The edgiest game?

Hardmode : irony not allowed

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Any Metal Gear, but maybe 5. Revengeance was so edgy it cannot be taken unironically.

Why aren't the crystal treatments working on his hands?

Literally slenderman


Devil May Cry



Any fallout game

so fucking cringy with those edgelord MC

Pretty sure Anonymous Agony was played completely serious

grrr i hate everyone rawr hate life blahh


Someone will say Hatred, but in that game you can't kill kids because hurr they're innocent, so it's not THAT edgy anyway.

The edgiest game is probably some Japanese indie torture simulator with all the sick fetishes the dev has.

do you even know what edgy means?

I haven't played any of those games but isn't there that one DMC(?) reboot game with the super edgy 'FUCK YOU' teenager protagonist?


The Mohamed goat fucking game

Please don't remind me

It's more retarded than edgy IMO, couldn't take it seriously

lol someone post the gif

That guy probably faints every time he stands up in one swift motion after laying down for a while, and is the most likely person in the photo to break his bones after landing from a jump.


Holy shit that neck

wtf feed that kid some food

his running at the end just cracks me up


Shadow the Hedgehog

he bangs more sluts than any of you on a daily basis


its fun(ny) tho

i really doubt he can even have sex.

What an odd creature.