fucking buttblasted about games being released as timed exclusives and later ported to PC. Releasing games on consoles usually generate enough sales and money to be used for the ports. So stop bitching and just fucking wait.
>The xbone deserved to fucking die.
>Sony fucked it up with mandatory paid online and those expensive vita cards that no one fucking buys and killed their own fucking console
>The PS2 is objectively the best console ever made
>Demon souls is the best souls game

>Battlefield 1 is a great online shooter
I like the vehicle destruction in that game. Too bad that there are just few vehicles in every map

>Battlefield 1 is the best looking game of 2016 and the best shooter you can buy right now

>The Witcher 3

I thought it was good, but 60% of Sup Forums says it's trash. Not really unpopular.

>Mad Max was a decent, and uncerrated game. Hopefully a sequel is coming so it can add even more vehicular carnage.
>Uncharted and tlou are great games that Sup Forumstards keep shitting on cause of "le movie" reddit tier meme.
>Witcher 3 is pretty overrated. But that doesn't really make it a bad game.
>Ubisoft open world games are decent.
>Western games are better and less cringey than Japanese games.
>MGS5 was decent, but disappointing
>Scalebound was actually a promising game that made me hold on to my xbox for a while. When it was cancelled, I immediately sold it
>Sony has better quality exclusives. But Nintendo also has great ones as well.

GTA games and the Rockstar fanbase are cancer. These are the most boring rehashed shitty games ever. You just drive around and shoot people. It's not fun.

I think it's good to buy games just because feminists don't like them, to assert our freedom and to show them that trying to control us only has the opposite effect.

Mainline Pokemon games are really boring and stupid, but the spinoffs are usually good.

>PC gaming is dead
the console producers are considering to end their consoles and you pecker whacker call pc gaming dead?

DS3 is ridiculously linear and suffers from absolutely SHIT gameplay balancing that makes the game feel like shit to play if you use anything slower than a katana

That said, the gameplay is still somehow better than 2 because of the bosses and the speed mostly.

2 has 3 great fights, like 4 good ones, and then thats it.

Overwatch doesn't deserve shit.

MGS2's story is mostly shit but the VR/Alternative Missions are the greatest gameplay Metal Gear has to offer

Full Metal Alchemist is fucking shit

>Western games are better and less cringey than Japanese games.
nah that is what most of us think

I thought this was about videogames

>Bloodborne is not the best game

If a console doesn't have a good amount of split screen multiplayer games, they it's a pieces of garbage

Overwatch lootboxes are fine because only a retard would buy them or care enough about skins to be angry at them.

Dwarf Fortress isn't nearly as hard as most people think and does not need autism to be enjoyed. Sup Forums would be a better place if more people appreciated it

On that matter: late ps2/early ps3 graphics are fine, anything beyond that is a waste of money and time for both developer and consumer and these resources should be spent on content, game play, music or voice actors.

30 FPS is fine. 60 is nice to have. Anything beyond is beautiful but by no means necessary.

Review scores don't matter. Ever.

There are good modern games and good old games.

>>PC gaming is dead
>>The Switch is shit and Zelda is for kids
>>Buying a ps4 pro makes no sense

>No mention of Microsoft
Oh yeah they're just doing great

Sup Forums is a bunch of retards thinking that review score means anything.

>Nathan is quite literally a fucking mass murderer

I see no problem in that. It is a game, afterall. Suspend some belief. Or do you want me to name literally 99% of mc who kill endless amount of soldiers/people regardless of story.

> and hes often the perpetrator and actually the antagonizing party in a lot of the levels.

I disagree. In the past games, he did it because he was after clues and rescuing someone. In the case of Uncharted 4, he did it for his brother.

Lets also keep in mind that he pretty much exclusively kills for self defense.

>Rafe in comparison goes after the treasure using legal means.

Yea, no. Rigging auctions, destroying buildings, pretty much order anyone to shoot Drake on site, etc.

>UC4 is pretty much just the same things again and again from other uncharted games.

Like all sequels, yes. However, U4 did a lot of changes and revamps to the combat and gameplay compared to the rest of the series.

hey... that's not an opinion. that's a fact.

From Soft mech games are more fun than their soulsborne shit.

Shooters always die on console when the new version comes out

RDR is extraordinary because it is the only good western game we have AND it has good gunplay, story, characters, open world and music and an enjoyable multiplayer. The DLC was also top tier.

The only flaws I can come up with at the top of my head was the early game pacing.

It's better than GTA V and IV for sure.

My rule is: If your graphics are better than any racing game released between 2010 and 2013, than you are trying to hard on graphics.

this, ac6 when.

Ever play GUN?

Its a game yeah but I don't think it excuses a lot of the things that happen. Its really hard to care for his "character" when hes such a killing machine. At least Joel lives in a completely different world.

Halo 4 was an amazing online shooter because it was more focused around precision aiming rather than bullet hose/grenade spam like halo 2, 3 and Reach. People who were amazing shots could once again dominate entire games like in Halo 1, back when the pistol was OP.
Also their method of network coding made it less laggy and I really like how team killing was set to off so little kids couldn't fuck up big games by trolling their teammates. God knows they fucking tried though.
People being able to join games with vacant spots was also nice. If the game had dedicated servers and a server list like battlefield, I'd have given it a 10/10 and would probably still even be playing it right now.

>good gameplay
Locking on in slow motion and killing everyone is good game play?

JRPGs are universally shit

>no tutorial

so you never played a single souls game then? Because they literally all have tutorials

Between that and ">roll spam"? whatever that means is enough to discount 5 whole video games. You're opinions are worthless 2bh.

>here's my opinion guys I gotta warn you I'm a pretty special snowflake so you might not like it *winky face*

>honest discussion

yeah no one would reee if you were actually being honest with the point of these threads.

furthermore implying there is anything to discuss about video games just means your a redditor or a retard

Bully is the best Rockstar game.

>Battlefield 4 is the best online shooter you can buy right now
>Dishonored 2 is miles better than the first one in almost every aspect, only bogged down by its optimization
Haven't played but I didn't really like he first one
>Skyrim is a fun game to just lose yourself in, and I honestly think its one of the few games that did open world in an entertaining way. Its still mostly really bad gameplay and quest wise
>The Witcher 3 is the most overrated game ever made, and it does not have a single piece of gameplay that is good.
>The Last of Us actually has some very, very good character driven story writing in any game ever
Never played it.
>Demons Souls is the second worst souls game, Dark Souls 3 is extremely jarring and bland
From universally sucks.
>The story for MGS was never good. MGSV has the best gameplay in the series, even if the setting and levels are mostly ass
Haven't played.

The gunplay was good as was the selection if guns.

The way enemies reacted to your shots was good due to that one engine gtaiv uses too.

Riding horses and carts felt good.

Hardmode was even better.

No one forced you to use dead eye.

>Ubisoft open world games are decent.

user are you even trying

>DmC definitive edition is actually good and on par with classic DMC.

Pandora's Tower > The Last Story > Xenoblade Chronicles

The Order 1886 was fun and had good graphics.

Far Cry 4 is rgeat

>haha I care so little about what everyone here thinks
>in fact I care so little I'll place my opinions in their own thread instead of individual threads relevant to my opinions
>hey guys my name is chad and welcome to my unpopular opinions thread. No bullying please :^)

The souls games were good and hard.

This. Portal is well made but it's just a meme through and through. Half-Life has no redeeming qualities - it's just an engine exhibition with a sparse science-fiction ""story"" dolloped on top. Heheh le physix puzzle :DD

>Dishonored 2 is miles better than the first one in almost every aspect, only bogged down by its optimization

how is the unpopular? it's the consensus

>furthermore implying there is anything to discuss about video games just means your a redditor or a retard

Did you expect an actual reply?

Heres to (you), Nikola and Bart

anime tits games are trash

red faction 2 > unreal 2 > half life 2

Crash Bandicoot was not as good as people claims and a remake is unnecessary. Medievil was better and a Medievil remake would be more fun.

Well that's one way to get murdered in broad daylight.

>The story for MGS was never good. MGSV has the best gameplay in the series, even if the setting and levels are mostly ass

This is why Sup Forums's taste in movies is so ass. Also why video games in general have such terrible stories. Consumers and creators can't separate themes, ideas and plot because they think they are all the same thing.

MGS has always had a comical over the top action movie story. Its the themes and ideas that drive the game however.

Is this an unpopular opinion? I thought most people agree its a great game with flaws

why would I want a reply from a dishonest person, a redditor or a retard?

>Nikola and bart
>implying I have even the slightest clue of what you're implying with this name drop
I'm sure its some super in e-celeb or something but dropping names like this is always cringey evan.

Almost every single game ever made is good from one point or another. You're free to like some games above others, but even if there are objectively shit games, you have no right to call a shit game just because certain X thing wasn't there.

I still love videogames. I enjoy videogames and get my yearly quota. I have a lot of fun and good times. If you think everything new is automatically bad then you're a bitter faggot who deserves no respect whatsoever.

>Ark can be fun without friends

>roguelikes are an over-saturated shitty market to spam out games with

>Wildlands wasn't that bad in the Beta

Video games haven't evolved at all since 2004

There is nothing to say about 99% of video games

Man on my home board this guy would get a public ban.

I mean he openly admits to just shit/offtopic post.

Too bad it died and mods over here don't care.

This I can get behind. Video games have become a lot less 'game' and more 'video'

Which is wrong. If I wanted a fucking movie I'd go see a fucking movie, also

>Dota 2 and Smite are actually really fucking tight games and the only acceptable ASSFAGGOTS
>Developers having total control over games is driving them into the ground (not unpopular just wanted to say it)
>Anime games are fucking terrible.
>Anime 'art' is fucking terrible and only 1 step above tracing due to how generic it is
>Europeans should never be trusted to rate or evaluate anything, ever
>Video games peaked in the early 00s
>RTS is the best genre. Period
>Action games are for idiots
>Playing dress-up is the best part of RPG's

Is this your actual opinion or do you just want replies?

Please elaborate if this isn't just bait.

>Wildlands wasn't that bad in the Beta

That's not even just unpopular. Its flat out wrong.

The only way I could see someone enjoying wildlands (much like assassin'screed) is if it was there absolute first """""open world"""""" game.

>>Hard games never existed
That's not an opinion, it's factuably wrong

Medievil already had a remake. Crash needs his turn.

That's not unpopular. It's just a young person opinion.

Americans are bad at videogames and should not make videogames. Instead, companies should use Europeans developers to make good games.

>Europeans should never be entrusted to rate or evaluate anything ever


>Medievil already had a remake
Which was cool back in the day but PSP games haven't aged very well

I'd punch you irl kid

I can't tell if this post is purely bait, or if some of the points are genuine retardation.

Games should be able to survive solely on their gameplay. That means they should still be fun if you took out the story, graphics, music, characters, and anything else that wasn't directly gameplay related. This means that all RPGs are low quality and that anything that relies on a "character narrative" or cutscenes or voice acting or CGI graphics is not worth the time to play it.

This includes games like Metal gear, Uncharted, Bayonetta, Xenoblade, Kid Icarus, Wonderful 101, Horizon, TLOU, Halo, and so on and so on. Fans swear up and down that they would never touch these games unless there was "ebin cutscene action" keeping them distracted, or "zomg teh boobs" for them to jerk off to. threads about them NEVER discuss gameplay.


I don't think Treasure is as good as people make them out to be. I've beaten Mischief Makers and Wario World and thought they were both kinda lame.

I find Aloy extremely cute and I hope to find a girlfriend like her.