What are some games with horrible artstyles?

What are some games with horrible artstyles?

That new wars-series indie clone on the Switch.


>pic not related


Crackdown 2

just about every jrpg

Why is western art so much better than Japanese art?

When western artists actually try to make attractive women, they succeed excellently af.

Final Fantasy IX

it isnt

Holy shit the main character looks like an actual monkey

yes yes, related

Every single anime shit games.

90% of 2D indie games that aren't pixel shit. And then 99% of the indie pixelshit

>highres textures is the same as good artstyle
Literally what your'e saying

Oh my god you made me laugh so hard.

These games feel like they were programmed by robots. I know nothing about 3 other than it's basically a tech demo.

No where near to what I'm saying. You can have good low res and pixel art, but most of it is terrible mess with bad design.

looks like fat fucks.

I'm actually torn on undertale's style because the overworld spriting is fucking horrendous, but I actually do sorta like the battle sprites. Nothing amazing but still decent and charming enough.

>hating on based ZUN

I think it single-handedly killed any chance of being succestul this game had.

6th row down on the far right is best.

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. and Borderlands.

I hate 'em.

The story, setting, characters and humour were also shit. It's really too bad because the gameplay was good. I'd like to finish it some day but I always end up playing Xcom instead.

Western art is either god tier or completely shit.
No middle ground at all.
and 80% of it is shit

Lol fuck off

Tales of Berseria, Hyperdimension Neptunia
