Borderlands 3?

Can Gearbox redeem itself after Blunderborn?
Nah not really

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oh boy more memes and bland gameplay


wow it looks like borderlands. this is very unexpected news!


Are we still stuck on Pandora? Even after the ending of 2 basically confirmed there were more vaults out in the galaxy?

I'm ready for Blunderlands 3.

Thats because it is...

It is Borderlands 1

gearbox are shit and haven't ever made a good game

It's like they went "Let's take that iconic Fallout 4 Red Rocket Garage shot everyone had as their desktop background for months and make out own!".


They'll definitely utilize the telltale characters. They know its their only chance to be relevant again


What if this isn't Borderlands 3, but Borderlands 1 remade with more cringy writing about how being a cuck is the way of life, and dated memes, and a Donald Trump strawman the characters can beat up for liberal players.

If they're planning on having a more fully open world space rather than separated by loading screens, then that's one dull looking desert.

Is still Curch writing for Gearbox?
Also, remember guys, you're not Anthony Burch

>that iconic Fallout 4 Red Rocket Garage

Sucks that gearbox is now a meme. Even good games they made are considered bad because it's hip to say so on Sup Forums.

By the way, now that Sup Forums is super popular and mainstream, will you guys stop coming here and hating it soon? I hope so.

>tech demo
>looks like absolute dogshit

how does he do it?

It has more character than this garage. Plus it was a nice screenshot. an image to hold gamers over until the game came out.

Just give me tales from the borderlands season 2

By making an ass of himself on Social media and in public for some reason.

And the people here think Todd is the worst.

>It has more character than this garage
that's not saying much, pretty much anything has more character than current gearbox shit

If they opened up the world a bit and made the quests less "Go here and kill the things" it could be alright. Less linearity, some story-branches, more NPCs to interact with, and fewer objective markers. I enjoyed the gameplay of the series so far, but it gets monotonous eventually.

The meme humor doesn't really bother me but they should instantly fire anyone who wants to shoe-horn in any references to any contemporary social or political issues. Like what they did with Mr. Torgue was just embarrassing.

>Consider Borderlands 1 one of my favorite games
>Loved the Mad Max-esque world
>Loved the style
>Loved the atmosphere
>Loved that you made up your own story
>Loved all the weapons
>Loved finding loot
>Loved the characters like Marcus and Dr. Zed
>The humor was actually pretty funny and dark at times
>No forced meme shit aside from a few Easter eggs
>The DLC is all pretty good too

>Borderlands 2 comes out
>In the first 30 minutes I'm already asking myself if I'm having fun
>Still stuck in this glacier hellhole, even though in 1 I was already out and about and exploring
>Rarely any good loot boxes
>Finding actual good weapons was extremely difficult, and it basically forced you to farm
>The shops were all useless
>Leveling/scaling was completely fucked
>Story was absolutely terrible
>Characters scream in your ears every 5 seconds
>Bloodwing gets killed (Mordecai main)
>Played as Zer0 and fucked up my build so I was just died over and over again (That fucking Badass Constructor, Jesus Christ. I have PTSD from that fucking death and respawn animation.)
>Only time I had fun was playing as Gaige and having Ricochet and Anarchy with a Torque Shotgun

1. Hi plebbit
2. The problem is Gearbox is genuinly awful. It's all the fault of Randy Pitchford and his fucboi Anthony Burch.

>Only time I had fun was playing as Gaige and having Ricochet and Anarchy with a Torque Shotgun
I fucking feel you on this. I started playing as a different character and everything was a bore. I tried Gaige and had a bit more fun. It didn't make me love the game, but I found it more tolerable playing as her.

I wish there was a game like borderlands made by a competent company.

No, this is all Borderlands 1 artwork. All they did was take shit that was already drawn and colorized and presented it. All of this shit is years old.

They just went into the attic and grabbed shit.

I'd honestly be surprised if they weren't trying to squeeze out Borderlands 3. Literally their only game that can be called a success and they have had blunder after blunder for years since BL2 came out.

Can't wait for more terrible characters and memes.

you have good opinion, friend. i put in 600+ hrs into bl2 hoping it would get good. this was on release, so no buffed drop rates and balancing. now, i don't even care if gbx bankrupts.

I loved BL1, played it with a friend like 9 times trough.

>>Still stuck in this glacier hellhole, even though in 1 I was already out and about and exploring
that starting area was a mistake, I wonder if it works as a rule -never start a game in a ice area.

The only game close to it is pixel privateers in terms of loot but it's also a squad based 2D game (but I like it)

>It's the same cell shaded shit from the past two games, but now with a mud brown filter

Wooow what gud graffics. At least Burch is off the writing team.

They've earned that reputation though.

Borderlands and Borderlands 2 are the only games they've released in nearly 10 years that have had any kind of success other than infamy. Even if you liked stuff they did before like Brothers in Arms its been over a decade since the last one.

Gearbox is genuine trash.

>At least Burch is off the writing team.
Doesn't mean his presence doesn't still linger.
Gearbox made it loud and clear that they want to be the "progressive and meme" game studio.

>Borderlands and Borderlands 2 are the only games they've released in nearly 10 years that have had any kind of success other than infamy
It sucks that Borderlands 1 gets lumped into the hate for the series. 1 is genuinely fine, and even pretty good. It's 2 and PS that killed any hope for the series.

if they give mod support it will be great, that's the only way to gain more market

so it's borderlands 2 with slightly higher res textures and a brown post processing filter
truly amazing technology

Oh god they actually are going to rush Borderlands 3 out and end up competing with Destiny 2, aren't they?

They got lucky with Borderlands

>Everything else they touch turns to shit
>Controversy with dealings within development of games
>Fucking up other people's IPs
>Chatting and stirring up shit
>Getting blown the fuck out
>Losing money fast
>Randy still making decisions

Now they've gone back to their "ace card" their little money box one last time.
I normally would never wish bad things on people and their livelyhoods but the industry would have been and will be better off without Gearbox ever existing. Nothing good has ever come from them.

This is bloody fucking atrocious to look at. They also need to ditch the cowadoody gameplay and make it faster.

It looks hideous. The previous games looked better.

>after Blunderborn
Gearbox hasn't been able to redeem itself since Borderlands 1. Though it is amazing how long a company can survive while putting zero effort into any of their games.

BL1 wasn't perfect by any stretch but man despite all the QoL from 2 and 1.5; 1 just did the setting so much justice compared to what the later games ruined. It's kinda sad how much people love the Taletell game despite it also barely giving any real love to he original setting.

Shit sucks

tfw think Borderlands 2 had much better gameplay

>Can Gearbox redeem itself after Blunderborn?
I'm amazed they haven't been shitcanned. They've done nothing but lose money for years.

I hated BL2 as soon as I realized they ruined revolvers. Having to spam your attack button is so dumb.


>>going after the bb-8 crowd literally years too late with literally the laziest ball design ever

god i fucking hate those weebs. i hope this shitty game fails and randy is forced to go back to performing magic tricks for kids parties


i must admit they still got a chance.
this is desperation i see here, it please me, only them can make something positive in this context.
so much feels involved with fear to make a masterpiece "borderland noir".

Its a material sphere used to show off the texture and demo how it reacts to lighting, idiot.

Thank you for this post. I agree. I really enjoyed the first game so much more. Also BL2 had this random difficulty spike near the middle of the game that just felt so unwarranted.


Absolutely disgusting.

fuck off randy! go disseminate on neagoaf where you're still welcome

While the enemies had more variety, and certain things were made better other things took a nose dive like entire weapon types, the overall loot system and the scaling. 1 is more clunky but assuming you stick with it past 30 1 keeps better.


What's up with gearbox and the letter b?

Regardless what is the point of bullshots for this game? The graphics look exactly the same from 1, the art style doesn't lend itself to anything except looking grimy as all hell.
No he works at Riot now, destined to make every character in LoL gay and trans.

>tfw think Borderlands 2 had much better gameplay
Main problem was that BL2 had bullet sponge enemies literally everywhere. Not to mention leveling/scaling was so fucked for actual years.
>Nerfing shit in a SINGLE PLAYER GAME

Main issue is that Burch forever tainted the series with his touch in 2.
>Pandora was a prison planet
>Shit happened and the prisoners got out and made their own society
>Everything looks like shit because it's literally just a bunch of bandits
>Going there is pretty much suicide

>2 then made it a wacky place full of characters that take nothing seriously and chock full of flamboyancy and memes
>Burch literally didn't read anything about the characters and setting and made up shit because he could and no one was going to stop him

>Exponentially scaling stats
can't believe gear box did this, who wanted this in their loot farming shooter
it makes your gear redundant every time you level up past 40

>Regardless what is the point of bullshots for this game?
You dense fuck. It's a UE4 presentation from GDC.

>Play Borderlands 1
>have fun
>difficulty is consistent due to linear stats scaling
>guns could be useful up to 15 levels above as a consequence

>Play Memelands 2
>10% of the guns guns feels great, 70% feels like shit, the other 20% is just alright.
>stats curve becomes a cliff from level 40, bullet sponges and oneshots all over the place
>guns last at best 2 levels, even legendaries, from 50 onwards

>mfw assault rifles in BL2

let's talk about Borderlands 1
what's your guys weapon-fu? Unforgiven revolver for me
>find a shotgun variant of it at level 10
>it lasts all the way to level 35 thanks to Mord's pistol skills

>RAGE with a heavy outline


1 looked better than 2 style wise.

I don't think anyone at Gearbox knows what an assault rifle is or what it's for (hint: it's not a shittier SMG).

that w/ commando roland

>Borderlands was initially inspired by RAGE
>Beats it to the punch
>RAGE is released and forgotten
>user compares Borderlands 3 to RAGE

We're through the looking glass here people.

Isn't the game that was made by THAT guy?


Any purple Hyperion shotgun with maxed out weapon proficiency as Roland. The only thing that comes even remotely close in BL2 is the butcher with Practicable affix while playing Axton.

>level 68 weapon
>203 x 7 damage instead of BL2's 5 million
what the fuck were they thinking

Alright. SoesntDoesn't change the fact it still looks like borderlands 1 and 2. This game's art style doesn't lend itself to being graphical impressive was the point you dumb cunt.

>Even more interestingly, Gearbox’s Randy Pitchford says the new tech can also simulate physics depending on the planet’s properties.

>It allows the scene to simulate in real-time,” says Pitchford. “As time of day changes, or, as, maybe conceivably we have different physics if we, for example, were to explore different planets. There might be different physics and the sun and the moons might be in different positions than what we’re used to on Pandora.”


Borderlands was """"""""""""inspired""""""""""" by codehunters, even contacting the guy who made it to make some concept art for it then never hearing anything back while gearbox totally aped the style for their game to make it stand out.

The Elephant Gun, I'd regularly go back for a new one whenever I needed. It's successor didn't have the same feel but I still made heavy use of it. A very close second would be a purple 5-burst machine pistol I had found that could dump its entire 60+ magazine in a second thanks to Mord's skillset.

>Borderlands was initially inspired by RAGE
The fuck are you on about? It was inspired to Fallout 3, RAGE came out in 2011 two years after Borderlands. It was still shit upon big time by serious sam 3


I forgot how fucking stupid the damage numbers in 2 were.

>Borderlands was """"""""""""inspired""""""""""" by codehunters,
Yeah jackass, anyone with 5 minutes on their hand can find that out.
I'm talking about the original iteration before the art style change. You ignorant fuck.
RAGE was being presented from all the way back in 2007.
Interviews from BEFORE Borderlands 1 was released said they took influence from that.

Borderlands was inspired by a short animation called 'Codehunters'. And by inspired I mean they ripped off the aesthetic as well as many of the scenes shot for shot without the permission of the initial creator.

I'm not a Gearbox fan to be honest, never liked their other games, but Borderlands 1 and 2 had me entertained for a few hundred hours, too bad the Pre-Sequel was so fucking dissapointing, but then again it's not even made by Gearbox.

>mailwan 'crux' is misnamed by error and is supposed to be 'plague'.
Hearing the crimson lance scream as they melt away from corrosion is the best. 10/10 shotty

Yeah but they killed Handsome Jack. And then they killed him again in Tales. Why bother?

Refer to the above I know you get your news exclusively from Sup Forums but don't try to be a know it all.

Randy Pitchford is just a producer, he doesn't make games.

>don't specify what you're talking about
>act like a faggot and call people idiots
Really makes you think.

>your pic
i feel all like "SPOILER THIS" in my skin.

What's the matter, too BADASS for you? :^)

But seriously, I agree it was fucking obnoxious; this exact same configuration at level 71 did over 100k less damage

>texture streaming
Unreal engine was a mistake

'Member Vladof shotguns?
'Member Hyperion combat rifles?
'Memeber Torgue SMGs?

>I'M A LESBIAN: The character

>Pirated PS because I wasn't going to give Gearbox money (I never pirate)
>Gameplay wise it's better than 2 I would say
>Play as Athena because she's the only character it makes sense to play as, and I liked her in BL1
>Meet that character
>Literally never stops hitting on you
>Almost every word of dialogue that comes from her mouth is her hitting on you

I know the common conception is that the writing in BL2 was the only really horrible part, but Jesus Christ play the game again, it's awful.

Also, why does Gearbox use the word "badass" every two seconds in each of their games, like what the hell?

Literally every other line out of her mouth if you're playing a male, is reminding you that she's gay. Even goes out of her way in at least two conversations to bring it up.

'Member Atlas and S&S weapons?

No Anthony Burch so it'll probably be better.
Fuck Gearbox though.

It's like a bunch of preteens saying swear words for the first time and Randy and Anthony are man children.

>the common conception is that the writing in BL2 was the only really horrible part
The common conception amongst who? The Borderlands series has no areas in which it excels, or even does good. The best you can hope for is something in them being passable.