Who are you going to romance in the new Mass Effect Sup Forums?

Who are you going to romance in the new Mass Effect Sup Forums?

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Let me guess.

>one straight male romance option
>one gay male romance option
>one gay female romance option
>two bisexual romance options (male and female)
>eight straight female romance options

>it's another game dev forces their interracial fetish into a game episode


>normie posting

>Not having a gf
No wonder you're so miserable.

have you been living under a fuckin rock?


But Ryder can be any race.

>full nudity
How will Sup Forums react when the black man's member is bigger than Ryder's?

>How will Sup Forums react when the black man's member is bigger than a Krogan's?



>mfw campy yakuza sidequests take a more nuanced and realistic view of sex than this shit and then everyone says japan are pervs

>implying bioware didn't use one body model for all males.

It's like you're new.

>no point pretending we are here for any reason

how about to play a video game with an engaging adventure you fucking bastards

If they make the same shit than in DA:I, no one.

>meme arrowing

>bioware forgets to change pube color
>black, asian men with blonde pubes

I'm going to romance Natalie Dorme!

>not wanting to smash a Krogan and his Rampant Cock at 4k 144hz

Is everyone a faggot or what?

With the West anything related to sex has to be a fucking farce.

if you play as a dudeRyder will your npc sister Ryder be defaulted to fuck the black guy?

There will not be a single white woman with a white man in the entire galaxy.

I bet that if you don't romance the blonde white girl she ends with the nigger

>tfw you won't be able to romance your sibling

When will Bioware tackle the controversial incest topic

You're playing the wrong videogames, then

Can you even get DRACKED?

This is the only motivation I have to buying the game

Can DLC affect a game's rating? Like why not just throw some hardcore shit in some DLC and keep the M rating on the box?

quick, give me the rundown.

I'd be quite happy with this if it weren't, you know, a bioware game. Who wants to see space shrek's swamp crevice?

The ship mom, of course.

Consoles manufaturers are prude.

>Mass Effect Andromeda is about banging
>All the characters are ugly as sin

>implying full nudity will actually have females depicted other than maybe an ass shot
>they'll have fully rendered man dong though

This is how it works.

Friendly reminder the only human romance for a female is a black man

>Plays a nigger

why couldn't they just give cora a normal haircut

for what purpose?

and it looks like white woman is the only human romance for male, which is even worse.

I hope there's more fuck characters than this, because this entire list is disappointing.

Her character has a crush on Drack.


At last, SJW plot behind this all finally comes clearly into view.

Who cares about human women, give me more female aliens to fuck and romance.

>give me more female aliens to fuck
that's what I'm sayin'. this list is so fucking slim, it has me wondering if the full cast of fuck buddies hasn't been released.

>Softcore porn
So just tits and ass then? Why are people making a big deal about it? Have they seen softcore porn? There are no visible dicks and it's at angles where no penetration is shown.

I'm never going to talk to the black guy or use him in any missions just like Jacob in ME2. I also always made sure to invite everyone to the Citadel party except Jacob.

Looks like they considered giving her normal hair but they probably thought it was too similar to Ashley

Are you saying that all white women look the same?

Don't be fooled Sup Forums

It's going to have a lot of gay shit. There's not even cute females.

This game will never top Honey Select

>softcore space porn
It feels even more like a desperation move after the casual audience started roasting the game in the comment section of that new gameplay video. Or maybe Bioware just has no idea what they fuck they're doing in the first place.

Entertaining either way.

>blacked effect

all I want is to fugg my sister in this but they won't even allow that.

>complaining about hairstyle
>not remembering jack

no one you fucking marketing shill. every fucking comment about romancing and pre-ordering is a paid shill. this game is trash and shoving a bunch of gay alien sex into it wont make it good. kill yourself.

>Worst wymen in the history of videogames, probably a transgender and a bunch of gays.
>Full nudity


Fuck off, at least ill download for some hot turian pussy.


The Turian chick. Nyreen in ME3 was surprisingly sexy.

Jack at least had some DSLs.

Cora looks like more more of a granny than Chakwas

Will there be full frontal?

Hopefully there are more options than just the crew, because they are ugly.
Then again, everyone in this game looks bad.

You can't beat the quad

Yes. DAI already had this. It's not a big deal.

Nigger, you'd better not be talking shit about Chakwas.

Yeah, chakwas was smoking hot. Damn why you cant romance her?

Jack is still better looking.

If you can fuck your sister this will be game of the year all years. Get on it bioware.

>Playing a game.
What...what is this awkward shit, wheres the game, why do I have to deal with this shit?
>It looks full the fuck on silly.

Just like in movies when they do this shit, its awkward, its easily implied, I get nothing from this, but it in a game is even worse and more awkward. The only person would gets enjoyment out of this is a sexless middle aged house wife or a pent up teenager from the 1980's before the advent of any means of securing pornography.

Even worse, its sad that a developer is bragging about this, as if its some kind of god send, the next level of creation. Its silly 3D models bumping up against eachother, if I wanted to see this shit id just load up some SFM porn and give myself an evening tug.

Your sister has a bigger dick than you.

Only in ME3. Holy shit she was hot in that game.

>buy the brandy
>"Let's drink it right now."
>awwww shit, here we go
>she just passes out
second hottest chick was her red head clone with the sexy accent

>Only human female squad member has a Lesbian haircut
>The Asari looks ugly, THEY MADE AN ASARI LOOK UGLY:...

No one, I guess.

>if I wanted to see this shit id just load up some SFM porn
The amusing part is how SFM has quite a few decent animators, unlike Bioware.

>second hottest chick was her red head clone with the sexy accent
Who? Dont remember.

Futas are gay.

mmmmm can't wait to romance the black guy as white female ryder ;)

>The Asari looks ugly, THEY MADE AN ASARI LOOK UGLY
It wouldn't be the first time.

Turian pussy. Smoking hot turian pussy.

You see the key difference is, those people who make SFM porn are doing it because they enjoy it and have some skill, where as Bioware only hires people who went to college on daddies dime with no skill, but hold the paperwork to do it, thus Bioware gets free labor thanks to the college.


Ashley was the only Human Romance for males in the first game too



Jesus what happened to this girl? she now has fucking blue hair, face full of acne, and that disgusting nose ring is still their wtf

Will there be a female quarian ? Or any quarian ?

Dr. Michel. You save her in the first game.

Samara is not ugly despite the manjaw

What the FUCK

that design is 1000000 times better than what we are getting

>Sex scenes gonna look like this too

I'm going to romance the idea that I stopped buying Bioware games.


>no option to romance children

I didn't know pol made video games

They've basically stopped doing the "here's some semi-nude character models awkwardly gyrating around each other scenes" like in ME and DAO. Now it's all just little pre or post coitus character sketches that are much like any other companion conversation except if it makes sense for someone to be nude they will be.

Can anyone give me a quick rundown on her?

The only thing that could possibly make this interesting is if you can fuck the Krogan, which is something they pussied out of in all the previous games in favor of all the more human looking aliens.

Ah yeah k. Yeah she was really good. There is something on the MD in the setting, wanna go for the pussy? Go medical.

Samara isn't an uggo, take it back nerd

>The Salarian is just a crew member

I would say Cora but she's straight.

So maybe I'll play as a dude

So Mass Effect is a dating sim for homosexuals?

Eh, I guess that's OK. I don't think we've had a homosexual dating sim in ... ever?

I ain't a fag so I wouldn't know.

They haven't shown any questions yet no.

>homosexual dating sim in ... ever?
Dragon Age Origins already had it

What the hell? You can't have a Salarian on your squad?

If I wanted to watch ugly people have sex, I'd install a mirror on my ceiling

Even women would prefer to fuck raptormen and fishmen over humans.

why are you ass-nuggets talking about this POS game? This is nothing but blatant marketing by EA. Manufactured outrage is all the rage these days and you cucks are falling right into their trap.

Fairly sure he can only be human.