Brow of the Wild

Brow of the Wild

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What an improved design


Aside from Zelda, who else is voiced?

worst zelda design yet

Is this the cutest Zelda yet?

I want to cum on those eyebrows.

>Needs a Nigel Thornberry SMASHING version

Slightly better than SS Zelda but worse than the other 3D Zeldas, including HW.

She should at least be on par with Ocarina Zelda. It looks like they translated her N64 model into BotW's style.

The best eyebrows.

Yeah that's probably true, though I don't remember OoT's eyes and eyebrows being that big.

I would murder wildlife for those.


Holy fuck the animation and shaders are so bad

This will probably be the only time I actually look at Zelda doujins

Cock of the Aroused.

They really need to tone it down with the shadows

I was waiting thinking this was going to happen.



Every character who appears in cutscenes.

The old man, the King, the Great Deku Tree, all the Zora, Goron, Rito, and Gerudo main character, etc.

They haven't learned from Arcsys.
Things like faces need modified normals for stylized shadows to look good.


For sure

I think I'm going to buy a Switch and BotW just for the faps.


Her bush must be enormous


But only in cutscenes. Outside of them they just grunt in the usual Zelda way.

Anyone got the webm of tsundere Zelda?


So can Zelda be a permanent party member in this game

I don't really like the clothes she and Link are wearing.

Damn, Link don't give a fuck

Well, you can wear different armour as Link, so at least you can do something about that.

Zelda also has at least 2 other outfits in cutscenes, a white dress and a blue/gold robe.

It looks fine on Zelda, Link probably gets his green tunic near end game

>better just let her rant so we can move on

>"pay attention to me or are you too stupid to even manage that? God why are you so pathetic, I bet you're not even a true hero. Well come on loser, lets see if you can keep me alive for more than five minutes."

>scissor sisters

>every time I see this
>always expect groose or some horrible shit
>it's always cute zelda


why do people like this zelda so much?

look at the pics inside when you get the camera function for your slate

then go to those places to trigger the memories

>going somewhere with your girl
>She spends most of her time with her tablet instead of you

Well excuuuuuse me, Princess!

that almost works too well there

Zelda is a roastie, confirmed.

Someone PLEASE make a Nigel Thornberry version of this

>muh 2010 9gag memes

off yourself

at least this got him some attention from her

What kind of assassin uses a sickle?

Did she just cum?

Her eyes were actually pretty big relatively speaking. She also had thickish brows but they didn't stand out because they were this weird greenish color.

I expected it to be already in the op webm. About time

so is zelda an actual "good" character or did she get "luna'd"?


Could someone explain the Luna'd thing to me?



>its a self-insert gayboi twink saves helpless damsel game

any advanced steams that are currengly up? twitch has everthing removed under the tags 'botw' and 'breath of the wild'



Who's buying the Switch tomorrow? I need to know so I can smack the >insert skin color< off you.

It may be your money, but buying a console at launch is still stupid. You stupid idiot.

Memes aside. That looks like it's his actual job and she's an important political figure. Even if she was Goku tier he would be a shit bodyguard to just sit there and watch.

She's not as bad as Luna by virtue of getting some screentime with Link, but no she's not a "good" character. She's a waifu first and a character second, as evidence of the super kawaii knee shuffle shit.

knee shuffle?

eat shit faggot

Here's something to consider. Where is the line between a character having a cute moment and a character being a waifu? Are developers not allowed to do that anymore because some otaku will like it and fap over it?

When said character revolves around having cute moments? Well I'd hope not.

I was expecting Nigel thornberry for some reason...

At least half of these looks like her talking about plot and such but anons are wanking over it anyway.

it's been so long for Rola
When she met Link...
She knew he could hit her target any day

Does that mean she indirectly invites you to cuck her husband?

>Cuccos have now canonically killed someone
fuckin wew

well... I'll let you decide that user

>husband is obsessed with cuccos and doesn't live with his wife

it's only normal.
they are brutal killing machines afterall.

was the KEKo thing on purpose? or was it just a coincidence? i think its too good to be a coincidence but this is a fuckin kids game

look at that fattings height difference


>Make VR Dating sim game with Zelda female characters (And Link of course)
>Nintendo get money for next 100 years.

why do i have to play as a manlet

Nintendo of America went a lot better since the prostitute left.

Hyped up as key character. Maybe even alongside MC.
In game she has shit development (and emotional/romantic if they push that) and little to no screentime despite apparent plot importance. Maybe even dies midway. I think it's referring to what happened to that Luna girl in Final Fantasy 15.

He was supposed to be a lot younger and in the reveal he looked even twinkier. He might still be that young despite making his face more like the other 3D games. Zelda has a coming of age theme which is why grizzled old Link will never happen.

and... still no Thornberry edit

theirs only two things i want to know about this game so far

1 is links green tunic in the game?

and 2 is the master sword immune to breaking?


I just wonder why Link is so much prettier than Zelda now. Is she not allowed to be that attractive anymore?

And before someone says "He was always prettier", you're wrong.

>Wtf Tumbrl?
Alpha as fuck

So how are Gerudo still around?


wtf I love cucks now

I mean, that's the most loaded question possible because I think she's perfectly pretty and cute. Not that she's the prettiest Zelda but still. Also Link's face is still pretty much the same as it has been since TP. The only time it was really different was during early footage and that got backlash enough for them to change it back.

their new leader Riju made sure they were all properly taught how to fuck a lot and make many new Gerudo

It's the child timeline, they were fucking around in Hyrule Castle Town in TP

Egypt 2000 BC and Russia 1917