Anyone else don't care that the Nintendo Switch is 720p/30?

Anyone else don't care that the Nintendo Switch is 720p/30?

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How the FUCK does a framerate dictate storytelling

I don't care either
Then again I don't give a shit about the Switch at all

>Update: Joke’s over folks. Google Satire. Apparently it isn’t obvious enough and is being blown out of proportion. Apologies for any butt-hurt this caused. It was all in good fun.

read the fucking article

One time I got 30fps in a game, it was devastating

Probably because movies are in 24-30 frames. I think he means CINEMATIC storytelling, which is something I'd prefer less of.

Holy fucking shit

PS3 in 2006 did 720p/60 and even some games at 1080p/60

It's 2017 what the fuck is Nintendo doing?

Give an archive.

What fps does Mario Galaxy play at?

30fps is objectively better than 60fps, sonyggers

I'm pretty sure the Switch itself supports 60fps, it's just that Zelda doesn't. Regardless, 60 fps would always be preferable but I can deal with 30. It is disappointing though, hopefully it'll be playable at 60fps with Cemu within a few years.

Somebody post that webm from some movie with the camera panning treetops in 24fps.

>he actually bought the switch

If people were actually fucking smart and boycotted this system we could of shown Nintendo that the consumers actually give a fuck about hardware

But no, we have a bunch of nintenbabbies preordering all the fucking systems and eating any shit that nintenshit shits out

It's more cinematic since films are typically filmed in 24 fps. Yes the argument is as retarded as it sounds when you try to apply it to videogames

>buy NES classic
>handles 60fps just fine on my 4K TV
>despite using 35 year old technology
>the current year of 2017
>nintendo switch can't even do 720p/60fps

holy fucking shit what a disaster

>the consumers actually give a fuck about hardware
Then they should buy a PC. Consoles haven't been remotely competitive with PC hardware for more than a decade. Hardware is a retarded reason to buy a console, it should be based on the game library and possibly features that can't be replicated on another platform.

If well stylized 480p could still be relevant so why not 720p. 30fps isnt a problem on consoles either because of how aiming works most of the time. I could see myself digging switch if I wouldnt be 24/7 stationary.

And of course.
Prebaked shadows>everything else. Bring us the golden age of gaming back switch.

>baked lighting
Absolutely fucking disgusting. There's a reason those comparison webms of FEAR and Bioshock Infinite get posted all the time.

This is fucking retarded

>this entire post

I know this is b8, but sometimes you people can go too far.

Havent seen them. Feel free to prove your point but there is a reason why silent hill for example looks fantastic in all resolutions while most modern games are looking horrible on anything lower than 1080p and the reason for it is weird shadowing and lightning. Muh realism is cancer, stop being a part of it and consort with artstyle instead.

This guy doesn't know shit about cameras. 24 FPS and to some extend 30 FPS in a game is just a fast sideshow.
Movies have motion blur that isn't shit and don't need realtime inputs.

I wish we got more Hobbits that had higher framerates

well thats silly, videogames were never supposed to be a "cinematic experience", that meme has been getting pushed for a while to entice dumb normies and replace substance with story. most people agree that older games like deus ex and half life were both fun and had engaging stories, yet all the cutscenes were in-engine, no? videogames are a medium of their own, and any attempt to make them more like films is just asinine to me.

Ask yourselves, how many images are you seeing from your eyes right now? Just one right? The human eye can't see past 1 fps so this is pointless

You ever watch a 60fps movie. It looks like shit. Storytelling works because your mind fills in the details. For action scenes you want 60fps. A technique that was used in movies long ago was increasing the fps during action scenes and lowering it for more cinematic scenes.

arent 60 fps just more expansive to produce?

For animations yes, for movies no. When offered both 60fps and 24fps people will always say the 24fps looks better so theres little to no return for making a 60fps movie.

does anyone else's eyes hurt from 60fps?


Doesnt make any sense. I mean, Im not well traveled on the film making grounds but surely all the 60 fps yt videos are proving your points otherwise.

christ Sup Forums is autist.

Those are clips that have motion you want to track. Not movies and cinematic scenes. Can you really not tell the difference.

I like how suddenly 30fps is okay since it's nintendo.

Nintenyearolds wouldn't care even if it was 480p/20
Everyone else just doesn't give a shit about nintendo since Wii days

This is literally the first time it's happened!

Banjo Kazooie ran at a steady 60 fps.

Even 60 fps has a blur to it at the fastest speed. Games nowadays should all be over 100 fps

I own a PS3 and PS4, it's okay...even the Last Guardian was fine to me. It didn't take away the enjoyment. :)

At least my Wii U ran at 60 FPS....don't care but since you do I just wanted to remind you.

Do you eat shit? seriously do you eat shit?
no console has fixed framerate and you know this shit, stop being fucking retarded

Switch is piece of shit deal with it

>Buying an OLED screen

Just like every console.
You dumb nigger.

No I don't care if it's 30 fps, it doesnt bother me as long as its stable fps. I'm just saying that now that a Nintendo console runs at 30 fps the majority of Sup Forums is defending 30 fps while shitting on any sony console for having 30 fps.

Zelda is a no buy from me bacause of Treehouse.

The Switch can run 1080p 60fps, though. Even in handheld mode it can go 60fps, though the resolution is locked at 720p.

>Just like every console.
Not really, only the ones which nintendo make
Which feature pastgen hardware and no 3d party support whatsoever

I do care because they're purposefully being confusing with the marketing; the Switch isn't a home console you can take on the go, it's a slightly more powerful Vita you can plug into your TV. Huge difference.

I was actually interested in the Switch but I think more people need to realize that it is not a home console. It's disappointing because I really thought this would be a Gamecube-type return to form. It's a portable you can charge while it's displaying on your TV. Plugging it into your TV will literally lower the quality of the game so that it can run at a higher resolution. This has already been proven with Zelda, at 900p shaders are disabled. I just wish more people were aware that it's not a true hybrid, it's just a Nintendo Vita with HMDI out.

it's legit boys


>Pajeet was only pretending to be retarded

I'm scalping it user

>Consoles haven't been remotely competitive with PC hardware for more than a decade.
The PS4 Pro is an RX 470 box for $400. Yeah consoles aren't competitive with the highest end GPU's but in terms of price to performance they're pretty good. The problem with the Switch is that it's $300 for a shitty tablet that's weaker than a $300 Xbone S or PS4 Slim. Switch doesn't have price to performance or raw power.

No 20 FPS is okay because thats the framerate of the best game of all time.

Wrong, 60fps looks objectively better.
It's literally people crying because they are used to seeing garbage and then getting mad simply because it's different and change is bad apparently.

In Europe they have w surplus of stock bexause yurups haven't pre ordered it that much.

So in some parts of the world people are telling ninty to fuck off

>but in terms of price to performance they're pretty good
not with their poo in loo cpu

>Wrong, 60fps looks objectively better.
My fucking sides. It looks like garbage

>You ever watch a 60fps movie. It looks like shit.

but that's wrong retard

>more information

I bet you like bloom and depth of feel too you pleb

I know that article is pure bullshit without even reading it

>different and new bad; inferior familiar is superior

el em ay oh

Are you really this stupid. You are watching a clip of a twitched based shooter. not a movie.

Of course you don't fucking care. You're a nintencuck. Every shitty aspect of the switch will be ignored by you, and you'll pretend it doesn't matter. You're the epitome of nintendogaf. Meanwhile people that aren't retarded company ass licking faggots will see it as another valid criticism of a poorly thought out console and not buy it. But keep licking those boots clean, as you help kill Nintendo with your 'can do no wrong' attitude, you fucking cuck

ps I'm not mad, I just like insulting people like this but I know some people will think I'm with how hard I just btfo of this poster

Hobbit movie was 60fps check mate atheists.


upscaled 720p to 1080p isn't true 1080p

man am i the only one who thinks 1080p/120 > 4k/sub 60

30 FPS is fine for some games, but 60 FPS is always preferred. Anyone who says they can't tell the difference might be retarded.

Historically, especially on analog formats, standards were made because of physical limitations. 24fps became a thing due to the physical limitations of film itself. Silent movies had even lower framerates due to more primitive tech. 50Hz/60Hz was the standard on TV's due to the frequency of the signal transferred across power lines. 4:3 and 5:4 resolutions were common because widescreen CRT's were expensive due to how CRT's project the image. Why did CHS beat Betamax? Because you could watch a 2 hour movie in NTSC on VHS while Betamax could only do 1 hour. The point is now that everything is digital all these standards mean jack shit. Making a movie in 60fps is easy as long as you have the storage and bandwidth. 60fps isn't even necessary, you can make monitors with whatever refresh rate you want now. (CRT PC monitors could do 75-85Hz since the concerns of NTSC/PAL signals weren't relevant if you didn't plan on watching TV)

This post is so fucking cringy

it was 48fps

60 fps looks better, you're just used to shitty framerates.

looked like shit

its tried and testing. looks better for action scenes and tracking motion. Worse every where else when realism is important.

This headline is so bullshit and wrong. I don't know why people do this.

It's not upscale, though. It's native 1080p.

But yeah, I run my PC at 1080p/144fps. 4k right now to me is something that's just too expensive. Maybe I'll try it when it gets cheaper to do so, but framerate is always my top priority.

Apparently the article was satirical. Which is good because I felt a re coming

citizen kane is in 24fps

Thanks to HDMI 2.1's new adaptive refresh rates movies can be shown in native 24-48fps without using 5:4 scaling. Hell, now console games can be run at 24fps too and look exactly like a movie.

Okay console shill we get it 30fps or less is great cinematic experience only on Sony™ For the players®

I don't even find this funny.
Especially in an age where people only read headlines.
Fucking idiot.

It's not a clip you absolute cretin, it was recorded from demos, shot and edited for the purpose of entertainment.

here's the same movie in 30fps

Citizen kane is also in black and white does that mean color is bad too?

Maybe we should just stop talkies all together because they just say damn swear words anyway!

Maybe because everyone's fucking used to seeing shit in 24fps?

I'm sure if you retards were born a 80 years ago you'd be complaining about the switch from Black and White to color tv.

>But it just doesn't FEEL as good in COLOR

>the hobbit actually had shots filmed with a go pro

Yeah, and it looked like fucking shit and nearly gave me a fucking eye-strain or that might be because the movie is just trash anyway

The reason 24 fps is used in movies is literally because it used less tape, which was expensive.

>when realism is important.
Why can you fucks never actually put an argument forward. In what sense would seeing LESS information be MORE realistic?

I might have actually bought a Switch if it did Zelda at solid 60fps. Now I'll just wait for the Wii U emulator to get it running at 60 or atleast solid 30 with no drops and play it on that

>GoPro is still pointlessly expensive because they have literally zero competition

24 fps is borderline unplayable.
Fuck your cinematic experience this is vidya.
Minimum of 30fps or gtfo

24 fps was the lowest amount while still allowing persistence of vision. It was just too cut costs.

>For animations yes

60 FPS makes things look "fake and video gamey"

instead of the camera panning around the focus 60 fps make camera shifts look like someone is picking up the walls and rotating them around.

the comments on that video gave me cancer

>reading youtube comments

Only yourself to blame.

>Shit tier eye genetics
>I-it causes eye strain! It's shit, s-stupid!

>Mfw the "I don't like it so it's terrible!" argument
Go blog about it somewhere else man.

So you're saying it's subjective


Since I consider it a successor to the 3DS just as much as I do the WIii U, no.

It don't bother me.

720p is marked improvement over the 240p screen of the 3DS.

Same goes for the raw graphical power.

this is an English speaking board