Why didn't Sauron just forge another ring if you can just make them whenever you like?

Why didn't Sauron just forge another ring if you can just make them whenever you like?

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"He poured into it all of his malice, his power, and his will to dominate all life"
I mean unless you can just grow more evil, power and will whenever you want, not happening.

but in the new games Celebrimbor made the one ring not Sauron

Why didn't he just wear the ring on his cock?

Lol good luck cutting my dick off through all this armor Isildur gg no re

Why didn't Sauron turn invisible like every single other character that has used the ring?

Celebrimbor did no such thing. He was always one of the ones that made the other rings with Sauron's help. But just like Celebrimbor made the elven rings in secret, Sauron made the One Ring in secret. That is to say, without anybody else's help.

How the fuck did you not know this?

Why did he wear it over his armor
Why didn't he wear it on his toe
How did it perfectly fit his finger
Did he have a jeweler adjust it
Did the jeweler accidentally wear it at any point in time

I'm talking about the lore-raping canon of the new games friendo, it clearly shows Celebrimbor and Sauron making it together

That's not inherently what it does. When Bilbo got it he wanted more than anything else to escape, and he turned invisible to escape Gollum. And Bilbo always just told Frodo it was an invisibility ring so that's just what Frodo thought it did. So when he put it on, all he expected was to turn invisible, thus he turned invisible. Obviously there's other side effects when Sauron is paying attention.

I don't believe you, show me where it illustrates Celebrimbor and Sauron making the One Ring. None of the others, specifically the one.

then why did Isildur and Smeagol turn invisible without knowing what it did?

Because Sauron exists in between the unseen world and the actual world

>lore-raping canon
But they're not canon?

I know you're joking but in canon Isildur took the ring on a defeated Sauron. He did absolutely nothing himself.

Because it was based on the Silmaris magic.
The purpose was to make it even stronger by being unique.
That's why he can't do another one.
It won't be unique anymore, and if it's destroyed, Sauron is destroyed


Clearly there are predispositions in how the ring reacts to mortal touch. Galadriel implies that in her hand it would be a weapon of unrivaled power. Maybe to Hobbits it just turns them invisible because they're so sneaksy at heart. And maybe Isildur was just a really tall Hobbit.

To be fair, It was a big fucking battle, What were the chances you would fight the one guy with the one sword specifically made to cut your fucking ring off your finger, and even then what were the chances you wouldn't just immediately 1 hit kill him just like anybody else.
Sure it was a lack of foresight, but really it was more of a real fucking lucky shot.

Sauron was weak when Bilbo found it. His attention wasn't looking for the ring every time it was activated.
Also, Bilbo got that the ring extended his life but he refuses to admit it. The ring is influencing him into thinking it's not important but he needs to keep it close to him every day.

because they're low class mortals and thats the effect it has on them
in the book it describes the ring having the ability to expand itself

OK that is some bullshit.

you Frodo-posters crack me up, Eru bless you

that fucking name, it's like he's stumbling on his own words as he tries to pronounce something ethereal but then just decides to go with Celt bimbo bor anyway


Only do that to Men (Including Hobbits)
This is a side effect of the fact humans don't have any presence at all in the spiritual side and if they use the ring then they are physically projected there.
It's also why the Ringwraiths faded into lich-ghosts.
Don't happens to Elvens and beings like Sauron because they have spiritual presence.
The Ring has a lot more of power when used by a powerful elf or beings like Gandalf or Saruman and theorically they could attune it to themselves and add all its power to their native power. (it would also kill Sauron because the link between him and the ring would be severed)

Why couldn't they just dig a deep hole until they reach lava and burn the ring in that?

Nice headcanon

why didn't they just take a rock from mount doom, melt it into lava and throw the ring in that?

why didn't they just shove it up some dead guy's ass?

I mean sure he could get it back easy, but then he'd be known as the guy wearing a ring that's been up some guy's ass

Why didn't the eagles just tow Mt. Doom over to Rivendell so they could just chuck the ring in at the council?

>omg how do i defeat sauron's ring which controls all rings?
>i know i'll make a new ring lmao



That's what happens when beings without any spiritual part use it but it's more of a side-effect than anything.

Celebrimbor didn't make shit
He bought the ring for $4.99 from the in-game store

Tolkien said it in his letters.

Why did't Gandalf just jump really high in the air with Legolas on his shoulders and wait for the world to rotate beneath them until Legolas had a good shot and put the ring on the tip of his arrow, shooting it into Mount Doom?

I doubt wizards can be stronger than Sauron, he's an half eldar, right?

looks pretty logical but I doubt elves will be stronger than Sauron
Maybe if they got the Silmaris they'd be able to fight him bu that's all

Plain and simple ? Shit writing

why didn't they just launch the ring into space?

Why didn't they just give the ring to Tom Bombadil and asked him to take it to Mount Doom?

Hey dol! Merry dol!
Ring a dong! hop along! Fal lal the willow!
Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadillo!

Did someone say... Silmarils?


Sauron's the most powerful of the maiar, which are like lesser gods. The wizards and Balrogs are also maiar, but Sauron is by far the most powerful of them.

It can only be destroyed by the fires of mt. doom. undead niggas don't need to breathe, space ain't gonna be a problem for them wraiths son

He probably doesn't give a fuck about it. He's probably as strong as Morgoth and will go to another place if Sauron fuck up with middle earth.

But he seemed quite reasonable

all it took was a "hey Tom can you take this ring to Mordor and throw it at mount doom? I mean I know you don't care but it'd be really nice and you'd help us quite a lot"

why didnt the mods fly the shitposters into mount doom?

That only works with unique artifacts. Everyone wants it.
The Silmaris work differently, they're a triforce.

because the ring couldn't stay hidden anymore

it was actually a good thing that they found it because had it been lost forever Sauron would've been invincible and his armies would've overrun all of Middle Earth.

Because Sup Forums is already the Mordor of Sup Forums

Are you trolling? Sauron is a Maia and so are the Wizards even if they have a power limiter so they can only help and not solo everything.
Why do you think Saruman wanted the Ring?

And Tom would take the ring, forget what he was doing, go back to his magical little forest, and continue to sing songs and fuck his hot river wife until the end of time. He doesn't give a single fuck.



NO.. gods why. I thought we were the hobbiton of Sup Forums

kek, no

what a dick

He's like the biologists who can't interact/influence the environment they're studying.
He's probably just having fun, gathering knowledge, and eating. I still don't know why wizards got involved in the middle earth war, they're supposed to be superior beings.

why didnt the fellowship just seal the ring in a metal box and drop it in the ocean

probably be about 5000 years before anyone thinks to invent scuba gear and go looking for it in the ocean

also why didnt the elf kill isildor and take the ring and throw it in mount doom himself. He knows that he can finally destroy the physical/metaphysical embodiment of evil forever and he jut lets a human with no sword walk away.

>FINE! WALK AWAY... its not like i hate sauron or anything


Yes but why didn't they just chop up isildor and throw him and the ring away

agreed - or contract - that's how it betrayed Gollum and Isildur

still doesnt answer the question why the elf didnt even resist isildor taking the ring and walking away.

hell Sam put more effort into destroying the damn thing than the elf leader did

He's not that powerful, he was probably not more powerful that other main Maiar servants of Morgoth like Gothmog (Lord of the Balrogs) and he actually sucked at fighting but he's a lot more powerful than the wizards because they are bound to an inferior form.

Saruman didn't want to ring, he wanted to grew new knowledge on magic and if Sauron reigned over middle earth, he'd be protected from other wizards and he'd be able to make experiments (elves cross breeding, ect...)

And Gandalf was a grey then white wizard. Still far from Sauron, who was a skilled blacksmith and created one of the most powerful divine artifacts ever.

because he had to hide his powerlevel - that was one of Valar's requirements

>kick isildur into the pit with his fucking ring
>only elrond comes out
>world war between elves and humans

besides elrond probably would've been corrupted and taken the ring for his own

>also why didnt the elf kill isildor and take the ring and throw it in mount doom himself. He knows that he can finally destroy the physical/metaphysical embodiment of evil forever and he jut lets a human with no sword walk away.

1. The ring would seduce him just like Isildur.
2. It's easy to look like the smart guy when you're not the one being tempted by the ring
3. Sauron was defeated as fuck, Elrond couldn't have known he will manage to heal up after only 5000 years or something

because Tom didn't care about such things
He would just forget about the ring or misplace it somewhere (actual Gandalf's or Elrond's words)

The Istari were sent by the valar to aid Middle Earth against Sauron

as is shown when sam and frodo the bretrayer destroy the ring the mountain explodes

would be the perfect cover

>elrond: he didnt make it, the lava got him. Now, onto world peace

instead the elf lets millennia of evil go on. Guardians of the world my ass.

Silmarils didn't work like that

They were rather a work of art, sanctified by the Valars (IIRC) but by no means a weapon.

no one would've believed that
>two leaders go in
>only one comes out
>"lol the lava got him ;^)"

not to mention, again, that after kicking his dick into the lava elrond would've kept the ring

Why didn't Sauron have a tax policy?

not exactly

their destiny was intertwined with that of Earth, Sea and Air, but they weren't a weapon

Baby Orcs?

Why did Sauron have restaurants in Mordor?

why would you pour your power into an accessory that you can lose? Why not just keep the power inside yourself?

They literally mention that at the council. Let me see if I can dig up the quote.

Explain this meme to me

Weren't Elrond and Isildur friends?

The Ring would eventually be found and Sauron would still have survived without the Ring and still be a menace able to conquer the Middle Earth in the Third Age and both humans, elves and dwarves would only got weaker with time. (especially the elves)

he thinks sauron is dumb because he doesn't have taxes

Sauron wasn't about pure POWAH, he was about skill and cleverness.

He served Aule, so he had a lot of knowledge about forging and shit.

Maybe the ring was a way of amplifying his power. As in, putting his power into the ring somehow made it more potent.

>tfw no dreamy, slender and magical elf gf

the fantasy genre was a mistake

now i will always want things i can never have

Excuse me but one of feanors dumbass sons threw a silmarrillon into the ocean and no one found it yet


Why would he have taxes? Everyone in Mordor is literally his slave.

I agree. The protag should've called Celebrimbor Johnny throughout the whole game.

Americans could relate to the character better if that were the case.

George Martin said he has a problem with LOTR because Tolkien never wrote about Aragorn's tax policy or if he holocausted baby orcs in their orc cradles

And I guess my mind made something up.
Fucking ring, it wants me to drop it in the ocean I guess

because he was an a despotic monarch, almost a god

because it made him almost immortal and gave him power over all the other rings

Someone needs to take this arrogant fat fuck down a notch to be honest.

>wow i made a normiecore popular book now i can criticize the man who invented fantasy writing!

>Baby orcs


Why didn't he just steal the silmaril from Eärendil instead

Wait a sec, are there even baby orcs? I thought they just got hatched at 100% power

He used the ring to amplify his power.
He was also to proud to think about defeat. He knew that the rift between the Elves and Men was deepening, so it was very unlikely that they could threaten him.

Just like Morgoth before him - he followed the same path toward the Void.

Canonically, Melkor was the strongest of the Valar until he began bolstering the strength of his followers with his own energy.
It made his armies badass, but it reduced him to a shadow of his former self, to the point where an Elf (a really powerful Elf) wounded him 1v1

Same type of deal with Sauron/The Ring

One Ring =/= Ring of Power

Which Elf was angrier? Fëanor or Fingolfin?