One thing which is worth noting is that the panel itself is plastic rather than super-tough glass like you'd find on an...

>One thing which is worth noting is that the panel itself is plastic rather than super-tough glass like you'd find on an iPhone or iPad. As such, it's very easy to scratch – our review unit picked up a mark within 24 hours despite being handled with utmost care – so you'll almost certainly want to purchase some kind of carry case if you're looking to take it out of the house, and perhaps even a screen protector.

Nintendo Switch has a PLASTIC screen instead of Gorilla Glass. Sad!

Other urls found in this thread:

>scratched screen vs shattered screen

really makes you thunk

>walk into gamestop
>play with the nintendo switch demo unit
>screen is scratched up like some kid rubbed sandpaper all over it
>joycon analog sticks missing their rubber
>buttons semi permanently pressed down
>bing bing wahoo mario sounds only coming from one mono speaker

Why is no one talking about this?

Because it only matter if you're a fatass or a child

There is a protector on the screen


[citation needed]

Because there's no source and it's false.

source is nintendolife



Okay so it's
>Cheap plastic screen
>Cheap plastic controllers with cheap plastic locks that break and stop them from connecting properly
>2.5 hour battery life
>Doesn't come with charging grip
>Doesn't' come with any games

Where the fuck is the money going?

What are you trying to show?

To make up for the Wii U, Gamecube and Virtual Boy.

that you suffer from grey star

How about the fact that the fucking OP picture shows a scratch


shitty TN LCD


>walk into Walmart
>ps3 on display
>look at controller
>an analog stick is missing, just the little plastic piece underneath the rubber

whew lad americans are savages


It's not a TN.
>playing a handheld at an extreme angle lmao

It's portable and uses 15W whereas PS4 uses 90W.

>Cheap plastic screen
Like everything else that's portable.

>Cheap plastic controllers with cheap plastic locks that break and stop them from connecting properly
Like everything else Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft.

>2.5 hour battery life
At 100% brightness, Wi-Fi on and playing Zelda.

>Doesn't come with charging grip
Not a problem.

>Doesn't' come with any games
Neither did any other modern console.

Pretty good price considering the innovation in hardware.

$300. You can feel it in the build quality. Worth every penny.

>cheap shit
you expected less?

Reggie's nightclubs in Tokyo has to payoff yakuza

Nobody plays handhelds at those angles.

...just like every other handheld ever?

These clumsy fucks fumbled it, and they have the gumption to complain about build quality? Wew.

NVIDIA Tegra licensing

> I love the taste of Nintendo's cock after it's been in my ass

>yfw you didn't purchase a Switch

Except when you put it on a table with a non-adjustable kickstand and want to play multiplayer.

>this mad

>our review unit picked up a mark within 24 hours despite being handled with utmost care
Oh fucking please, none of my handhelds, not even my fucking game boy color that I've had since childhood, has a single scratch on the screen. If your portables have smudges or scratches, you don't take good care of your shit--that's THAT. I always laugh when my friends say they take good care of their shit but their stufff is always fucking covered in scratches like they dragged the screen across a concrete floor.


>It's portable and uses 15W whereas PS4 uses 90W.
Then why does it cost more
>Like everything else that's portable.
Really? Because my phone has a pretty nice glass screen that doesn't
>Like everything else Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft.
Sony and Microsoft controllers don't hinge onto the console and keep it from dropping on the ground with broken plastic locks. They also don't cost 1/3rd of the console's release price.
>At 100% brightness, Wi-Fi on and playing Zelda.
Brightness has less than 1% effect on battery life. Wifi won't affect it unless it's using the wifi in the game or in the background. It was using neither because the system doesn't have online until the official launch day 1 patch.
>Not a problem.
Not if it didn't cost more than a ps4 and xbox one with 2 games and a controller, I'd agree.
>Neither did any other modern console.
PS4 has multiple bundles. So does xbone.
>Pretty good price considering the innovation in hardware.

An hdmi port? Because this thing is just an under powered tablet that has an hdmi port.

>I could prove his points wrong, but I dont know how
Step your game up faggot.
Except that angle isn't extreme at all.



>implying plastic screens aren't better than glass screens

no cracks >>> cracks

What's with this last-minute shitslinging?

It's coming out in 28 hours, and there's nothing you sonyponies can do about it.

You can tell by looking at the corner, there is a plastic covering over the screen, try harder OP


These are the same people who don't put the disc back in it's case and just leave it lying around. Just treat your stuff with respect, it's not hard.

>Then why does it cost more
It's new.

>Really? Because my phone has a pretty nice glass screen that doesn't
Doesn't what?

>Sony and Microsoft controllers don't hinge onto the console and keep it from dropping on the ground with broken plastic locks. They also don't cost 1/3rd of the console's release price.
There's nothing broken about the JoyCons.

>Brightness has less than 1% effect on battery life. Wifi won't affect it unless it's using the wifi in the game or in the background. It was using neither because the system doesn't have online until the official launch day 1 patch.
You're wrong, as was tested by reviews.

>Not if it didn't cost more than a ps4 and xbox one with 2 games and a controller, I'd agree.
It's new.

>PS4 has multiple bundles. So does xbone.
Since they're old.

Nintendo tax

Except it's confirmed IPS.

It's not an OLED, but it's fine.

Original Nintendo 3DS scratched itself just by closing the lid.

I'm betting that the Switch will scratch itself when you dock/undock.

Nintendo is that dumb.

you need to go back

>720p IPS screen
>Bitching that it's plastic

Its basically newfags dealing with a new system release on Sup Forums.
They want replies.
Kids born in 2000 are now posting on Sup Forums. Their frame of reference is limited.

What the fuck gorilla glass is like a standard in every fucking tech device now. Switch is just getting worse day by day

>IPS with shit viewing angles
really makes you think

They've gotta get all their shitposting in quickly before it actually comes out and people have the consoles themselves.

I'm personally not getting a Switch just because I don't trust first models of ANY console, there's almost always various minor revisions and QoL improvements that are quietly rolled out in later releases.


Don't worry about it. Just wait for when Nintendo releases the *new* Nintendo Switch Pro XL

You're telling me it can't take a spill? But my all glass phone can fall onto concrete and not crack or scratch? Can literally stand ontop of my laptop or throw it and poor water on it and it'll be perfectly fine. My controllers don't break from a drop on the floor either. The switch is fucking pathetic

>It's new.
The technology isn't.

>Doesn't what?

>There's nothing broken about the JoyCons.
Well they desync, 1-2 switch by all reviewer accounts is unplayable due to the issues with connectivity, and not to mention >You're wrong, as was tested by reviews.
Rerez said he got 2.5 hours maximum playing zelda undocked. GameXplain said the same about playing it with the brightness all the way up and trying to drain it as fast as he could. At most you're looking at a boosted 5 minutes of gameplay.

>It's new.

>Since they're old.

>Pretty good price considering the innovation in hardware.

I didn't even think of that, that's hilarious lol

Yeah, that was annoying as hell. I kept a microfiber cloth between my 3DS when it was closed though, so it still has no scratches, just smudges from the cloth that I had to wipe off periodically.

Scratches are inevitable, but you can avoid shattering by not being retarded. There's no reason not to use gorilla glass in the year of our Lord and Savior.

Plastic screens can break and scratches are arguably worse than having an outright broken screen that can be replaced. Plus you're forced to use a shitty screen protector which still doesn't fully protect it. And touch controls on one feel like shit.

Good quality IPS screens don't have shitty viewing angles.

So either Nintendo is using TN or opted to use the cheapest quality IPS they can buy.

Doesn't negate the fact that both locks broke after one drop on a carpeted floor.

Your phone or laptop cost 300? I doubt it.


pair this with

display SLIDES AGAINST two plastic strip when docking it

Back in 1999, I begged my mommy to pre-order me a Dreamcast. She told me something that I remember to this day:

"The people who get new technology pay the most, and have the most problems."

For the past decade, I just sit back and watch how people always think getting it first makes them the best. While I pay a fraction of the cost months or a year later for an improved version.

This is one of the most radical console designs in many many years, and it's going to have the most problems. Enjoy your buggy and unrefined mess, while I snag one in 2018 and have a way better experience for less money.

>The technology isn't.
Technically it is.

Good for you.

>Well they desync, 1-2 switch by all reviewer accounts is unplayable due to the issues with connectivity, and not to mention
They broke the JoyCons >Rerez said he got 2.5 hours maximum playing zelda undocked. GameXplain said the same about playing it with the brightness all the way up and trying to drain it as fast as he could. At most you're looking at a boosted 5 minutes of gameplay.
So you're agreeing with that I said about 100% brightness. Good to know.

New console.

Old consoles.

My laptop cost less and you can get my phone used or refurbished for 350 so it's not that big of a difference

>/vee/ doesn't wait for the New Switch XL

cummon gois

>Scratches are inevitable
Clip your nails, you greasy nigger.
Why are you kids so fucking helpless?
Treat your shit with care.

them scraches

>dropped once

You sound like you come from a poorfag family.

There's no reason to wait if you can afford it. I want the games now. Not in 2018 like some poorfag like you. Enjoy the used cumrags.

Concrete floor.

YET you're complaining that the console doesn't have a FUCKING GLASS SCREEN, which would shatter the instant it was dropped at the floor, given how big the screen is.

You're never satisfied, the grass is greener on the other side, etc

you had me until the 3rd line
>thinking people are buying the new console because it "makes them the best"
>not knowing that people are buying the new console to 1) support the company and 2) play the new games asap
not everyone is out to be better than you, most people are just trying to have a good time themselves

>hyped about an official kiddy console
>calling others kids

Sheesh user

>carpeted floor.
You love changing stories.
It was concrete.

you were dropped on concrete floor as a baby and you're still working... oh

Previews mention exceptional motion resolution. It may be something like the high-color TN displays being used for gaming monitors, or something else.

>the innovation in hardware.
did you live under rock for last decade?

>playing video games
>not a child

>mfw GI, IGN and even Kotaku keeping it real

>this mad he can't continue the discussion anymore

I've been using a Samsung GT-S5830 since 2011 and it has a plastic screen. Within that 6 year period I have dropped it countless times. It still works fine with a minor scratch.The only reason I'd replace it is because of it's outdated hardware.

>drop it once
>screen scratches up, joycons don't lock in properly anymore

What ever happened to Nintendium? Nintendo products used to survive through fucking bombings and earthquakes.

can't wait for that creepy bald dude called jerryrigeverything or something like that explain in his serial killer voice how it scratches at 1 of mohs scale of hardness

>Gorgeous screen

>Being an "adult"
>Calling other people "kiddies" based on their hobby
>Based on a technological product

Who's the immature here?

>Technically it is.
It's old technology inside old technology in a new package. Nothing technical about it. All that's new is the name Switch.

>Good for you.
Point conceded.

>They broke the JoyCons
After one drop, both locks were destroyed. That's awful build quality. You also didn't even try to refute the desyncing and 1-2-Switch review issues.

Point conceded.

>So you're agreeing with that I said about 100% brightness. Good to know.

That you might get an additional 5 minutes of gameplay by putting it on its darkest setting? Because that didn't seem to be your original stance.

Point conceded.

>New console.
See point one.

>Old consoles.
See point one.

It's a portable PS3 so $150 is a realistic price.

>every good company uses glass for smartphone/tablet panels
>nintendo uses plastic

>P-P-Plastic won't sh-sh-shatter

Yeah, it's totally not Nintendo cheaping out on manufacturing materials and costs. Nintendrones pls go.

the plastic won't but the lcd under it will since the plastic is soft

They absolutely had to, otherwise we'd be looking at a $500 Zelda tablet.

>what are screen protectors
I've never scratched or cracked any device with a screen
Are you all really that clumsy with your devices that this is that huge of a deal?

I can't tell if this is bait or not