Nintendo won

nintendo won

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must try doesnt mean must buy

slow news week huh

OP is right.
Daily reminder the switch is still selling like hotcakes no matter how hard you pretend it isn't on Sup Forums.

>The failing New York times

Fake news.

>Reading fake news

hahahahaha it isn't even considered a game console it's a fcking gadget.




Keep this shit back on Sup Forums where it belongs.

>new york times

Switch is confirmed shit.

In other news my phone is a rectangle.

Seriously we can let him get the nuclear codes.

>went out today thinking there would still be Switches available for preorder
>they are all reserved


They will be in the bargain bin within 6 months and by then it might even have 2 (two) whole games. Just be patient.

It belongs nowhere. These people shouldn't even be allowed internet access, they are mental 5 year olds. "Daddy Chump told me that that's fake news so it is. My dad could beat up your mum!"

>must try
>not must buy
nintendo is finished

It has 133 games and counting. :)



There is no rush whatsoever to buy an underpowered system with a few exclusives

What is there even to miss out on? Get cemu if you need your zelda fix

>getting put in the "novelty garbage that nobody will use within 6 months" category
>nintendrones are celebrating this

If you don't already own all the good titles in this picture on steam, neck yourself to be quite honest family

>new york times
no you know the switch is bad since this fake news tabloid is being paid to say its so great.

>LITERALLY the Jew York Times

Memes aside they are an awful outlet.


>If you don't already own all the good titles in this picture on steam
>On steam
>Own on steam
Fucking PCucks, I swear

>if you don't already own

>many of the titles are not released yet

Um ok...

Also here ya go:

133 and counting :)

>mobile shit, shovelware, and multiplat indies

Sure is games in here.

>+75% being multiplats that run better everywhere else
>20% shovelware
>5% arguably good first party titles

How deluded can someone be?
Remember kids, by financially supporting Nintendo, you're forfeiting your right to think critically.

*portable exclusives

Fuck off back to Sup Forums degenerate Chump supporters

Sup Forums is not for basement dwelling racists

Nintenfags are so casuals that they don't know the titles in this pic and how most of them are indie shit and mobile shit.

>linking to the failing new york times
>nintenyearolds are this desparate
Face it!
Nintendo blundred again, and we're stuck with another Wii U.

>must-try gadget
It's the Wii all over again!

"Watch granny play Wii Sports" is now "Watch grandpa play 1-2 Switch".
Fuck the world

>"Fake news" has gone from meaning "disreputable news sources that post false or heavily sensationalized information" to "credible news sources that I don't like."

The New York Times isn't fake news. This is.

On Friday go to Gamestop about an hour before it opens then buy one of their extras, if it's having a midnight release then simply show up at 9 to line up so you can be guaranteed to get one of their spare units. Good luck getting a Pro controller though

>New York Times

Fake and Gay


You can thank President Chump for that. Meanwhile he praises crazy conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and hires Bretibart (yes, really) editors into his cabinet.

NYT is mostly owned by some Mexican billionaire for anyone that has been out of the autism loop. It is a genuinely fake propaganda tool and absolutely not a reliable source of information, but whatever.

What if Nintendo paid Trump to tweet about it?

"Failing IGN giving the Switch a totally unfair review. Everyone knows it is the best thing to happen to gaming. Sad!"

>this is who Trumpcucks turn to for proper, discriminating journalism

>listen goyim the NYT isn't fake news because I said so
>we're the ones who determine what is fake and the truth
What ever you say Schlomo

>one of the most respected news outlets on the planet
pol please leave

Of course, this is a sleek product with great games in year one alone. 100 million sales ez

Fake news was a term invented to discredit actual news sources who reported on Hillary's shortcomings during the election, the list was so small the fifty or whatever publications who endorsed Hillary figured they could discredit actual truths by dismissing them as 'fake'.

They brought this on themselves, now they want to get rid of the term.

All of a sudden the Switch would have a lot of really stupid, racist people playing.

Not sure if I want that...

If you're interested about what is to come and not just spouting memes, educate yourself.

That's because he's an autistic in love with Donald Trump just like them

Call your local toys r us and ask if they did preorders. If not, get your camping gear ready.

May be the only thing capable of bankrupt them. Trump is cursed, everything he touches gets bankrupted. Only reason he isn't himself is because he has too small hands to touch himself.

No, the New York Times isn't fake news because, unlike whatever clickbait bullshit your news comes from, it's staffed by professional journalists who studied journalism and whose lives and careers depend on quality reporting. That doesn't mean they're perfect, but they are the best.

The "mainstream media" is a lot like "mainstream medicine." Yeah, your doctor might be an asshole and getting shots sucks, but healing crystals and homeopathy do dick.

So? Mexican owner or not they are still hugely respected. They are one of the gold standards for news.

Would be kinda hilarious though, to have them all buy a foreign-made, Japanese (ie: non-white) made product. Imagine them trying to reconcile it in their tiny little brains.

Strangely enough it hasn't been well respected for a few decades now, staff changes, so does the quality of the publication. Their Buzzfeed tier behavior during the election stripped them of what little credibility they had left, I don't even care from Trump, I just don't want politics to dominate absolutely every publication, or at least not Trump, it's getting a bit boring now. They're just pandering to normies obsessed with le drumpf

Yes, God bless those courageous alternative reporters who risked their journalistic reputations to open a can of pickles.

Listening to classic Americana like Alex Jones and playing Diablo 2 on the US West server is maximum comfy. I am sorry you will never know this feel.

>Implying Trump isn't working with Japan to bring more jobs to America

How circular does this jerk go?

A job well done good sir! As a fellow liberal I applaud what you're doing kn this board.
A tip of the fedora to you.


His businesses have gone bankrupt. He personally may or may not be in the red (where dem tax returns cunt?).

Disregarding the memes from the retards here, NYT and any other non-gaming publication should be ingnored when it comes to reviewing vidya. You think their editors give any shits about verisimilitude?

So did the PS4, Xbox, PS3, Wii, etc.

Selling out is not indicative of succeeding or failing.

>they are still hugely respected

They used to be. They changed after he bought them out.

>professional journalists who studied journalism
I studied a journalism degree for a year before switching to English Language, a degree in journalism isn't an accomplishment.

I spent a year 'learning' alongside people championing the artistic merit of fan fiction, in retrospect I am sure a good number of them were MLP/Sonic fans.


You genuinely made me feel pity for you user.

The New York Times went from a rag to essentially the same thing as Jezebel when they started to focus on online content over print. They're drifting further and further towards clickbait every article. Just look at their headlines.

People either didn't know it existed, or thought it was a Wii addon. Most of it's buyers were Nintendo fans.

Switch has much wider recognition.


>if a console is selling well at at launch that means it will fail

Lmao Ok user...

No user, they still are. Trump being angry at them doesn't change that.

Stop projecting, all that image demonstrates is launch sales mean nothing, stop talking about them as if they mean anything.

Kotaku and Polygon are more trusted sources than the failing and fake New York Times

>Switch has much wider recognition.
this right here.

It also helps that nintendo probably spent more money on marketing then the handheld system itself.

>the fake news times


>posring le funny "im smarter than your 4 yo kid" man
Maddox has been a havk for over a decade. He's also a huge cuck who thinks he's the authority on the definition of words.



No, they really aren't. I live in the tri-state area. No one respects the NY Times, not even locally. They have completely lost touch with the American people.

His point is that preorder numbers aren't indicative of the success of a console launch.

Concept a little heavy for you or what?

Why are you so salty?

>if you vote Trump you AUTOMATICALLY are a racist or sexist person
>caring about racism or sexism on a fucking anonymous imageboard
You need to leave and never come back.


>cant deny the NYT bias and collusion so he posts memelord Alex Jones
You fucking neofaggots are pathetic.

What exactly is so fascinating about the Switch in terms of technology? Isn't it basically a tablet to which you can attach a controller? That already exists.


>The "mainstream media" is a lot like "mainstream medicine.
It's really depressing to realize people think this.

>People will buy this and play one game like they did with the Wii
But hey, sales determines quality, am I right?

Try again.

Then why does Trump read it every day? Just to get angry for no reason at outright lies, which you claim it is full of?

You know, this is pretty funny. I was in a wiiU line because I couldn't get a launch preorder. You know how many other people were in that line?
So don't try to revision history to pretend the wiiU was popular at launch, because big Nintendo fans (and only them) bought the preorders. No one else even knew what that thing was or the fact that it existed at all. I do not believe this will be the case with the Switch, considering how many people you already see frantically asking all over the internet which stores will have them in stock day 1 without requiring a preorder.

Not saying the Switch will be super successful, but you're only fooling yourself in pretending this is another wiiU.

Not even people who voted for trump. If you have even a single more conservative view than the staff of the Huffington Post or Jezebel, you're racist and sexist.

but video games are political user

>I post image-based replies 30 seconds after the initial post
>I'm not obsessed or anything, no this is perfectly normal and I'm a perfectly normal human being

whatever you say user

Literally nothing, some images have been going round of an Android tablet that had an identical feature list to the Switch in 2015 too, had joycon-esque removable controllers too.

Nintendo is the Apple of gaming now.

>Trump watches the morning news every day
>John Oliver bought ad space during the morning news in the DC area to air commercials explaining shit the President is supposed to know but Trump doesn't

How can one man be so based?

>put zero effort into their paper now, basically cheap toilet paper
>front page of website at this very moment is entirely about trump and one article titled "How do we fix Baseball"


All art is political to some extent.

Even "This is not political" is a kind of political statement.

it is the C U R R E N T Y E A R

He's british
In america he's basically a towering Albert Einstein compared to the natives

Pretty sure he is a normal human being that browses the internet, hard to avoid the clickbait written about him on a daily basis.

They should stop focusing so much on gimmicks and maintaining the "so innovative, so special" reputation and just make a fucking console with good games and third party support

Why can't they just go back to the gamecube days