Going back to the Nintendo glory days

>going back to the Nintendo glory days
>millions pre-ordered
>zelda is goty
>yfw you get your hands on the switch

Fuck off, Karen.

Karen a cute!

Get my hands on it with all 6.7 of my fingers

Reminder that “Karen” is just an actress who probably doesn't even play video games


Woah no shit, next you'll be telling me that Bruce Willis didn't really go into space

I want to marry Karen!

>you will never marathon the NES library during a cold winter night with Karen


that chick needs a haircut, she seems stuck in the 80s

I love the character not the actress representing her, just like i miss the Genie but don't really care about Robbie Williams

So is Nintendo

your picture is more like
>that resolution when you dock the system

I think her hair is cute.



>going back to the Nintendo glory days

Nope, they're still making the same mistakes as before. Underpowered hardware = no AAA titles ports = the big gaming crowd don't give a shit to the console = Nintendo fanbase keep being a niche culture.

she looks dorky as fuck, bullying material

>somebody made this

>tfw you just want to talk and drink but your friend insists you play this gimmicky new game on a small ass screen

I'd listen to her. ;_;

What did Nintendo mean by this?

Playing any type of vidya in public in 2017 gets you branded a loser.

so why is everything about nintendo so fucking expensive?

Yeah of course you would, she's a woman and you're a desperate virgin so natural you would bend over backwards for her.

Leave Karen alone!

>party is boring as fuck
>board and card games can lighten up the mood
>bing bing wahoo can't
I don't get it

Fuck off karen.

You are an autistic mess

gcn and wii were both underpowered, and all major devs and publishers are testing the waters with the switch
They're taking the right steps

don't be such a meanie to him

>youll never have an autistic mess as a girlfriend

Underpricing your product, even if it's underpowered, is marketing suicide

>he puts on nba
>gives you a tiny ass controller
>you adjust the screen to get a better viewing angle
>the kickstand tips over
>switch falls and breaks

Reminder that Karen is desperate enough to spread her legs for the first Chad that shows fake interest in her stupid, nerdy hobby.

>giving a rating out of 10 to a console

Literal cancer. Can reviewers sink any lower for clicks?

Thankfully IGN is the odd one out and every other publication is positive.

learn to dance to music

But then again everyone is glued to their phones while talking, so theres no way it would be boring. Too bad Nintendo doesn't know mobile phones and tablets are a thing.


>all major devs and publishers are testing the waters with the switch

Not true. There's already no DOOM, RE7, Witcher 3, and it's probably impossible to port these games without fucking them up. Bethesda already said it's gonna be hard to port Skyrim. Battlefield dev despised the hardware. No Souls game confirmed too.

My girlfriend is a mother replacement.

If your gf doesnt cook, clean, and do your laundry for you then you are fucking up.

Every publication is calling them out on desync issues. Wired even got a Switch that failed and needed a hard reset.

Where do I meet a Karen?

if someone brought a switch to a party or something i would spit in their face and tell them to leave.

Yeah good thing

>tfw you bought a switch instead of a better bra

>Karen will never be my cute dorky gf who gets excited over new consoles

why the fuck live?

nintendo switch you have killed me, you have killed my soul

I work for a small pharma company and we were running into sales issues despite being near the cheapest brand and near the highest quality. Sales increased amost 3 times when we increased the price by 4 dollars. Not even a re-brand or different lablel. The consumer market if fucking weird.

Is Karen, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?

luckily you don't go to any parties

I want to play Snipperclips with Karen

dude.... NO WAY

Testing the waters doesn't mean porting all your current games at once, seriously, are you mentally impaired?

>you will never pretend to be interested in what she is talking about to gain her friendship (maybe you are but you won't sperg like her)
>you will never tease her for her awkwardness and make her feel insecure
>you will never force her to do lewd and embarrassing things because she is afraid of losing your friendship
why even live

I'm not a virgin, and sure, I'm desperate, but I do still have standards.

Of course

What is your anime girl waifu called user?

In the afterlife if you buy all of jewtendos products

>Testing the waters doesn't mean porting all your current games at once

Yes, it means porting all your current games at all.

My anime waifu's name is none of your business.

It's basically just an overpriced PS3 with no bundled game right?

I can just buy a PS3 with free online play for $60 with an entire library of games for $5 each.

Anyone who would pay $300 For a Switch is a retard.

Probably some shit waifu from lucky star

You should have killed yourself instead

I'm going to Balamb Garden!

>the people shitting on the switch are non-English speakers
makes you think

Das it mane

>not treating your gf like an extravagant pet that you care for while honing your cooking prowess
Enjoy getting bored of her while you sink into a pit of indiscipline

user, please, I told you I have standards. Even for fictional waifus.

Nobody ever guessed the actress name?

Why live...

Post yfw 5 days later u finished zelda and the dust starts collecting

Why would i kill myself if i don't care about him

Not him but can you rate mine ? I am interested how high she scores.

Nobody could find ANY of the actors from that commercial. Nintendo Ninjas wiped them all.


I have never given a fuck about it and most likely never will considering that I don't care about Nintendo games and have never played any.

>no paws
>no scales
>no hooves
0/10 to be honest

Fuck you Nintendo.. I am not going to buy your stupid console anymore.

What if it's because they're not actors, but NOA employees? It'd be a good way to make sure the design doesn't leak, save money, and have the actors look like they're actually playing the game.

Based Kikino77

>paying for PS3 games instead of modding the system
You need to pinch those pennies harder goy

stop that

you are triggering me

Sorry to bust your bubble, but there was even an interview with one of the guys on that very same commercial.

>Switch overpriced

$100 cheaper than PS4 on launch

Can be played anywhere

Comes with 2 controllers

Nice try.

hey iwata

>forcing your friends to play this

Cute and classy

They were aware of the instant sexual connotation of this right?

kill yourself

gotta cup those nuts


>huge tits
>in the age
>slender waist
>cute face
>"shy" looks

she seems perfect NTR cuckolding material to be honest

when can I come over your home?

>big tits

the biggest homosexual

They're doing it on purpose


Remember that old japs made this.

>they want the normalfaggot audience
Fuck nintendo, this is the gayest thing I have ever seen.

>no cute autistic girlfriend to endlessly ruin social gatherings with

feels the bad man

Oh boy, europeans will love the switch

>awkward as fuck couple that gets invited to parties but often ruin everything with their behavior
>they don't give a shit though because they will always have each other

it's only cute if the girl looks dorky but cute and the dude looks nerdy but cute

the normal awkward couple would be a fat landwhale and a fedora super skinny neckbeard

>Thanks for inviting us to your house warming
>Hope you don't mind we brought a Switch

You wouldn't mind, would you?

Millions preordered the WiiU too, means nothing. Though I guess a console that is only slightly more powerful than the WiiU getting slightly more than its preorders makes sense. Surely Nintendo will rake in mad money with those wonderful perfectly priced peripherals.