Hollow Knight thread: fuck this fucking game edition

Hollow Knight thread: fuck this fucking game edition

how the fuck do you get this

Reddit game

You'll get the ability to survive acid water eventually.

1- acid water immunity

2- dash

just play the game and you unlock stuff

Can anyone tell me what the ghost that appears when you loot Joni's Blessing says?I hit it with the Dream Nail before I realized I could talk to it.

fuck this game volume 2. this boss kicks my ass cause i suck at videogames, do i get a good drop or should i come back later?

Monkey bullet power

He basically says 'Oh I don't remember actually giving you my blessing but you can have it anyway pal'

>Sly's true identity
holy shit
didn't expect that
that trinket is like the best 1 slot trinket in entire game

Is this the Dark Souls of 2D platformers?

Is arena bugged? Didn't get my notch. Any way to work around it?
Thankfully alt f4 resets the whole thing to last save.

Thanks, I was afraid I missed something super important.

You can get it with wall jump and dash.

Yeah, it's bugged. Got to wait for a patch.

come back later or change trinket..
i stayed 1 whole day on Soul Master and rage quit.
Today i changed trinkets and did it first try.
Tips for you(and me): learn the pattern and stay calm...i for example was overreacting and jumping all over the room.

the whole game is bugged

How to import gog save data to steam?

You shouldn't have to do anything, it should keep the saves in the same place

yeah soul master and eventually Soul Tyrant is way easier if you don't jump around so much, it helps avoiding the orbs. Managed to defeated him after stopping jumping too.

Cheese it by staying on the bottom platform if it's kicking your ass. It takes longer since you need to wait for it to teleport to the closer platforms on your left and right, but it's much easier to dodge the ghosties if you stay at the bottom

I'm 20 hours in and this is the best metroidvania i've seen in last 10 years at the very least, no exceptions. It has probably the best overworld i've seen in metroidvanias period, and unlike la-mulana it's not an ass to actually play.

to the folks who have beaten the game, list top 3 of your favorite boss fights

Is it true he puts your soul in a jar if he kills you? Screen shot?

>le reddit meme
Actually kill yourself

I've killed him in first attempt but it sounds really cool if he does.

i just met the sultry charm lady. what are the must-have charms i should buy?

long nail seems pretty good. i do often feel inadequate

That is true, but I don't have a screenshot.

all trinkets...lol do you even 100%?

Longnail is pretty good, you'll get a better version eventually though. If she sells the charm that gets rid of knockback, that one's pretty nice to have.

You will end up swimming in dosh so buy what you like. Longnail is pretty gud for beginning.
If nothings else seems interesting better hold off the money and buy the lamp from Sly first, that thing is absolutely necessary and makes the game way easier in some places.

1. Radiant
2. Lost Kin
3. Soul Tyrant

obviously, but im only like 6 hours in

how long until the better version? its only 300 dosh so i might as well. i bought everything sly is selling except the key, which i hear is disapointing

no, that would be Demon's Sperm

>there's an overcharm mechanic
fucking neato
but is it worth taking double damage tho


key itself is not disappointing, it's where you use it
there's multiple doors
>how long until the better version?
after mantis village boss

The key is okay, it's the hut at the edge of town that's disappointing, but you can use the key to open other stuff later. You find the better charm in Fungal Wastes (specifically Mantis Village), which you usually access right after Greenpath.

What exactly did i achieve by turning the pump on after the dung knight?

Where do I get the Dash+attack and the Upward dash?

i thought i already cleared mantis village...

guess i better check again. i got the mantis claw and dash, is there anything else i need to fight the boss and get the charm?

There's no such thing as upward dash.

fug the monkey

>kill hollow knight and get locked up
I guess I just got the bad end?

who am i supposed to fight first, soul master or mantis lords?

also where do you get extra life, i'm still at 5 i started with?

beat the boss and re-explore the village, you will stumble upon it

Where do I use the elegant key?

Is this some kind of 2D bloodborne or something?

No, you're expected to fight the boss right after you get the claws. You have to flick a couple of switches and huge door in the ground of Mantis Village should open up

>who am i supposed to fight first,

up to you, you can fight who ever you want.

>also where do you get extra life

Explore stuff, buy from vendor etc

Soul Sanctum


There's no real 'alignment' ending but you got the most basic, yeah
The true final boss requires a lot of shit, specifically True Dream Nail and Shadow Dash to get the pieces you need.

Nah. It's a decent metroidvania. It's not nearly as well-designed as La-Mulana, but it's still good and has a cool art style.


Shit is getting me killed. How the fuck did they release this?

Good game, but don't buy it until it's fixed. Who knows if they'll fix it.

>It's not nearly as well-designed as La-Mulana
It actually blows it the fuck out in terms of both overworld design and location design.
The only thing that HK lacks compared to LM is puzzles.

I've only really had trouble when I either let A LOT of enemies/corpses stack up or when I pick up a ton of coins

Where the fuck is Conifer in kingdom's edge?

White Palace has the most kino aesthetic

>not most comfy

Drains an acid pool that allows you to explore farther. I think it leads to an upgrade as well.

Just got killed again, one enemy on screen where I lost half a second, and 1400 dollarydoos

Shit is fuckin busted. Glad I pirated.

Discount SotN.

Inside a pipe on the left side of the big vertical room

La Mulana is entirely designed around puzzles, which HK really doesn't focus on compared to actual combat. I'd say in terms of world design and exploration HK just barely beats it out based purely upon world size and enemy/boss variety.

It's broken, as of right now. If they patch it, great. Don't buy it until then.

Just found Royal Sewer (game progress is around early Crystal Peak), explored it because what if Stagbro is there

Found bench and Flukemarm...seems like i triggered a bug somehow, the flying assholes doesn't seem to hurt me at all...

That said, how the fuck do you beat this thing the normal way? Nail takes two hit to kill one flying maggot thing and Flukemarm spawns two each time, leaving me busy with them and very little time to hit the boss

upgrade the nail, so you can kill them in 1 hit, made it the easiest boss in the game for me

Magic shot pierces enemies so line them up with her and you can get free incidental damage
Otherwise just dodge around them while you hit her, the fight is really pretty simple compared to the other bosses you're going to be running into at this point.

oh boy, another indie platformer! GOTY!

Man, I'm tempted by this game but I've been burned by Sup Forums recommending games like these so many fucking times

Holy shit the speed up charm for charge attacks is massive.
It actually makes them useful and costs 1 slot

200 Essences is your prize.
After about 10 hits, the number of Spirits on-screen gets a little too ridiculous and it's better to just sit on the bottom platform until she warps close so you can hit her.

Dude, nonstop fuckin drops. I'm in the deepnest right now, and

>grub digs up
>game lags
>get hit during lag
>game lags due to hit

I went from full to dead pretty fuckin quick. Don't buy this shit until it's fixed.

This is better than BotW and is shaping up to be GOTY.

looks good. is it worth buying

Yes. It's the empty jar in the hall with all the other jarred shit leading up to him.

wait what
there's another upgrade? i didn't know that

i had less trouble with Soul Master but i doubt they're fair comparison

Also, is there a boss that drop a notch aside from that big mushroom?

No. Don't listen to this guy. Don't buy a broken game.

>there's another upgrade?
did you only upgrade it once?

There's like 4 nail upgrades total
First one costs only geo
Geo + Pale Ore×1
Geo + Pale Ore×2
Geo + Pale Ore×3

where the fuck is cartographer in kingdom's edge

Pirate til they fix the frame issues/bugs

Will Zote die if i win the collosseum fight?

I haven't seen any Pale Ore yet, seems like i need to do Crystal Peak first? That's the only area i haven't really explored aside from that godforsaken underground tomb, and Fog Canyon is still blocked by black barrier


no, he'll do way worse. This is the path you chose, tough, there's no turning back now.

How long until we get some good HK porn?

Pale Ore is just rare as fuck and is basically on every far end of the map, crystal peak included

i am looking forward for that thicc beetle we saved

I guess the Switch version will release in Japan. FUCK, JAPAN WILL BE ALL OVER THIS GAME, TEAM CHERRY IS SAVED

In the tall room at the entrance from King's Station jump down and hug the left wall, he's in a hidden alcove.

Favorite area?

I donno, they couldn't get it running well on PC. With the weak hardware on the switch it's going to run like dogshit.

Do i need to talk to him in a certain area before the cartographer shows up in another area?
Or i can just find him when i go there?

I whooped the trifecta of Mantises, and now I'm in the deepnest. I've saved Shithead and gotten the trainpass. All my other paths to the boss area lie in darkness. Should I leave and come back later?

It certainly wasn't failed tramway. At a certain point I was just holding the stick and jumping because I couldn't tell what was going on for like 5 seconds straight. Lag is stronk.

where is this one?

queens garden

Stone Sanctuary or whatever it's called in Greenpath

Let's hope so. Metroidvanias aren't too popular over there though, are they?

Is there a stag station in kingdom's edge?