What are some games where I can play as the good guys?

What are some games where I can play as the good guys?

Dresden Simulator 1945

ayy fellow Jose Ferre poster

Ferrer Dalmau is also great!
Now, returning to your question, check out Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad for FPS

If you like RTS, I recommend Codename: Panzers Phase II, I loved that game back in the day, maybe I'll download it again. I heard that Company of Heroes is great too

Bumping with some Ferrer Dalmau

In one of the SMT games, you can destroy the entire existence to end all suffering.
Literally can't get more good than that.

Did Spaniards really make it to the eastern front ?

They had a brutal civil war before the main event kicked off.
They ended up all over europe.

another Ferrer bump
Ye, the Blue Division, falangist volunteers after the civil war. They fought in the eastern front. After some time, Franco ordered their retreat, and the ones who wanted to stay fighting along the germans founded the Blue Legion, who fought until the end of the battle of Berlin.

More Ferrer bump. I'm still interested with OP question.


Hitler gave Franco volunteers, Franco sent Hitler volunteers

Rotherham simulator is more fun

>tfw i will never fight in the spanish civil war
>tfw i will never fight for the blue division
>tfw i will never follow in my great grandfather's footsteps
>tfw i will never live in nationalist spain

Victoria 2

yes, the blue division

bumping now with some Ferre Clauzel works. I want more ww2 RTSs


Hearts of Iron 3 or 4


>no 2017
I want to do it again

battlefield 1942

THis desu

Any game where you kill fascists.