Yandere Sim X Tiny Build




Haven't played Hello Neighbor, is it actually good?

fuck off

>Sup Forums thinks they're a software dev just because they play video games

Why do his fanbase love his game so much despite it being a shitty meme game? People in the comments are talking about how they would be willing to pay $60 for the game. No other meme game would ever be considered to be worth that much money, what's so special about Yandere Sim?

He makes fake accounts to shill it

This guy is literally fucking retarded

He always says something fucking retarded

Then he makes a video apologizing for what he said

why is this dude milking his fanbase so hard for cash. why not just stick to his 5000 dollar income per month and just slowly but steady finish up the game?

So he's selling out by suddenly saying some companies are good.

I could listen to this guy talk all day. No homo

He sounds retarded, gay, and boring


Yandere dev has been a sellout for a while now so this doesn't surprise me. Stop trying to shill this garbage here.


Because of it's unique at the time premise? It's supposed to outgrow its meme game status with the first rival's release, but it's value is nowhere near $60. These sound like some over-obsessive fanboys/girls who record his sneezing and upload it to youtube, I don't think there are that many of them. I'm a fan and I wouldn't pay more than $15 (after I've seen the completed demo and liked it, of course I wont buy it if it's shitty)

Stop harassing people, Kiwi Farms.

Because finishing the game would put a halt to said income.
There is no reason to finish anything on patreon.

>The code is so fucked he has to hire in people to fix it

Good work idiot

>I know you guys are giving me money on patreon but but that is to pay me for my work not to raise money for this game
>Now we need to raise money for this game
>I know you guys are paying me on pateron but now you guys are going to need to pay money to play my alpha

I don't think it's really going to outgrow its meme game status to me though. Like if you were to take away all the meme stuff all you have is a very bare bones stealth sandbox game. Sure maybe he COULD improve the game mechanics a lot before the release but I wouldn't exactly bet on it.

This. Tired of seeing this stupid shit.

This is why you should only ever support shit that has regular output, like episodic shit or regular artwork.

Some games follow this format, and a bunch of them have been great, but the whole pseudo-kickstarter tier patreon bullshit is retarded.

Considering he wants to make an open world game and this is the furthest the game has gone in 3 years its unlikely.