Game of the Decade

Since IGN is suddenly top tier video game journalism, remember to stand by your word tomorrow when this masterpiece gets 10/10 scores from everyone including your beloved IGN.

I'm going to marry IGN and you can't stop me.

I trust IGN to give it the 7 it deserves.

It'll get a +9.0 score just for being Zelda.
If you want a better score, look at Gamespot.


It'll get a 10/10 for being amazing with very minor problems.

>nintoddlers still don't understand that games are reviewed based upon what age group they target
>nintoddlers still don't understand that Zelda is judged on the basis of how appealing it will be to 12 year olds

It's quite sad really.

It's pretty much the opinion of everyone who played the game. The new Zelda is unequivocally going to be an amazing game.

Too bad it's released on a garbage machine. Nintendo should have stopped making consoles after the gamecube

Sad that you actually believe what you wrote

Stay salty my butt hurt friend

>making excuses
Kids don't even play Zelda.

They should only make handhelds and use PC (Steam) as their home console platform. They already made the Pro Controller compatible with PC.

Now imagine the damage that would do to Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo games would have better visuals and frame rate than their competition.

>It's another nintendo should make games for X, post


But developing for PC, while still dominating the handheld market, would be great. I love PC and Nintendo, it would be an unstoppable alliance.

Sonyggers can't shitpost about graphics when Nintendo games are playable on much stronger hardware.

Give me one reason why this deserves a 10/10. Name one thing that it accomplishes that wasn't done better in another game. And this is me looking past amiibo/season pass shit which automatically obliterates any chance of something being a perfect, complete game.

What makes it good? I pirated it for the Wii U and I'm literally bored of it in less than 10 hours. I have absolutely zero reason to believe it gets even the slightest bit better either.

>An amazing interactive world, not seen in any other open world game
>Amazing AI, enemies throw each other, attack at once, etc
>Great story and characters
>Pretty world with amazing creatures such as Zoras, Gorons, Rito
>An insane physics engine, not seen in any other open world
>Badass customization
>A shit load of content. 120 shrines, 70+ side quest, 900 Korok puzzles
>An addictive combat system. So many weapons and abilities

Need anymore?

>I pirated
Opinion disregarded. If you pirate a game then you have no respect for the company and it's games in the first place. Every streamer, YouTuber, Video game journalists (etc) who has the game.. says the game is amazing. Why should I take your word over there's?

>Opinion disregarded. If you pirate a game then you have no respect for the company and it's games in the first place. Every streamer, YouTuber, Video game journalists (etc) who has the game.. says the game is amazing. Why should I take your word over there's?
Holy shit lol this is some advanced bait

Facts are bait now. Sup Forums is desperate.

Is saying something is bait instead of refuting a point logically neo Sup Forums's version of namecalling?

What facts? Streamers, youtubers and game journalists have IQs of less than 90 and are suckers for whatever AAA trash they get handed to for free
>defending any of them
How to spot the actual 14 year olds

>Streamers, youtubers and game journalists have IQs of less than 90 and are suckers for whatever AAA trash they get handed to for free

So you and the rest of Sup Forums is more trustworthy? You never debunked anything I said. You're incompetent.

You're a fanboy there's no reasoning with you
You're literally incapable of complex thought

Here's your (You).

It may very well be a good game, too bad it's on shitty consoles.

Also remember to preorder Skyrim for the Switch. Botw is looking great but nothing beats old classics like Skyrim!

As a handheld, the Switch is fucking amazing. It's home console capabilities are lacking though.