(almost) Everyone on Sup Forums is paying attention to scores

This is a daily reminder

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Oh, so NOW review scores don't matter, but a few days ago they did.

I wonder what's different this time?

Uncharted 4 is better than Mafia 3 and Gravity Rush.. What's your point?

Mafia is overrated and Gravity Rush is mediocre, nothing wrong with those 7. But any Uncharted getting a 10 is fucking bullshit

$0.02 has been deposited into your psn account

speaking of Greg

>Gravity Rush is mediocre
Ok kid, back off.

>say uncharted is overrated as fuck and don't deserve anything close to a 10
>gets called a sony shill
nintentards are really special

>Uncharted 3


Uncharted 3: 7/10
Mafia 2: 6/10
Gravity Rush: 9/10 (mind you, in playing the PS4 version; I don't think it would be so great on a Vita)

Gravity Rush 2 was a sony exclusive too you fucking toddler.

nothing has changed

heres how it works, and i want you to REMEMBER THIS.

- good sony review
it matters
- bad sony review
theyre just dumb or nintendrones

- good nintendo review
but skyward sword got a good review too so it doesnt matter
- bad nintendo review

I agree with you
Also keep in mind Greg's opinion "Uncharted 3 is the reason I play video games"

now this is a typical nintenfag with a nice 30 iq

Are you ok? Still haven't recovered from the fact your favorite company has been lying and selling shovelware to you?

He doesn't work for IGN anymore though?

yeah but IGN just hired a mexican weaboo, a lesbian SJW and prostitute named Alanah Pierce

Same shit as what happened before and after Nioh got a shit metacritic score.

Uncharted 2 & 3 reeks of quality.

There is probably more attention to detail put into a corner with nothing of value in it in both games than the entirety of these other games listed.

>Uncharted 4
>Mafia 3
>I'll pretend I'm a sony fan to defend IGN xDD

This nintendrone is so obsessed with defending IGN that he doesn't even realize it's Mafia 2 and Uncharted 3

Here is your beloved (you) and go fuckyourself you are the cancer of Sup Forums. This kind of false flag should be permaban to be honest.

I don't grade out of 100, I use a 5 point scale. Anything else is too precise, and there are plenty of ways to play a game that can cloud your judgement one way or another.

I haven't played Mafia 3. It looks bad. So I won't. I had no problem awarding Uncharted 4 5 stars and I gave Gravity Rush 4 stars. That is what they deserve in my opinion. Uncharted 4 is on a whole different level when it comes to polish and atmosphere. It actually makes the first 3 Uncharted games look bad.

but Uncharted 3 is not better than Gravity Rush.

>I haven't played Mafia 3

Who is talking about Mafia 3 here?

Alanah is bae

>Website has a habit of giving to high and forgiving scores
I don't get it, are you implying Switch is actually worse then the six they gave it?

What did he mean by this

>classic nintendrone damage control
you toddlers will literally use any and every excuse, huh


>everyone on Sup Forums is the same person
I hope every post like this is actually bait and you people aren't actually this retarded

Nintendo shills trying to convince you to buy their products. Don't be fooled

The usual cop out excuse.

this is what I mean, it's you who is a tryhard about disliking nintendo

It blew my mind that they could do a world that big with such a nice artsyle on the vita.

they are paid reviews and everyone knows it. same paid reviews horizon got and zelda will probably get too.

>downward trend
>own chart shows Wii and DS outselling original NES/GB
>Switch in handheld chart and implying it's replacing the 3ds when they've already said 3ds successor is down the road.

3ds is a success because it's an easy way to play japanese shovelware

Switch won't have that much japanese shovelware because is not a portable device.

If it's bad to play a 3DS in public imagine playing the switch with those atrocious joy cons