Do you think the Switch failing will break him?

Do you think the Switch failing will break him?

What makes you think the Switch will fail?

He's already confirmed to be talking out of his ass.

fuck off eceleb shill
No one cares about your shitty videos

it's okay, he has the superior ps4 to fall back on

There's no way the Switch will fail. They're marketing this thing brilliantly, what they didn't do with the Wii U. If you think the Switch will fail because of trolls and 13 year olds on /v then I can assure you, you're gonna be wrong.

Literally who

that's our boy Arlo

can't break something with no bones

I hope it does break him so he can finally kill himself.

He's fallen into the "it's ok if nintendo does it" hole so no, it won't break him. He'll never see it as a failure.

Not enough third party support.
They successfully baited zeldafags into buying it on day 1 but this is as far as this system goes. Unless you somehow believe that there are people who will buy it for Splatoon and Mario Odyssey who somehow haven't already bought it for Zelda.

He's not even a true Nintendo fan, he bought a PS4.

I don't know but he's getting fucking annoying with the videos before launch. How old is this guy? He's acting like this is his first console launch or something.

If they don't make more 3ds games, and make Monster Hunter, Pokemon and/or Fire Emblem on the Switch only, then I'll have to buy one.
If they don't nobody will care about it after Zelda is released.

I'd say late 20s to early 30s, given he was working a gamestop-tier register around the time the Wii came out.

I believe the person behind it is no secret, but I haven't actually cared to look.

Who? The Cookie Monster?

He's just a jaded Nintendo fanboy who was disappointed with the Wii U so he's excited for something better with the Switch

It's a Nintendo handheld in a market that Nintendo has always dominated and has zero competition.

It will get 3rd party support because it's going to be the only Nintendo platform for the next 5 or so years. Super Bomberman R alone is currently sold out everywhere. Get out of here with that "not enough 3rd party support" nonsense.


Why don't they stop making dumb gadgets and just make games for the other platforms?

Yeah but if he's in his late 20's , he should be like already mindful of what's happened in the past few years. He put out this video the other day or so where it was just him without a script talking about his excitement. Which is completely understandable, however he just says the same thing on repeat for like 10 minutes. Word for word.

Didn't he literally say it would have a mediocre launch and would recoup by Christmas?

>eceleb thread
fuck off