Left: Western high budget triple A female characters

Left: Western high budget triple A female characters

Right: Japanese medium budget female characters

I swear we just had this thread.

Should I play games based on how the female characters look?

left ones are disgusting

>weeaboo pedo bait vs realistic women
uh I don't see the problem here

western game devs are full on leftist now and hate attractive women

>Should I play games based on how the female characters look?
no, but you should make fun of them on Sup Forums

Do you live in Hiroshima senpai?

God, the fat face on the ginger always grind my gears. It looks so fucking weird, fuck modern day western """"developers"""".

Do people actually praise games for having realistic and ugly characters?

Alls I see is people buying Nier because of 2B's butt and people buying DoA because Nyotengu

Idk, maybe. That depends on you.

Japanese women look like children with downs.

How about japanese low budget female characters?

Video games are escapism you retard

Bottom left looks fine, top left is an abomination.

Nothing wrong with being a weeb

>Bottom left looks fine

>Video games are escapism you retard
Well few moments and you won't be able to escape sentence for the rest of your life.

You shouldn't ever take graphics into account. You can appreciate them, but they don't make any difference.

Still looks feminine unlike top left

I want to milk her

what can of pedo would want to fuck this? surely even they have standarts

Wow, the diversity of character designs!


I still don't really see the problem with this, and nobody seems to want to explain it. She's a little ugly, is that it? Should she be a 10?

Left ones look like mixed negros

yes because western developers don't design their children to be attractive to autists,
based west
shameful display, Japan

>oh no

Look at those udders


Considering the bottom left IS racemixed and top left can be racemixed since she is from a future post-apoc society, yeah.

weebs want everyone to look the same child-faced anime characters

Real women can look attractive dumbass. Not every one looks like a fucking troll. Just like females wouldn't want the lead of a show aimed at them to be a fat gross dude, I don't want my female lead to look nuked.

any nudes?

m8 i live in eastern europe its unrealistic to see a child this fucking ugly, are children in other places really this ugly?

Why does everyone call people who like anime aestethics pedos? They undoubtly look way better than than the majority of new western characters, and you all know why. Is being attractive now illegal in 2017?

Better quality image of top left

kinda cute in a retarded way

I would, if you know what I mean


>Still looks feminine unlike top left
Too bad she is a fucking robot

No one should be surprised anymore.

Those faces are clearly different though. The middle ones don't look feminine at all and are much more frown-y

>Why does everyone call people who like anime aestethics pedos?
The majority of anime aesthetics involve children, it doesn't get much more simple than that.

And we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

Aloy is the ugliest damn character I have ever seen in my entire life

This would have to be the first gen of video games you've seen for this to be true.

nips actually pay their artists

They have no arguments

Neogaffer who called the Scorceress loli please go

>butthurt weeb


Why the fuck are the animations so stiff? Also, gotta love that obvious clipping in a cutscene.

I refuse to play either of these games because I'm above SJW games and will not support SJW devs.

>implying I play any of this filthy casual shit.

They look retarded to get that mixed race look.

>v has no standards when it comes to women

>Why the fuck are the animations so stiff?
The person working on it isn't very good. What other answer could you have been expecting?

>East on the left
>West on the right


Can't you simpy ignore and NOT buy anime games instead of shitting over what other people like? You are free to buy and discuss the games you like, why won't you let other people do the same?

Is a cancer that took root since some time ago, like the use of weeb

>you shouldn't have negative opinions of things
That is nonsense. Nothing should ever be the hugbox you want it to be.

>cardinal directions have anything at all to do with facing directions

Photorealism in games to come to the Uncanny Valley, Western producers are betting on photorealism as a sign of graphics power, the Japanese medium budget productions prefer an aesthetic as anime.

An example of Japanese high-level production, is resident evil 7 characters seem maniquies

>i've never seen a map

But at least give GOOD REASONS, not uncalled stereotypes like being an sjw or a pedo

nope, even mario on the game boy is more attractive

Because you say so? We're not here for your entertainment. If it's a problem, leave.

Yeah, it's not like Nier has a developer with a good track record behind it or anything.

Just because you didn't notice it before the 2B posting doesn't mean it didn't have a fanbase.

this doesn't refute anything
if you're facing south right now, east is on your left

>not deeply bothered by the blatant anti-white anti-male SJW politics in these games
Cuckolded betamale
>not deeply bothered by the garbage gameplay or atrocious animations
Shit taste in vidya

You are now discredited on two fronts. Opinion tossed out.

If you're facing a map, west is left and east is right.

Reminder that western devs CAN make pretty girls. The worst part is that a lot of them refuse to do so. This was Alloy before

I don't understand why you would make your characters look so fucking ugly.

Just like movies, you don't pick ugly ass clown actors for your movie characters.

>top left
What kinda haircut you want f am

You leave, faggot. This is my board.

Just stop lad, admit you fucked up and go back to lurking

depends on the map, and how the map is oriented
once again, cardinal directions and facing directions are not related
you can make east any direction relative to you by simply turning

I didn't fuck anything up, look at a map.

>Sup Forums belonging to anyone who plays SJW games
Lmao tbqh fampai

Yes, the artists are often great,
then they get bullied around by management, dumb directors and marketing.

My point still stands


Ok, i suppose i won then since you gave me no reason

reply to the wrong post there, retard? i'm not even going to pirate this trainwreck


>not putting your best foot forward

lmao this industry is so fucked

Hopefully the console industry crashes so these shit feminist developers have to get real jobs based on merit, not how many tumblr/femininst tropes you can shove into something.

The girls on the right have no personality.

>File: difference.png (3.82 MB, 2560x1872)
kill yourself

just like the girls on the left.

She's got nothing on PeeBee

>being an angry man-hating "grrrrrl power!" feminist is good personality

this damage control
must be nice living in a rura shitehole with no landmarks to make a map out of. what fucking map that isnt a niche/specific one doesnt have north at the top or east on the right? have you ever looked at an atlas? have you ever seen a book at all?

Just from the demo, 2B had a lot of personality

the ones on the right are literally dolls

>no personality
>a robot
>a feudal-era woman
gee user whats the next stunning revelation, liquid water is wet? if you werent a fucking stupid redditor you'd've known a bit about japanese game characters

>being a carbon copy of pic related
>good personality

>Uncanny Valley
Yep. Unfortunately graphicsfags keep pushing us into that trap. If only they could learn to enjoy gameplay or storytelling and demand that developers focus on those aspects of their games instead of graphics, then we could avoid having to rehash this conversation for all eternity.

>east is to the right
lol, first graders in this thread? do you think north and up are the same thing too?

Okatsu has a personality