Zelda: BotW - It is not so great

>Barren and empty.
>Too big, unecessary big.
>To fill the world they spread a lot of collectables, breaking weapons, small clusters of enemies.
>Fetch quest, like finding Shrines to progress the story.
>Padding, like fiding Koroks seeds, to make the inventory manageble, gathering resources and cook to deal with enemies that take half of your HP and to make Link walks faster, taking 380 pictures to complete the compendium for no reason.
>Too many mountains, you have to hike a lot.
>Hiking takes forever and is tiresome.

>Shrine are easy and small.
>Dungeons are much smaller than previous games and have some dumb puzzles, non-intuitive puzzle into it.
>Bosses are uninspired and clone to one another.

Enemies and combat:
>Lots of reskin with few enemies variation.
>Bad AI.
>Damage Sponge.
>The camera doesn't follow you around behind your back.
>The lockon doesn't lock easily.
>The lockon doesn't cycle through the enemies.
>Your shield an sword breaks too easily, really, it breaks a lot, specially on mini-bosses.
>Quick Time event if you dodge.
>Feels like a dumbed down version from Twilight Princess battle.
>Knockback is strange, you can't really knockback the enemies, unless you are using a heavy weapon, it is strange, can't pinpoint exactly.

>Pretty confy, good characters.
>Bad dub.
>Nice villages and cities.
>Only four small villages.

>Too much inventory management. The stuff is intense. Water temple is nothing compared to it.
>Minimal physic based rune abilities that got switched for traditional items.
>Master sword needs to charge, like a smartphone.

>The way you cook is kind of dumb, you should open a menu after interact with the pot instead.
>Framerate deeps to the point of micro stutter.
>Generally runs at 25 FPS.
>Too much assets pop up.
>Too much fog, baraly having any depth of field.
>Low level of detail.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sonygger calm your tits

Horizon is worse than BotW.


Fuck off Botw is Shit compared to Horizon
Horizon is goty 2017

somebody actually took the time to write all this out hahahahahahaha

Have you played BOTW yet on the console it was intended?

Kek what a Shit game, this is truly the power of the switch.
Why would anyone buy Zelda instead of Horizon?

A ps4 pro and horizon is the best combo you can buy this monthv

Shhhhh sonyggers are in damage control mode

If you like any of these games your opinion should be discarded.

Nope I don't own a Wii U, and I won't buy a Nintendo Shit.
Nintendo should go third party games like Zelda would have been better on ps4 hardware

See, Now you're just trying way too hard.

... You should stop.

Skeletal enemies should have their own unique category and animals that attack you should be considered real enemies.

I still hope there's more kinds of enemies than just what we're seeing or at least while playing the game it feels adequate. I especially hope there's more non-humanoid non-weapon users.

Horizon is a low quality monster hunter ripoff

This post again? FFS

Dont forget GTA San Andres

Horizon is open world done right

GTA is actually good though

Horizon is shit, but Blow of the Whore somehow found a way to be even worse. Bravo, Nintendo, saviors of many peoples wallet who won't want to shell out for a Switch.

This is low quality bait

This will soon be reality

This. Fuck of the Cuck is the Sonic 06 of Zelda and 2017.

not getting my (You)

Found the drone
Zelda is shit

>>Pretty confy, good characters.

Everything else is believable, but not this.

This. Drones say Fag of the Shit is good yet based Horizon blew it out of the water.

>Let me tell you why a game I never played is absolute shit
Sup Forums in a nutshell

Zelda is shit, but Horizon still managed to be a good game
Aloy is ourgirl now

I'm having way more fun than expected.
It's not perfect, but I really like this direction and I hope they improve upon it. I really liked Wind Waker, though, and this feels similar.

>>The lockon doesn't cycle through the enemies.
This stood out to me. I refuse to believe this is real!

Why take your time to hate on a widely accepted as a good game?

I understand some cases, like skyrim. That was an mediocre game as it best, receiving 10/10 everyone.

But its undeniable that BotW is superior to Skyrim in almost everyway. That alone would justify the 10/10 all along.

The WiiU? Cause that's the console it was made for. Switch version is a port, and is actually worse in many regards.

>that BotW is superior to Skyrim in almost everyway. That alone would justify the 10/10 all along.
This is what drones actually believe
Kek, pathetic b8

Not OP but I shit on any company that goes backwards when making a game. I don't care if they hide behind the open world bandwagon in order to say that's why there's overall less in everything else, I don't give a shit. If a sequel has less than the previous games, fuck off. Don't even bother making the goddamn thing.

Fuck off drone.

Hells yeah. Sony always wins baby!

It's a Sonic 06 meme story. Every aspect of Gay of the Niggers is shit. Buy Horizon, it's generally agreed to be GOTYAY

Forgot pic

Should have bought based Aloy's game then!

This, the switch version somehow managed to be worse (even with the wii u downgrades). Nintendo is a joke

Way to waste your time typing this. I'm buying the game anyway.

Breath of the Wild's creatures seem to be actual animals that can be found in nature, and fictional creatures that fit the nature theme, while Ocarina of Time's creatures are fantastical.

>Sonygger damage control the thread

Skeleton enemies are reskins of regular enemies, so nah.

Drone refuses to believe that his favorite game is a Sonic 06 tier shit and that Horizon is the true GOTY.




What the fuck.

I have to write down shit that comes out well. Fucking retarded bullshit

Nice trolling faggot.

Drones and sonic fans is similar as fuck, they always deny reality

Now this is what I call copypasta

Sony bros and Trump voters are also pretty similar, because they are based and uncucked.

It's not pasta drone.


Typical drones on damage control

Fuck off you autistic sperg. Don't compare trump supporters to whiny niggers who have NO GAME.

So cause you don't like it, it should fail?

And I wonder why we had to ask...

Anyone who uses meme as an adjective should kill themselves.

>please give me attention

All Bethesda games since oblivion have been shit though

Only people that are in denial are sonygger.

This is an insane amount of shitposting, jesus christ.

I'll still take BotW Horizon which looks like uninspired, mind numbing shite but after seeing hours of the game none of what OP has stated sounds incorrect, save for one of two things.

It's ok to criticize things, you know. You people and your brand loyalties are fucking nuts.

Blow of the Wang
Bitch of the Whistle
Banging of the Whale
Bighting on tightass Witch
Beard of the Woman
Bowel opening to Wisconsin
Bestiality of the Whore

Sony drones are the only drones.

>whiny niggers who have NO GAME
Oh you mean Nintenkiddies OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH B U R N!!!!

Meme of the Cryld is a shit game tho.

Because we're adults. We don't play Nintendpoop.


>caring about console games

>sony fanboys
Is there anything more sad and pathetic?

>being a close-minded idiot who limits himself with platforms rather than loving video games

People have hacked Wii Us retard

Dude just accept that you're just another one of those toxic Nintenfanboys

Why is Sonybros so good at roasting the shit games?

Comparing followers of the God emperor to Sony cucks who worship cultural marxism: the game

go jizz on your video card.

>loving video games


Switchcucks, probably


At least try posting the real version.


>implying there arent a gazzilon more games for the PC

>a person typed this

>because we're adults. We don't nintenpoop
Sure you are, sweet.

Lizalfos, the white wolf on bottom I don't care about, Darknuts, Stalfos, Dark Link and the Gerudo guard all have the same AI pattern. The very fucking same. With the only exception, of course, of Gerudo Guard which triggers a cutscene once her twist attack hits the player.

Do you ever stop for a second and look at all the shitposting on this board? How there's a person on the other side of the world posting and writing all this garbage?
How miserable their existence must be?
It's a pretty bizarre feeling but it makes me feel better knowing there's someone even more pathetic and desperate than me out there.

>bestiality of the whore
I wonder if a whore would let a big mutt fuck her if you paid her enough?

My fault, I posted the edited version

You are forgetting the shitty Xenoblade games and those Japanese GTA ripoffs i think it was Yakuza

Shitposting is part of this board's culture, sweetie. Don't get on your high horse just because you're on the receiving end, this time.

And you're still part of it for wasting time to write a 62 words post.

The irony...

>5 zelda shitposting threads at the same time

>1 Horizon shitposting thread
>Purged after 10 minutes

But Sup Forums is totally run by Nintoddlers, amiright?

> Darknuts, Stalfos, Dark Link and the Gerudo guard all have the same AI pattern. The very fucking same.
they're not even remotely the same, any of them

darknuts do literally nothing but walk in a straight line towards you, faster when armor is off, and swing sword with 50% chance of vertical or horizontal when they're in range of you or a pillar is in their way. Thats their entire AI

stalfos will strafe around you with shield raised and do jump slashes, jump dodges back, normal slashes or stand still with shield raised

dark link has the most AI of any enemy in the game, first phase he mirrors link's attacks perfectly and jumps on your sword for stabs and vanishes when struck, second phase he becomes aggressive, similar to a stalfos with shield raised but still mirroring attacks, is more likely to jump and more aggressive, attacks you when he jumps on your sword, and if you use nayrus love (You have to sequence break with glitches to get it) he'll just keep his shield up indefinitely until its over

gerudo guards have similar AI to stalfos but can't keep their guard up while moving, so they use it when you start attacking instead, they are far more likely to dodge attacks with rolls backwards and use telegraphed jump slashes, they do less strafing and more rolls

This game is pretty sexist as well.
Unironically so

Dude, ps4 has game, it's just that sonygger would rather endlessly shill horizon zero fun than shilling
Good games(yakuza 0, nier, nioh.)

Considering the amount of people screeching that Zelda will totally be the greatest game of all time, yes I am inclined to believe Sup Forums is generally pro-Nintendo. Mods don't make up Sup Forums, and many of you are quick to remind everyone that mods are newfags.
But you can just ignore this post, it doesn't support your views at all.

Sometimes I also wonder if their brains are rotten or if they are truly pretending to be retarded. Because the amount of stupid nonsensical shit you can read here is amazing.
Like how you assume I am on "the receiving end" as if I'm taking part on this whole shitstorm.
I hope you are just doing it on purpose but who knows, maybe you can still think like a normal human being.

I rarely post here because nothing I can do would make this hellhole any better, it's fucked to the core and the only way to fix this board would be to start a new one.
But the autism here is pretty fascinating and funny sometimes.

Guys i think its not a sonyggers being assblasted, i think its a sonybro trying to lower our expectations so we get more enjoyment out of the game.

We got a savior. Thanks for making Sup Forums better user.

The saddest part is that BOTW probably will be better than Ocarina of Time, but OoT babbies are so totally blinded by their nostalgia and childhood memories that they will desperately try to find flaws where none exist and exaggerate any miniscule issues.

OoT fanboys aren't real Nintendo fans.

>Master sword needs to charge
So not only do you need more hearts ( rip 3 heart runs ) to get it, but you can't even use it all the time?
They didn't even bother to balance it by making it less damage but unbreakable?

>some people will take this serious

sonyshills are truly on suicide watch jesus christ...

>tfw to intelligent to enjoy botw

whenever anyone say that an overworld is "barren" or "empty" I immediately disregard their opinion..
what the fuck do you want on a large open world?
it's fucking obvious it'll have large areas to traverse, that's the fucking intention, you can't have a large open world full of shit every 10 feet

yeah, and it doesnt shit on drumpf ONCE XDD

Yes an anonymous message board must be pro nintendo...maybe people enjoy Nintendo. We'll be enjoying Zelda, and you won't, sounds good.

I'm disappointed in the enemy variety and the framerate, but everything else looks amazing. Constant inventory management doesn't bother me, empty sections of the map don't bother me, weapons breaking doesn't bother me.


>all this nitpicking

Hmm, do I listen to reviewers who are paid to do their job well or some random user who only posts for (You)'s?

Still not buying horizon go riot you fucking cunt