Video Game can't be ar-

>Video Game can't be ar-

Video games have been arse for a long time user.

>Blog: the Game
They certainly can be somebody's livejournal, full of miserable self-hating

Is this all you took out of the game, user?

I didn't mind it actually, it should have been free though. And at the end he just sounds so whiny I found it unpleasant

it felt like a big downgrade from stanley, trying to go 2deep4you with "he made another walkingsimultor to reflect his life"

You're over two decades late to the party man.

Who the fuck wants video games to be art? Just fucking play video games man and stop worrying about really redundant shit.

$10 for a personal apology to some internet autist

People who actually have high IQs and aren't dumb spics like you.