Shilling thread

ITT: Shill a game you want to get some publicity!

I choose to shill Ground Branch.

Ground Branch operator outfitting.

P-please buy battleborn

Seriously though I thought ground branch died years back, glad it's still going

>Seriously though I thought ground branch died years back, glad it's still going
It's alive but is moving about very slowly.
I understand that it will take a lot of time to polish it.


ITT: shills

Can't we shill a little in one thread?
Do we really need five more Switch and Zelda threads?

it was only a matter of time until shameless shill threads were a thing. if shilling could be contained to these that would be great

/tg/ did a similar thing with CYOA general.

Pretty sure "shill" here is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek.

Life is Strange. Proves video games are art.

>Titanfall 2 is great fun
>Free DLC
>Community is slowly dying on PC for seemingly no reason

New Path of exile League real soon, if you hated Diablo 3 you will love this

Eternal. It's a really solid card game that has one of the most fair F2P system I've ever seen in the genre.

It's really not fair that a good, fair game is buried while broken shit like hearthstone continues to rise despite them doubling down on it's problems.

Steep. It's fun but no one ever talks about it because when Ubi tried to into marketing, someone died

Hollow Knight.
>Really long, interesting Metroidvania
>Is slowly gaining popularity as people realize how good it is, but it's still pretty slow
>Devs poured heart and soul into it, to the point of even putting out content from the Kickstarter they didn't even reach at no extra cost

2 days...

Xenonauts 2. This time will be a proper X-Com clone with an UI that isn't cancer

>Game proves being art removing gameplay elements and depth

Fuck you. Tetris is nearest to art than your visual novel

rabi ribi is one of the most mechanically proficient 2d metroidvanias i have ever played. the amount of thought and care that went into designing bosses and mechanics is staggering, and there is like 300 hours worth of content in the game... additionally, the devs were creative in making the map so you can beat the game without even getting a fucking weapon or powerups (but the run is still super long and difficult!) if you like 2d brawlers or bullethell games, you NEED this game!

burrito galaxy
enviromental station alpha 2

additionally, momodora reverie under the moonlight, hollow knight, and wings of vii are great metroidvanias too. i'm so happy that we're getting good metroidvanias again despite metroid and castlevania being dead

Apotheon is pretty fucking great. I especially like how they based the art style off of the black-figure pottery stuff.

what is it?

project octopath, that fucking shit has me nervious.

what was so bad about xenonauts 1's interface?


Metroidvania sort of thing set in ancient Greece. The gods have abandoned humanity by order of zeus, and hera, fed up with his shit, tells you to climb mount olympus, murder the gods, and steal their powers to save humanity.

ESO is a severely underrated MMO. Tons of fun and a lot of freedom. You can be as casual or hardcore as you want and it can play like a normal single player ES game if that's what you're in the mood for. Huge world with tons of variety. Fair game economy, awesome and friendly community, different quests not just kill this and go get that. Great writing, lore and characters. Highly recommend.

Choice of Robots.
Shut up, it is kind of like a videogame.