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The game is good, now gtfo


No Sony. And neither was Ghostbusters(2016) or Suicide Squad. Fuck off.

this anti-white, pro-feminist, piece of shit game will never be remembered. You can pay off all the lefty shills you want to promote it for its inclusiveness all you want - but the game is nothing and will be forgotten.

I want all marxist pukes dead, yesterday.

Spotted the Nintenkiddies!

Apologizing is for faggots.

White people really do get triggered over everything. Holy shit.

i dont even own a nintendo product you sonygger shill cocksucker.

Please don't associate Sup Forums as an entire race of people.

that's rich coming from a fucking nigger. Literally contribute nothing to the world except constant derision, divisiveness and your "victimhood". I guess if you contribute nothing, you can whine to the entertainment industry so they start telling lies about how you're totally not worthless and whites are totes bad you guys

i apologize that i ever gave guerilla games any credit for killzone 2. theyre clearly a shit developer that has no idea what theyre doing.

Sup tumblr lewhitepplniggertwittermeme normie

Tell us how white fragility is a myth.


Why would I apologize for not caring about yet another Ubisoft tier mediocre open world game?


Crappy SJW game. Now we know why so much shilling for this happened and so much shitting on BOTW. BOTW features an aryan male.

I'm sorry you Soniponis have to suffer so

For what? I never cared about it. I'm not a TORtanic fag.

Imagine being this delusional.

>BOTW features an aryan male.
Nice try. He can't romance any of the females in the game, but he does dress up like a woman.

Plus it's nintendo so you know it's gonna be translated to be as PC as possible.

>game with a mild progressive message triggers the fragile closed minded retards on Sup Forums beyond belief
Has the SJW boogeyman ruined this board?

we wuz ai an shieet

No wonder the world went to shit.
>Muslim Woman in charge of anything.

whitey can`t keep us here

That's not how you use the promotions nigger you fucking faggot.

Haven't played HZD and I won't until it's on sale, but Suicide Squad and the new Ghostbusters were both really bad.


Official "Laugh at Sony" thread?

>there are people out there who legitimately think this

>mfw owned every single Sony console and never liked ANY first party shit

I haven't watched either Suicide Squad or Ghostbusters, but I'm pretty sure Guerrilla Games didn't make those movies since they don't make movies. But go ahead and compare movies to games like a desperate retard.


>all those fucking markers

That's literally how people talk today, though?

Both BOTW and HZD turned out terrible, albeit for different reasons.

Fuck this gen.

>vote 90% democrats

>not liking tomba!

Subhuman scum

It's shit, you shoud apologize for selling it.

Thats not the issue you imbecile

Well, they are supposed to be direct quotes from people, are they not?

Not all white people, buddy. I'm just sad that the story line is poorly written.

Are you retarded? The agenda is the issue. Also very subtle with the names.

>racist man from the UK called Nigel

Play this shit nigger. It legitimately has the best open world i have ever seen. Its so fucking varied and has a sense of verticality of which ive never seen before. Say what you want about the story, but the world is fucking amazing.

Never played it for real. I don't like more modern first party since GoW and PS2 era.

>The agenda
Two sides are arguing, one sounds like a retarded tumblrite and the other sides like a retarded racist.

I don't see the problem?

for those of you a little further in, how much stuff do i need to keep hold of and what can i sell in my inventory?

im kinda just picking up everything so far

>not liking shadow of the colossus

Animal parts.
Always keep animal parts.

Everything else is easy to find, but animal parts are kicking my mother fucking ass. I need to find me some goddamn rats.

Como a promessa foi grande a expectativa também,e são poucos os jogos que cumprem com as expectativas e um pouco mais como foi horizon zero dawn Historia incrivel, jogabiliade divertida e complexa,trilha sonora (uma das melhores dos jogos na minha opnião) e os graficos?OS melhores do ps4 e possivelmente dessa geração.

>buying western shit

Superior Robot fighting game coming though

I'm waiting for Guerrilla to apologize for this shit-tier game.

Is the game play good? Are the enemies fun to fight? This is a video games board. But regardless

>Ashley burch

I'm loving how fast these threads, regardless if they're positive or negative about the game, are getting deleted as shit just devolves into political fights that are the exact same thing every thread.
>"best game"
>"shit game"
>"clear leftist propaganda"
>"go back to Sup Forums"
>"here's this screenshot with Nigel"
>"Breath of the Wild is better than this game"
>"this game is better than Breath of the Wild, Nintendo btfo"
>that one guy asking about the gameplay while everyone else ignores him to fight culture wars

I guess the janitors are actually awake and alert for once.

The game is good.

Ignore the mouth breathers.

>Start up game
>starts with an honest, hard-working white guy telling the matriarchs to fuck off so he can name his kid
>Proceeds to show off the 'matriarchs' as a bunch of whiny cunts

B-but Sup Forums told me this game was anti-white

I don't "think" it, its reality.

All lefty cocksuckers should do your .gif related en masse

Show proof, that would be good if is true

Im curious, is the game really noteworthy as in at least decent? The only threads for it are either shills or for shitposting.

People act like politics don't matter but I'd never buy a game where every story section I'm being lectured by dropout writers who thought they could get into Hollywood without nepotism.

Maybe in San Fran.

Graphics are literally GOAT for consoles.

The 2nd one seems legit. I guess unwavering self hatred is the new norm today, and we will all fall because of it.

>Sup Forums keep spamming its pro feminist and its anti white
>play game
>its not any of that at all
I fucking hate Sup Forums

~3 minutes: dude tries to name his kid, matriarchs bicker about it
Scattered bickering throughout first hour
~1 hour 25 minutes: matriarchs revealed to be completely clueless about technology (even the nice one and the neutral one), worship a door as a goddess because it has a female voice
~not long after that: matriarch society shown to be insular and backwards
~shitload time later in video: still clueless and superstitious, but now the asshole matriarch acknowledges that the MC isn't the spawn of satan

Exceedingly mediocre at best.

Everything about that is bland as fuck

I watched some gameplay and streams, and am completely onconvinced this is a good game. How is it better than say the last few Far Crys? From what I've seen there's very little action and platforming, you just duck and shoot robot animals.

Also Zelda is confirmed transgender in this game sooooooo......theres that