"Zelda is made by 300 well paid people in Japan"

I guess that's why it's so much better than all those AAA sony games

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In between Zelda dominating the open world action game scene, and Xenoblade dominating the open world RPG scene, The Elder Scrolls franchise is on it's last legs.

That's gotta sting. I could see Monolith pumping out Xenoblade 3 before the next Elder Scrolls even gets announced.

The next Elder scroll will sell more than BoTW and Xenoblade 3(?) combined

holy fucking delusion

Witcher rule over RPG open world, and i dont see Zelda even touch GTA or Redemption 2

Why is that Xenoblade has good graphics on Wii U but Zelda don't?

Selling more is irrelevant.

Those games simply take too long to make.

What's going to happen when it comes to Bethesda and Rockstar style open world games is that they'll have to constantly have to one up themselves to keep their audiences interested, leading to longer and longer development times.

Nintendo, on the other hand, has already confirmed they are taking steps to produce games much more quickly.

Nintendo will sell less units, but the cost of doing so will be so small that they will make more money in the long run. Ultimately Bethesda and Rockstar will make their star brands dry.

>Witcher rule over RPG open world
Witcher is a bad game. The only good thing about it is the setting and "thriller" story.

It's like a western version of Zelda.

>Witcher rule over RPG open world

>Ultimately Bethesda and Rockstar will make their star brands dry.

Only Bethesda. As much as I don't like GTA games I can't say GTA V is not well made and didn't profit.

Bethesda games on the other hand are glitch and outadted.
I can see Xenoblade destroying Elder Scrolls but no amount of open world zeldas will destroy Rockstar.

Even fucking Guerrilla Games made a better open world than Nintendo.


Ah ha ha ha ha. It's cute to see PS360 era fanboys latching on to the Witcher as some sort of pinnacle of RPG design. It really is this gen's Mass Effect, where people act as if it's a lot more interesting than it really is to satisfy their need to justify owning a non-Nintendo console in this day and age.

Here's a news flash that I think Sup Forums really needs to understand: Just because there are worse games out there doesn't make the Witcher 3 some sort of masterpiece. The Witcher 3 was NOT among the best games released that year, and in many ways has become just as forgotten among audiences the same way Bioshock Infinite has been forgotten.

The Witcher games are fucking trash, 2 is the only decent one. 3 is abysmal and 1 is just irrelevant shovelware.

t. neogaf

>Outsourcing animation to China

Perhaps if Zelda did it would be selling better despite being hyped since 2013.

Oh yeah, a new generic IP is beating a 30 year old franchise.


Check the overall sales, since Zelda has been sold out for weeks.

Can't wait for yes/no dialogue options.


>"Zelda is made by 300 well paid people in Japan"
t. I know nothing about working conditions in Japan

>posting the bullshot they made before the major downgrade

>Zelda has been sold out for weeks.
That's lie
The Wii U version is still available AND in every other country in the world except Sweden it's not sold out.

Stop promoting your Nintendo agenda here.

Sold out on Amazon. Thousands of people online have said they had to go into an actual store or use Best Buy's release day shipping thing since it's free. I had mine preodered for a month and Amazon said "fuck you, we're out" so I had to switch. Amazon is a poor statistic for this.

Why lie about this?

Well there is Witcher 3. Combat of both games is debatable (Witcher 3's is worse) but else Witcher 3 is number 1.
Also it's not really hard to beat TESO in terms of quality.

Wrong. Had to cancel my preorder because they sold out and support was saying April 12 at the earliest.


Wew, i bet you only played the 3rd game? The Witcher Series has 2 mediocre games and a decent one, its shit


Gameplay and soundtrack is why xeno will never dominate

So the biggest market and prime audience for the game?

More people playing video games in US and Canada than the entirety of Europe. Really grasping at straws here.

neither horizon or zelda are goty, no one gives a shit - fade into obscurity and stop forcing this fucking "competition" shill narrative, jfc

300 well paid nips also downgraded it

>Xenoblade dominating
Dominating what?
Are you delusional?

Thank God both of these games are coming out together, Otherwise there wouldn't be so many primo Sup Forums posts

Better get those 300 people working on another because what are switch users supposed to play after zelda?

Meanwhile sony fans will have persona 5.

>This much delusion

Is this you, "CodyCoyote64"?

Where do I got to find the memories ??

Canada still have Zelda in stock

Try harder nigger.

In between Mario Odyssey dominating the open adventure game scene, and Splatoon dominating the shooting game scene, The GTA and COD franchises are on their last legs.

That's gotta sting. I could see Nintendo EAD pumping out Splatoon 3 before the next COD even gets announced.

Zelda will dominate the open world action game niche that Bethesda wants to fill.

Xeno will dominate the niche, open world exploration aspects that made the older games so popular.

Bethesda will have nowhere to turn. All they really have going for them is this idea that they make the biggest open world games out there.

Splatoon is going to succeed because there's really nothing else like it out there.

All Nintendo needs now is a more traditional online shooter to get people invested in the console, and they will be the go to platform for that kind of thing.

It may be closer than you think... HD rumble with motion controls would make for a very immersive FPS title.

>Zelda will dominate the open world action game niche that Bethesda wants to fill.

bait or for real?

>It may be closer than you think... HD rumble with motion controls would make for a very immersive FPS title.

How out of touch are the people on this board.Most gamers barely know what zelda is and have no idea what xenoblade is.

>most gamers barely know what Zelda is

That's absolute bullshit. It has some of the best brand recognition of any game franchise, especially among gamers these days (many of whom fondly remember Links Awakening/OOT/MM).

But yeah Zelda is not going to kill TES or anything. Next TES game probably doesn't even release for years.

And yeah most gamers barely know what Xenoblade is. At least outside of Japan.

Because Monolith Soft are not from Nintendo originally, they are from Squaresoft and Namco

They are now owned by Nintendo, Tetsuya Takahashi, director of Xenogears, Xenosaga and Xenoblade holds 1% of it.

Also the fact that Monolith Soft are gods. and Nintendo EAD are too backdated to adapt fast enough.

>tfw ill never be a delusional fanboy like Cody