Whom else /scamredbox/ here??

Whom else /scamredbox/ here??

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Can't redbox check who last rented the game and get your ass for stealing? I don't live in the US so i have no clue how those things work.

>mfw that happened when i gt a dvd from redbox
fuck you and everyone that does this



Only person that got scammed here is you.
You wasted money on horizon and saves a few people the wasted time from getting the game.

Criminal does this. Someone has to pay for it.
Criminal does it again and again, because free games.
Down the line, the criminal's name is shown on the records of four games this happened to. Police are sent to investigate.

What's going on here

that's not how you use whom

It's really obvious, but I'll stoop down to your level for a second.

>get game from Redbox
>put another game in the return case
>keep the original game

So you can basically get new releases for free.

>being too poor to buy a $60 game every now and then

Or you could just grab the latest scene rip at home and not get billed as they have you on record being a dumbass.

op here, i live in zimbabwe.

From the way I've used it in the past, you absolutely have to provide a copy of a credit/debit card to Redbox before you can get anything out as they need to charge you for everyday you have it.

This way if something happens they know who had it last and can go after them.

The trick is to do this and then call redbox. That way the previous renter gets charged for it

>not using a prepaid card
they will never know


>scene rip

what if u use a prepaid debit card ?

You can only do this once or twice before they catch on though.

what the hell man

this desu

Oh shit, you're right

can't you use debt gift cards?

worse than a nigger

>implying niggers are this crafty

What part of "absolutely have to provide a debit/credit card" do you not grasp?


it is a debt card ;^)

Last step: Criminal receives penalty of a fine up to $35.00 for costing society a total of about the same amount.

Now... I've never even used a redbox, much less schemed to steal from one, but the whole idea just seems like pleb bait

Often times, those people just tell Redbox that it was also paper when they got it, so they just returned it like that.

I don't see the difference, that piece of paper has the same value as the bluray.


You can, but you still have to put in your billing information. You can give them a fake address, name, and all that shit though.

Why not just pry the entire Redbox machine up from the ground and put that shit in the back of a pickup?

Y'all want to go through the trouble of committing a crime, so why are you trying to think of devious ways to stop master from catching you eat some crumbs when you can just take the entire fucking plate?

Stealing game discs from redbox is the most nigger thing you can do.

The proper way to redbox is to rent the game for $2, back up the game iso with a hacked console, then return it.

>This doesn't work because OP is a fucking idiot and was the first person to rent Horizon.


If you already have a hacked/modded console you can simply download an iso.

Yep, and that's if the next guy even reports it. It could easily get checked out 2-3 times before somebody bothers.

the trick is to never use redbox

Burn some porno onto a DVD and tape your new label onto that. Some kid will check that out a million times

thanks OP i've sent redbox an email (with your pic) that user(s) are stealing Horizon for the ps4 (disk) and replacing it with a paper copy.

theft is a crime.

Is this 25 years ago? Kids these days have unlimited access to all porn ever made. It's only old farts like us that even remember cranking out some poison while looking at fuggen Victoria's Secret catalogs or heavily obscured analog television signals of pay-per-view porn channels.

>Is this 25 years ago?

People still steal physical games

prepaid credit card with no name attached
photo copier

Redbox literally will not let you rent anything unless the credit card has a legitimate way to track the person using it. Pre-paid cards do not work. You are making shit up.

Black people piracy

I've never used RedBox, but do they have cameras built into the kiosks? You could easily use a stolen cc to rent (i.e. keep) lots of shit.

do they seriously not check they actually got their game back before sending it out again?

It's a machine. It can be fooled.


>spend all day downloading a 30GB PS3 iso
>walk to redbox down the street, copy the game to PS3 HDD with multiman, return 30 minutes later

>Rent ps4 game
>Get a slip of paper
>Remember that PS4 has no games

Goddammit Redbox

Wait, can't you reach behind the machine and disconnect the Ethernet cable and get free transactions or some shit?

I vaguely remember someone describing that, but it could be nerfed by now.

>30 gigs
>all day
More like an hour, stop being poor.

I'm pretty sure that if you disconnect the internet, the machine refuses to function and tells you to try again later.

PS3 direct download links are all dead now. All that's left is barely seeded public torrents or begging for a super secret piracy club invite.


enjoy jail time soon

If that was true at any point, I'm sure they've patched it by now.

people conduct cyber crime from the comfort of their homes

neanderthals steal physical goods

Unga bunga rockbox

Even if your speed is low, waiting one more day probably wont hurt too much.

Could I use a disposable Visa gift card?
And just replace it with one of my many blank CD's?

>only got caught because they tracked him back through his reward card


In today's day and age I'd rather spend $2 to copy a disc in 30 mins or less instead of a day and a half downloading it

didnt the game come out yesterday?

Sup Forums doesn't like video games that much

Neanderthals were literally smarter than homo sapiens though.

I don't know why, but that sounds really ominous.

>day and a half
Feels ausfag man. NBNever

That would require upper arm strength, friends, and a truck. Most people who browse Sup Forums have maybe one of these, at best.

Plus, driving with a huge red box in the bed of the truck in the middle of the night is going to turn some heads.

Which is why it's stupid in this situation, because how many people do you think rented a game already when it hasn't even been out for two days?

They have a GPS transmitter in the fucking thing. Same with ATM, coinstars and other such kiosks.

How the fuck do they afford and go to such extents for a fucking blockbuster ripoff? Who even uses these things?

GPS transmitters aren't that expensive, senpai.