How is that game of yours coming along?

How is that game of yours coming along?

Other urls found in this thread: beginner tutorial



I've been working on a SRPG and have so far only used basic 2D geometric shapes and a text box inside a windows forms and it's time to start making the graphics somewhere that makes sense.
I haven't the slightest idea how the final graphics are gonna be though.

Had to stop for multiple reasons a few months back but i'm back into it now. Can only work on it with the 5 or so hours I get whenever i'm off work now though so slowly. The core of it is done but it looks like a flash game with how it looks so I need to add polish and animations so it doesn't look bad, and make the environment in blender so its not all default unity everything, but it'll get there eventually. Might be too much for one manning

a few days ago it was a full-on marble game, then i put a placeholder character in. now i have a fire 'breathing' placeholder kitty in a debug room...

Unreal 4 is better.

I tried to poke around in it.
The UI was too cluttered for a single screen and I could barely even find my way to the code.

I made a Zelda style room change system, complete with deactivating instances of enemies outside of the game view. I just have to transfer this into my existing project before I move much further into developing the rest of the game.

Its a mess atm, but player housing syncs to all players in the lobby now :)
Need to redo the house parts and the player model and make it a tad less floaty next :)

Something something still working on my sprites.

So here the finale version of my fiddling about, I'm still going to rework it later but I want to try other poses too and I'm trying a colored version to see the result

Everytime I say I'm going to take a few screenshots to show here I find an excuse of something I wanna do before.
Otherwise, slowly slowly. Making my own engine from scratch is painful but I'm learning a lot.

doing fine

In zelda 'rooms' can be bigger than just the screen size.
But good start, keep going!

testing new stuff.

let me see

Doin alright.
Implemented some requests from these threads, like explosions having momentum.

This looks fun. What's it about?


Is this the default lasers? Or just late-game/debug weapon? Because it takes the entire screen.

I built a bunch of prototype scenes just to see if the ideas I had in mind were actually viable. When I discovered they were, I was very pleased with myself and immediately stopped doing any meaningful work on it.

>literally TagPro
How is that game of yours coming along, LuckySpammer?

I need to find a programmer, I just want to sprite.

it's a 2.5d run n gun game with a shield mechanic that allows players to reflect things
tl;dr two otherworldly cats with umbrellas go to rescue kidnapped otherworldly beings

That's the fully powered up spread shot, I forgot to reset it when recording that webm.

>I just want to sprite
That's the spirit. Keep practicing, try and study better pixel art, look up those effect tutorials that are hot nowadays, and never give up!

Does it have a name yet? If you ever finish it I'd actually be interested in buying this.
And is that drop-in co-op?

There are times I just go in Sup Forums draw threads to take sprite requests so that I can practice, to get better. Pic related.

So far out of reach I've already lost all drive of learning C++ again after the book introduced arrays.

>Giving up at something so easy

You're a bitch and you'll never make a game

glad to hear this! game's name is umbrella warriors, second player can join any time
if you want to follow me i post on twitter sometimes

>giving up
>on arrays
it's a fucking list of objects
you know what a list is, right
that's all there is to it

I've been working on the environments and made a little main menu background with clouds

your game a cute

i'm impressed, does it have waifus?

How is the game's skill ceiling? Definitely looks like the kind of game that can get really really hard at the end levels.

Like most concepts, a C(++) arrat is simple in itself but immediately introduces a wealth of complexity. But, in this case, just the addition of syntax for arrays may be a bit daunting if you're new to coding.
Hang in there, though. Maybe it's worth learning Processing and then moving onto C++?

That environment feel way too clean.

Anything other than C++, really. Personally I started with AS3.

would you enjoy playing a video game you made?

of course

how do I start making videogames?

do your spread shot bullets only have like one frame of animation? You should have at least a couple, man

If you have to ask, you won't make one. Ever.

Gotta agree with this guy. Unless you're going for the ultra-clean aesthetic then grunge and dirty that up a bit.

No because I'm an hypocrite, I also make my games ironically with really awful mechanics I hate dearly, and because I can't work it's really really bugged and the only working part is the one that require a DLC to break it even more.

>Mini Missiles

You're pretty much on point, I could just work through it and be done with it, but I have this constant feeling that this is a pretty powerful tool which I just can't fully grasp yet at even a simple level. Well, your posts motivated me to go over this shit again and work on the task the book presents.

thank you user you're so helpful

You're welcome, now fuck off.

It's going okay. It's nice to finally know how big the game world is.

I can't program

I literally don't know where to begin

he's right though.
If you do not know how to look up things yourself and have to actively rely on other people.
Don't, you'll end up as a burden to others who just want to get things done.

I started with Unity because it does a lot of the legwork for you. It's a really good starting point and if you want to stick with it it can also be used with advanced skills.
It's free also.

Start here:

If you want to learn how to do your own models then start here: beginner tutorial

I am going for an ultra clean look, although I am not saying that it will end up looking good. That's part of making a game without concept art, you really don't know how it's gonna turn out until it's done.

I do think it will turn out alright, and what you're criticizing isn't so much the cleanliness but the lack of detail. For example look at this, top corner is the level block out, bottom corner is the main buildings shader without decals, and main picture is the same shader with decals applied and some props like crates and stuff. When you add those things I believe it stops looking as sterile.

Programming and a game engine
Knowing the basic of art

And there you go

There's plenty of tutorials but since you won't make your own game engine, you might want to learn language depending on the existing engine you pick

Unity -> C#/Java
Unreal Engine 4 -> C++
GameMaker -> C++/Java

Unity has nothing to do with Java. You probably mean Javascript.

Made some new tunes!

Regular battle:

Boss battle:

Big boss battle:

Finale phase 1 (not yet finished):

Pls give feedback

That image looks really good actually. All the small weathering details really add to the look. Lookin' good user!

Redid the lineart for first sprite, going to color it tomorrow.

I'm sorry anons, I was shitposting a little
I've made some research, I want to start maybe doing some easy roguelike and then start with unity.
I don't know if I want to make some game with cool sprite art (my sister does it) or learn to do low-poly models and use them

I can't research more now since I'm pretty busy these days but will do next week, super thanks for the info anons

It's looks pretty fine on that screenshot, on the video it felt more like plastic with concrete/metal paint on some structures

Also, is it wise to make white building on white snow? Isn't it going to be difficult to see the shape of certain building?

Yes, I mean Javascript, I'm retarded

Her arms are too long my friend, she's looking pretty no style, no grace

damn that's good

her arms are fine, fuck off retard

Thanks, a problem I have is that webms blur out all the small details so they look like I smeared vaseline on my monitor.

It was mostly a schedule decision by the way, making weathering effects is very time consuming for a single person working on the whole thing, with this approach I can have just a handful of decals to project on the objects.

It's isometric and they're swinging forward.

Make tetris or pong first before you tackle a rpg. There's no such thing as an "easy" rpg, at least in development terms.

other than her wrist looking like rubber she's waifu material

game offers different difficulty settings so people who suck at action games can enjoy it too; higher settings are to offer a decent challenge for genre veterans, but it won't be too tough.
characters aren't hurt by enemies just on contact. players can run, jump, use melee attacks, shoot and open the umbrella, which instantly alters some of the movement properties. if they have any energy stored, opening the umbrella creates a shield that interacts with loose objects on the stage and reflects projectiles and enemy attacks. energy regenerates when umbrella isn't used.
enemy behavior is random, but their patterns are static. player who knows the stage will be able to proceed through it efficiently.
details are being fine-tuned all the time and i am open to feedback on the public preview at all times.

I don't think the detail would really be perceivable in regular gameplay, but I could try something.

You know it. The missile and smoke sprites need to be redone though.

Nice fem protag you have

I don't know much about music so maybe you should ignore me, but I love them, especially the big boss battle.
I feel like maybe the final phase should be a bit faster or more intense though. It depends on the gameplay I guess.

I always love seeing your progress

Does the game on co-op have friendly fire (or at least on higher difficulty)? It's not really co-op if I can't kill my friend by my own will


>Also, is it wise to make white building on white snow? Isn't it going to be difficult to see the shape of certain building?
Forgot to answer, I believe it will be alright. I want the snow levels to be feel airy and almost heavenly so I think it's fine if the buildings blend with the ground. The main paths will have more colorful textures and lights so it's not like the player will get lost.

right now players can't directly interact with themselves, but i'll see if i can think of anything in this matter
no bully teammates, no bully me

It's okay. Just stuffing it full of content. Got a few of the weapon specific animations in

also charge attacks

Is Unity really that easy to develop with?

That death animation was adorable!
First I was interested and now I'm hyped. This game seems awesome.
Could you do me a favor and add in a bonus level at the end you get to try for not dying at all or something and that level is fucking ridiculously hard. Kinda like Running Hell from Cave Story. Something that will test even the best players.

Would you play my short boring game if it's comfy enough?

Is this Madness?

Lots of fun combat-related progress today (which is always my favorite to make webms of)

+Showdown Zone art getting a little bit closer. I still need the main arena textures, but the plasma shield now works properly (a good material, as well as a procedurally-generated roof) and casts a "fog of war" over the outside level, making everything dark and blurry outside the general radius of the arena.

+Lots of new attacks; Ground Pound now does damage on the way down (specifies a kind of damage which breaks all air floats) though still needs a landing impact. A new heavy combo attack (the overhead smash) for some heavy alt branches (KK*K, PPK, PPPK for now) which will daze enemies. Started adding the Combo+ bonus attacks; the 6th light attack is here, which is a nifty 16-bit-looking wave of punches that catches any enemy and sends them flying directly to you with per-fist knockbacks that make that trajectory work. Will JUST catch an enemy knocked back by your double-fist attack if you're on the ground.

+You now do minor damage when landing on an enemy's head, mostly as an excuse to knock you back and prevent "floating" on top of the heads of enemies in a crowd

+The biggest one, by far, is the new Dash attack. Dive Kicking before would sort of home in on enemies below you (like Mario Galaxy's homing pound); now, in addition to fully doing damage, this attack will do a full 6DOF lock-on to the nearest enemy and send you flying if you've unlocked the "Follow-Up" bonus attack. So basically, crouch+dash (LB+RB on a controller) is your stinger, and it's a homing stinger with a built-in dodge offset that also initiates air floats.

+Not visible but implemented most of the "unlocked move" gates for actions, which helps not only for final game implementation but is nice for level design (since I can force myself to test a level using only available moves for that point).

yes. Doomed to carry that torch forever

Well I'm up to rework the character design

I don't get it, do you click on things or do you have to make a pulling motion with the mouse?

thanks! i actually have a few of such surprises planned.

I'm trying to retopo my sculpt on 3dcoat and Zbrush, but it ends up all fucked.

Just click.

I don't know how I feel about your cursor-based aim system but I like the art and the animations.

Are you making a Thing Thing game?

I knew it. Looks very nice! - but I don't doubt if you just rebranded yourself a bit you'd be able to drop it for something you like assuming you'd rather do other things.

Oh then I may play it, I just can't stand that physical interaction gimmick. Reminds me of amnesia, hated the controls in that game.

Nah i'm just being grim about it. I am lucky that I enjoy doing this.

Nay, he's making Madness
Those two used to be compared a lot though didn't they

i like puzzle adventure games so yes

Sweet. Hope it has all the kuhrayzee of the flashes.

Are you the actual original MC guy?

It's got a big fucking blender to put people in, so...

The look of your shader is triggering really bad memories of this game.

Promise me you will make something better than this game.

Okay so I just went through your Twitter and I'm 100% buying this when it launches. Any idea on a launch window? It looks pretty far along. Also hows the soundtrack?

:v depends, what is 'this game'