Anyone else don't care that the Nintendo Switch is 720p/30?
Anyone else don't care that the Nintendo Switch is 720p/30?
Landon Allen
John Sullivan
How the FUCK does a framerate dictate storytelling
Connor Russell
I don't care either
Then again I don't give a shit about the Switch at all
Camden Price
>Update: Joke’s over folks. Google Satire. Apparently it isn’t obvious enough and is being blown out of proportion. Apologies for any butt-hurt this caused. It was all in good fun.
Lucas Bennett
read the fucking article
Luke Morgan
One time I got 30fps in a game, it was devastating
Chase Harris
Probably because movies are in 24-30 frames. I think he means CINEMATIC storytelling, which is something I'd prefer less of.
Carson Perez
Holy fucking shit
PS3 in 2006 did 720p/60 and even some games at 1080p/60
It's 2017 what the fuck is Nintendo doing?
Grayson Morris
Give an archive.
Brandon Butler
What fps does Mario Galaxy play at?