
>Hey, wanna go back to my place and scissor?

is that your way of saying you want to play snipperclips?

>can't control themselves around a foreign white girl

that's racist

>a little tutorial notification pops up explaining what scissoring is
>a little controller popup shows what buttons to press
>button prompt shows up where possible

>press X to moan
what the fuck have we done

>>can't control themselves around a foreign white girl
>that's racist

That actually happens though, Joosten used to get bullied by female Japanese co-workers, they'd pinch her ass and thighs and call her a gaijin cow. As time went by they started getting bolder and bolder, running their hands all over her and kissing her hard on the mouth.

We have advanced too far! Pull back!

...go on


> Gerudo in the inn says you look like a Vai (hylian man) even in your girl clothes
> if you pick the premiun bed she says she will give you special treatment
> when the screen fades to black you hear her moan

This fucking game.

> vagina bones

>no abs
into the trash it goes

>heat resistance

What does that say?

>that background

Whoa, I have a lot of questions.

Link don't looks that much like a woman in the game though


you can't just stop there dude

How much longer are we gonna have to deal with having 50 faggot Link threads a day?

What is Link doing in the town anyway?

I need because I'm writing a /ss/ smut story with Link and the girls and I need the background info

About two or three weeks after switch release it'll start to peter out.

Some post the comic in which Link gets transformed into a gerudo. And gets preggs.

I fantasize about being a white girl growing up in Japan and all the popular Jap girls bully me and beat me up. It goes so far that they get their boyfriends to gang rape me in the girl locker rooms while they make me worship their feet and laugh at me.

that's pretty rough dude

The guards at the entrance don't let Vai (Hyrulean men) into the town. You meet another Hyrulean crossdressing at the Oasis in the desert who sells you the costume.
You gotta get in to progress that areas story. Many of the Gerudo can tell you're a man.
Lots of sexual innuendo and Gerudo women talking about men and foreigners.

I once made a post (on Sup Forums) about a classroom of Japanese schoolgirls spitting on me for some reason, a cute nerdy girl whispers "I'm sorry" in my ear before delicately spitting on my cheek. The class Yankee (delinquent) shoves her out the way sneering "I'll show you how to treat this gaijin dog" and spits and spits until her mouth is dry. The class slut kisses me, then drools seductively into my mouth.


This is lewd.

What did she mean by this?

I look at this picture and wonder how can such perfection exist.

Then I remember I'll never meet her and I get sad.
Then I remember that it's fake and she's only wearing that to rack in the attention and I get even sadder.

Then I read my own post and get angry at myself for being such a faggot.

It's funny how /v claims SJWs were mad about this considering they're eating it up.
Maybe /v is the one that's triggered?