Can we take a moment and talk about how DENUVO GOT BTFO'D ONCE AGAIN

Can we take a moment and talk about how DENUVO GOT BTFO'D ONCE AGAIN


calm down



>I'm a degenerate poorfag and there's nothing you can do about it!

t. sonygger

And while i'm at it
CRACKED (once again)

t. buys used games

is it worth the download?

ive played 1 and 2 to shreds but i still wanna see whats new

At least pirate Just Cause 2, JC3 is shit

>14 months after release
Guess what, no one cares anymore. Even the publisher and developer.

I heard its not really good.
But seeing as how its free, i'll give it a shot.
I remember buying just cause 2 simply because i wanted to use the multiplayer mod.

Bought it on sale, played it for like 40 minutes, refunded it because it was shit.

I play primarily on PC though I do own a ps4.

It's okay poorfags, at least you tried.

Where does it hurt most?

Thanks so much for the heads up. Just checked, it's legit. Not going to lie I've been waiting for that. I had so much fun with Just Cause 2, really sucked having to wait for 3 so long but finally it's there.

Don't give me shit about buying, only the highest caliber cucks buy single player titles

>only the highest caliber cucks buy single player titles

It's because of people like you that devs are making multiplayer only games.

Its because of people like you that devs will keep making singleplayer games

I mean, I like a lot of multiplayer only or mp focused games, and I pay for those. Mostly because I have to, I guess. And I spend so much time playing some of them, the devs should give *me* a paycheck because my mere existence provides top notch content for other players. SO you cuckaroos pay for the singleplayer stuff, I'm doing MY part.

You just need CSGO, Overwatch and the latest Call of Duty because every other multiplayer game plays exactly the same, so why waste your money?

The new movement system is really great. but it's ultimately more of the same outside of that.

I would tell you of fighting and strategy games but I fear you might be too dumb to make sense of the words I use

>fighting and strategy games

Both are dead genres. Stop wasting your money.

link to crack

The internet

I bought it on a sale and quit after having to liberate the same police station for the third time in a row.

the game is garbo
