I'm worried about my brother

I'm worried about my brother

>he's 14
>sits in his room playing overwatch all day on PS4
>on mic with all his friends who do the same
>using terminology and tactics and giggling like a girl when someone gets "wrecked"
>his voice still hasn't cracked
>hasn't lost his boyish looks yet and looks like his 8 still
>I checked his laptop and iPad and there are 0 traces of any porn just vidya history
>feigns interest in women completely
>getting fatter everyday
>talks to everyone like shit

he's probably gay

Sounds like he's enjoying video games.

I don't see a problem here.

>playing overwatch
>using tactics

Send him to bootcamp

I want to fuck your brother in his bottom

At least he's talking to people. He could be sitting alone in his room playing Persona and whacking to hentai.

He's good at hiding browser history.

This. Kids are not retard nowadays.

Either that or he genuinely hasn't looked at porn yet. I first tamed the one eyed wonder worm when I was like 15, didn't actually start looking at regular porn for a couple more years because I was religious (at the time) and felt guilty about it.

Whats his psn

Sounds exactly like me but I'm a 21yo NEET. He's on the right path.


>On console
Jesus christ and I thought I was a fucking faggot.

yeah your "brother" op, uh huh

Just suck his dick already.

Then OP would have found GAY PORN on the kid's laptop rather than ZERO PORN OF ANY KIND.

>sits in his room playing overwatch all day on PS4
If he's playing Overwatch on PS4 then he must be severely mentally handicapped.


Warn your parents, and get him to join a school sports club or something. Make he sure he doesn't quit either.

your brother is being effected seriously by xenoestrogens and other hormone disrupting chemicals present in our food, air, and water. look it up and try to help him before he goes tranny

Kids now grow up with constant internet access and smartphones, it's probably kinda hard to not know about porn fairly early, look how popular minecraft porn has become

Is Ricesnot dead?

This. He will be probably okay, just make sure he understands school is more important.

Also not everyone hits puberty at 14 retarded OP

That shit is fucked up

get him into music or something

Maybe he's just good at hiding it?

Like in password protected archives renamed to look like game files?

You should make him do some sport maybe. Don't kids play football with their friends anymore?

Only if you are in south america, I can't even remember the last time I saw kids doing anything outside besides drinking and smoking

Nobody plays football except violent felons

I mean, he could be asexual. Not everybody is into fucking

So a 14 years old know how to wipe out his browser history, what's the weird thing?

He's gay user, sorry.

The first time I jerked my gerk was when I was 17. Like I knew about porn and obviously had sexual urges, but I was also part of a religious family. When I did touch myself for the first time was an amazing moment I will never recapture.

He is probably in a /ss/ relationship with his teacher, no need for porn or other women

This. Or he could already know about deleting browser history and/or private browsing. Or both.

It's time, OP. You have to be a good big brother and start beating the shit out of him. Don't let him waste his testosterone filled years not taking advantage of it. It's a critical moment in development if you don't want him to have small hands or exceptionally girly.

>open browser
>start private session
He is 14, he knows how to hide his faping

Fear of a Blank Planet is more true than ever now.

>not thinking that a 14 y/o doesn't know how to erase internet history in this day and age.

I'm more worried about you OP. How can one be so oblivious?

good taste, brother

This, start lifting with him user.

Stoned on the boards the anons play, and wish away each day.

It's not right to live your life through another.

Just because you turned out a fucking failure doesn't mean you have to shape him into the person you wish you could be.

>I checked his laptop and iPad and there are 0 traces of any porn just vidya history

>be 14
>have a stash of printed magazines and VHS tapes hidden under your bed.
>nobody will ever look there, because they all check your computers only.

>I checked his laptop and iPad and there are 0 traces of any porn just vidya history
So he's smart enough to hide his traces.

The kid is fine. You, however, should neck yourself for invading his privacy.

>I'm worried about my brother
Show him Sup Forums.
He will start hating video games soon, enjoy trap porn and become like you.

You just described 50% of Sup Forums

Your brother is likely gay user...
Fuck him in the ass

>hasn't lost his boyish looks yet and looks like his 8 still
>I checked his laptop and iPad and there are 0 traces of any porn just vidya history
>feigns interest in women completely
>getting fatter everyday
Are you trying to fuck your brother or something?

>Not wanting to fuck your brother

Get out normalfag.

Do you even hate the jews yet bro?

>I will never recapture

your brother sounds based desu
what's his psn?

So he's exactly like you then?

Maybe he's hiding his porn well away from you.

Yet here you are on Sup Forums.

Tell me where you were when you were 14.

Don't worry, he'll be with you on Sup Forums very soon

He was here being a bastard obviously.

>0 traces of any porn just vidya history
What's wrong with this?
He is propably looking for porn but just deletes any traces of it so no one finds out, at least that's what I did and I never understood why would anyone be so retarded to not hide his porn (unless you live alone that is, then you can do whatever the fuck you want since no one will look at your browser history).
When my grandpa died my grandma called me to check his computer for old photos and other important stuff since she can barely do anything on it (my grandpa was passionate about computers though), when I noticed his porn isn't fucking hidden at all I started deleting all porn on his computer and any browser history containing porn and leaving the rest just so no one would find out and think less of him, I looked through every single file on his computer, also his browser history contained shitton of things like "accepting death" or "fighting cancer" so it was sad to see.

feel when eating mashed potatoes and playing pes4 with friends after school

now no friends playing bideo game after work

what is the point of it all

sounds like one of us f.a.m

so what was his fetish


I dont want to fuck my brother. You're sick.
But if we talk about my sister........

What kind of porn did he have?

It was mostly MILF so no real suprise there, there were no degenerate fetishes if that's what you're asking.

Have you tried sodemy? Make him your bitch and he's sure to keep his body in order.

nobody would think less of him for that. im honestly surprised it wasn't teen stuff

theres no such thing as asexual, just people who cant get laid

I didn't bother with girls during that age. Because I had no contact with them at all.

If you want him to change, then you should go do things with him. Because quite frankly a 14 year old can't do shit on his own. A 14 year old has no social skills, no freedom and no money.

I don't know about the US and Yurop, but here is pretty common among kids of that age (and of course adults) to share porn via WhatsApp groups. You don't even need to search for porn anymore, it literally gets handed to you. This requires friends though, and like OP, I don't think he has any.

Same here. First fap best fap.

>tfw when you were watching softcore porn (on TV) before you knew how to fap and the first fap happened by accident.

>downloading porn

hes just fucking 14 christ

>all these late fappers
I haven't missed a day since I was 6.

Very specific and very relatable user...

>talks to everyone like shit
Only thing he is doing wrong, if he is talking to his mother like she is a dog you give him a wedgie until her cries in front of everyone and apologises

You must stop him before he goes morbidly obese grows a neckbeard and orders a Switch online