Would you like to see Sly 5?

Would you like to see Sly 5?

What did you think of Sly 4?

Your favorite Sly?

How much do you value the series as a whole?

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Hold on, they have to make a Sly 4 before they can make a Sly 5.

Sly thread?



3 or 2

One of the best 3D platformers, if not the best

>tfw Sly movie never ever


sly 3 is the best because you can play as carmelita

fluffkevlar apparently + paint edit since mods

Where my sly bros at?

Sly 2 > Sly 3 > Thieves in Time > Sly 1

Sly 4 or 5 would be dope as hell if made by Sucker Punch.

I'd like for them to wrap the story up and for it not to end on a cliffhanger.
more Carmelita is always welcome though

1.Yes, but only if it's back in Sucker Punch's hands(are they even working on anything?)
2.Solid overall, had a few minor bumps
3. Sly 2
4.10/10 best PS2 platformer.

I'd like to see Sly give Carmelita the D

I like Sly 2 more than 3 but 3 had so many conveniences.

Being able to steal with Murray/Bentley as well as giving Bentley a sneak attack was really amazing but I liked Bentley best when he wasn't a cripple.

Reminds me of DaS2 and DaS. A lot of content and quality if life improvements that the game before it needed but ultimately wasted on the worse game.

I totally forgot there was supposed to be one.
What happened? Development hell?

Sky Cooper Movie trailer when?

is this canon artwork by the way or am I hallucinating?

Anyone else hate how less sexy she became in sequel games. For one thing in Sly 2-3 she lost her Feminine Hips. Also her bust decreased in size.

sly thieves in times upped it in a sense though since no PS2 graphics

They can't even settle on a voice actress for her.
Most inconsistent character by far.

I dunno. They just.. stopped. Facebook and twitter for the movie has been silent for damn near two years now.

They would have fucked it up anyway. This is from their facebook. "Early years".. with Bentley in a wheelchair.

I imagine there is at least part of a film out there, maybe they were looking for another game tie-in like with Ratchet and Clank.
That said didn't they replace slys voice actor but keep the rest? Sounds like a mess.

So it would have been like the Ratchet movie. a retelling of the first game's plot with elements of the other game mixed in.

Ratchet & Clank flopped hard and no one like the movie's ugly uninspired dreamworksesque visuals, so it was canned.

Pic related was made before the movie was officially in production. I'm glad too since this and Sly 4 just went too far into the anthro and lost all visual appeal.


I thought R&C sold alright, or did you mean the movie?

the movie

They said they replaced Sly's voice actor, and kept everyone else. iirc it was because they wanted a more known name as the MC voice


shit i didnt know it was that bad, I like the movie it stayed pretty true to the game

I want Sly 5 to tie up 4's loose ends.

4 was alright, save the fuck awful final boss.


I value it for the porn

Everyone should know how laughable Rottentomato critics are though.

Which might be the problem. I never saw the movie, but did it seem like a "good for the fans, but alienates everyone else" kind of deal?

yeah i went with 2 of my friends that havent played the game and they didnt like it very much but for me it was great

Sure the box office flopped, but what's everyone here's opinion? I loved the movie to be honest, it brought me back

I haven't played 4 yet, but I loved 1 and 2 with 2 being my favorite. 3 was okay, but I didn't like it as much as 2, and I can't quite remember why. 4 looks fun.

Wasn't this basically an extended cut of the cutscenes?

Speaking of video game movies, remember when Adam Rosser, the journalist, asked provocative questions to Duncan Jones, the director of Warcraft movie, and walked out of his own interview when his bait failed?

Eh, it's okay if you're a fan of the series, but I had a lot of issues with it.
>In trying to make Ratchet a wide eyed ideal hero, he lost a lot of his charm from the games
>any character that wasn't in the previous games in the series were completely lifeless and nonexistent
>the fact that every character used an R&C weapon, while cool, makes it seem like it was advertising the game
>especially with the RYNO reveal, which amounted to literally nothing
>certain jokes dated it like a scene where Qwark updates his Twitter
>Fucking Drek

Did we watch the same movie? Ratchet was a completely different character, essentially nullifying Clank's role. A lot is cut out from the first game and all the humor is shitty Family Guy/Gearbox overly long gags. They chose the least interesting worlds and had really generic orchestral music. Couple that with the fact that Rachet's less abrasive personality meant totally different motives and thus a boringly reworked plot.

I'd say the problem was that it tried too hard to be generic. The only redeeming quality about it is that it technically is Captain Quark's recollection of the first game, retconning it out of canon.

>"Early years"
>Bentley in a wheelchair.
Why are people like this allowed to work on a franchise?

i know i expected so much more from this company after their prestigious track record

It's like watching a typical thread made manifest.

>It stands for RIP YA A NEW ONE

I'm honestly surprised that they even MENTIONED that in a children oriented movie

>>Fucking Drek

Unforgivable. They didn't even contact Kevin Michael Richardson.

You bring up a lot of good points, but when I say it brought me back I'm not talking about accuracy, but more of the "well, it's still ratchet and clank" type of thinking


You guys should start researching, the people who made sly 4 said in an interview that they would love to make sly 5. It's not about the developer wanting to make it, sony just have to greenlight the game which they haven't done probably because sly 4 sales were poor

I would like to, but it probably will never happen.

It was just fine game play wise. The other coopers had their neat gimmicks. Story was trash though, so much wasted potential. like pic related.

Sly 1 is one of my earliest childhood games so I do hold the series in a special regard. It's my favorite of the old Sony mascot series.

>"Your movie sucks, why didn't you put all 20 years of warcraft lore in a single movie?"
>"We weren't doing the entire series, just a single event from this epic. I think we did pretty good job."

God damn that guy is such a doucebag.

I'm hopeful that if Yooka-Laylee and the Crash Bandicoot remaster do well that we can get a Sly 5.


This. Retconning Ratchet from a borderline asshole to boyscout what does no wrong killed it for me.


I honestly am not even sure if the movie was originally planned for a theatrical release. I think Sony was probably just going to release it through PSN, because it says "Playstation Originals" at the start.

It wasn't great but it wasn't as bad as I was expecting either. It was just kind of bland, which is probably my biggest gripe with it.

Post yfw Sly 5 reveals Penelope escaped into the past to help give Clockwerk his mechanical immortality and plague the Cooper line for generations in revenge

I actually liked Sly 4

I hope we can eventually get a fifth/final entry to resolve that dumbass cliffhanger in 4

Why would her bush be a different color from the rest of her fur?

The Penelope betrayal was that absolute worst but If this happened it would be slightly forgiven.

I dunno she dies is or something

why is her hair blue?

Anyone else feel that anthros who have human looking feet look awful? Even worse when they have human looking feet but they got 3-4 digits which kind of kills the whole "human" portion of the intended design. Just give them anthro paws.

In furry art it's perfectly normal for females to have different color hairdos but you pretty much never see different color bushes because it just looks goofy.

Yeah hopefully

I had a similar idea a couple years back but it bent over backwards to explain why Penelope became evil in the first place. Said idea involved her finding a Clockwerk Eye that somehow survived destruction. The eye then hypnotizes her and tell her to go back to the past and give Clockwerk his mechanical body, thousands of years in advance to give him an edge over the Coopers.

Is sly 4 worth playing? ive seen mixed things about it

I'd say yes. It has some rough gameplay spots(everything with motion controls, that bullshit arrow game) but it is a solid game. The writing could be better, and there is one stupid plot twist(which you've probably already been spoiled on by reading this thread.), but it's not too bad.

I don't get why it couldn't just be that the big bad used the time machine to meet Penelope before the Cooper gang and then made her join him so Bently had to win her love again and she helps them stop the villain.

I swear, Bently gets fucked over in every way.

>Girlfriend goes evil for a shitty contradictory reason
>Has to save Sly every other game

It's between 2 and 3 in terms of Gameplay, so it's pretty fun, but it starts to get repetitive after the halfway point. Doesn't help that's also when the story starts to shit the bed there too. The final boss is just the biggest kick in nuts since it's a QTE, so I'd recommend just watching the end cutscenes after you get to him. It is dirt cheap now, so I'd say it's worth $5.

Also you need the vita version to get 100%, but I don't know why since fuck the vita.

>Would you like to see Sly 5?
Depends who's the dev.

What did you think of Sly 4?
The fact that they had to follow up on the stupid-ass time travel cliffhanger of Sly 3 just hindered this game. Sequel that we didn't really need, didn't engage me on any level really, just "meh".

>Your favorite Sly?
2 > 1 >>> 3 >> 4

>How much do you value the series as a whole?
Series dropped the ball during Sly 3 so as a whole, pretty mediocre. Sly 1&2 = awesome.

>Also you need the vita version to get 100%
What do you mean? Is the PS3 version bugged or something?

I'd like to see a sly game that's actually good, since every game since 1 has been hot garbage

You know what I want to see in Sly 5? SuckerPunch

Saw a video where they confirmed to be working on it right now. Still gonna be at least 2 years most likely.

Sly 4 is something clearly made by people who liked the first three games but were unable to replicate what made them great. Like someone who could read the sheet music but never heard the song played. And the finale is painfully rushed.


I just wanted to try and see what it would look like



Not sure if for better or worse but I tried to improve shading on leg

>2 was garbage

I think because the Vita helps in finding certain collectibles.

Looks much better

>Would you like to see Sly 5?
Maybe. I'd prefer a new Jak game to be honest

>What did you think of Sly 4?
Haven't played it yet but it doesn't look great

>Your favorite Sly?
I think they're all equally great but for different reasons

>How much do you value the series as a whole?
I loved it as a kid but Ratchet and Clank had more games even if they weren't as good individually and Jak & Daxter had better games overall (except for the last one)

>Would you like to see Sly 5?

>What did you think of Sly 4?
A solid 8/10.

>How much do you value the series as a whole?
You may not realize that, but that question means nothing and is very stupid.


that fur pattern doesn't make any sense tho.

I was worse than 1, that's why.

you mean white fur orange fur? I guess I don't have the eye for that

though I see how it doesn't make sense for tits but I didn't figure that out better

Care to elaborate?

Sly 1 was good, and every game since has been bad. They keep forcing those shitty side characters, the turtle and hippo. They had the worst fucking parts of Sly 1, why the fuck would they involve those characters MORE?

You sound like the sort of faggot that hates every character that isn't Sonic or Eggman.

Because they wanted to do something more interesting than just linear courses where you just play as Sly
Don't get me wrong, Sly 1 is a great game, but I prefer the heist set-up of the other games.
>implying Murray and Bentley's parts in 2 weren't fun as fuck

While I liked 2, I do agree that they didn't need to add the other two as playable characters outside of minigame levels. Bentley was kind of fun, but he and Murray weren't different enough from Sly in fun ways to justify playing as them.

If you got that triggered over different gameplay styles in Sly 2, I can't even imagine your reaction to Sly 3.

>hating on the Hippo

The Murray denies your reality, and substitutes it with his own.


damn for once a not a completely dead sly thread

Now all I need is sauce

OC edit, I think the original version is game art, not sure

I'm training shading in paint because why not

aand it's dying

It's glorious official concept art. The girl that drew it is a furry herself

>playing through Sly 3 for the first time today
>see this thread