Night in the Woods thread.

Will we ever figure out why Mae has those dreams?

Because she's crazy, user.

Nice work mods.
I love to do your job for free

The game has supernatural elements. As much as it tries to say in the end "maybe those guys were just crazy and Mae's mental issues were acting up", there's no way to explain the knowledge Mae had of stuff she never knew about in her dreams and there's no way to explain the guy who teleported up the elevator shaft or jumped up the fence like that.

As much as I wish it was more down to earth, everything about those cultists were supernatural and thus the dreams were too.

That's not a satisfactory answer though. And she isn't crazy, not in the "gonna kill people and talk to walls" crazy anyway, she has that problem where life hit her like a ton of bricks and disconnected things from real things, which is why she saw some things as shapes. There has to be some mental disorder for that

Besides I think she overcame this at the end of the story? when she spoke to the goat god and told it to fuck off ? idk

I'm pretty sure it's because the devs rushed it. After 3-4 years of development and delays, they just tacked on the supernatural stuff at the very end. The original product would probably have gone into a lot more depth with the dream stuff and all that, or so I've heard.

Why the fuck Germ isn't part of the cast? He has green colored text, they probably changed it during development, why ending was so fucking fast and left more questions than answers?

see Germ is considered part of the main cast, even though he hardly shows up enough to warrant that. He probably played a much bigger role before they veered off from the original product.

>6 replies
>2 posters
Someone likes talking to themself.

I do get that feeling. Like I get the idea Mae's psychosis was supposed to be this big part of her character, but it was mostly just an explanation tacked on. The only time you could argue she acts like she has that condition is when she poked the arm, but everyone seemed so damn casual about the arm that it didn't really stick out.

Kinda repeating what I said yesterday, but it feels like it was supposed to be like the big reveal of Francis York Morgan's split personality disorder where you say "Oh, that's why he acts so weird. I get his character now." but instead it was just like "Oh, that's why she hospitalized that one kid years ago, ok. As good an answer as any?"

No one could protect his smile



I want to marry Gregg.

Can someone give me a quick rundown about this game? Thanks in advance.

you mean, remove game discussion threads on video game board?

Top tier mod material, seriously go get that job tiger

>he'll never be this excited to see you

young adult group of friends live in middle of nowhere, bonding and relationships happen, possible eldrich god happens, main character is either psychic or insane

slice of life stories

Game for millenial furries who hate themselves, but think themselves superior for the fact.

Programmed in Unity.

I feel like Germ served his purpose. Outside of getting a cultist investigation mission which woulda been nice, he actually got a lot more than Angus in terms of dialog and yet still served his purpose as the weird late addition to the group.

Mae actually bugs me as the least developed character for her level of importance. I can't really say she had any character development.

But what was with the fucking tattoo?

Story-focused platformer accentuated by minigames. College drop-out comes home after suffering (another) breakdown to re-live the good ol days. Comfy slice of the life for the better part of the game with some supernatural stuff.


Either the tat was supposed to act as a clue for whatever they had originally planned, or it was just their to throw people off. The whole arm thing was really non-consequential.

>Possum Springs bows to Mae
>In contact with cosmic gods
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control Possums with an iron but fair fist
>Own Tacos & Pastabilities worldwide
>Direct descendants of the ancient trash blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Beagrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Mae's rat babies
>both parents said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of a trash mammal who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>Mae owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Trashbots inside you right now
>Mae is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Trash bunker in Woods land?
>She learned fluent Trash in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Mae. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Mae
>She is about 20 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base mammal currently accepted by our society
>In reality, she is timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know her ultimate plans yet. We hope she is benevolent being.

Ugh. Taco! ... Uuuuuugh. Ugh. Ugh. I'm so trash. Ugh.


If you have a question about the cultists, we likely don't have an answer. Everything about the cultists is half assed.

>you will never fuck Gregg in front of Angus

Remember to sage these threads, its the same idiot talking to himself, stop pushing your bullshit


only thing i saged was your mom, faggot

>when the mac n cheese hits just right

but where's the porn?

For some reasons the first thing that comes in my mind after reading that is a furry version of Homestuck.
At least it doesn't have a shit ending too, right?


>hearing Angus life story
it's fucked up that somewhere there are people doing shit like this to their kids

>Will we ever figure out why Mae has those dreams?

Explained in game, user. It's a haunting.

Find the two musicians in town, bring them together, they'll tell you about an old band with the exact four instruments in your dreams. They went crazy out in the local woods playing music for "spirits" and died of exposure.

The spirits are the animals you see at the end of the dream sequences, and the musicians you see are long fucking dead. The big one that speaks of "holes" at the last dream is the biggest forest god/spirit you would recognize fro the companion games.

You'd know this shit if you played the companion games.

You did hand Angus an extra slice of pizza when it was out of his reach.



>STILL shilling this garbage game
>only 20k copies sold

Wait, shit, seriously? You can do that? Now I just feel like an asshole.

That fucker didnt eat the crust.
He can rot.

>Someone talking about something they enjoyed?

>He suddenly sprang upright, eyes bulging
>"This house is haunted"
>Then he died
Like the game was going down the route of ghosts and hauntings and shit, but then it takes a dive off the deep-end and goes straight to eldritch shit.
Don't get me wrong, the eldritch stuff was cool but literally had 0 build up and smashed my expectations, not to mention that it was rushed last second. I also expected we'd spend more times exploring the spooky woods at night.

Gregg is the one that doesn't eat his crusts. Angus confesses he doesn't like the crusts but still ate them.


Is this shit really that good?

Thats impossible
Gregg is pure.

But my question is, with all that taken into account, why Mae? Is there really some spooky haunted shit happening or is it just all in her head?
I mean she's never "met" the spirits nor knows what they look like (she didn't know the musicians until the ending) and the only spirit she knew about was from Adina Astra's fable that her granddad told her?

So if we say it's not all in her head and she's just being haunted by these spirits (so in other words, spirits and shit are real in this game world) and that causes why her specifically? what is causing this "haunting" ? the musicians that died? the spirits ? the goat demon god thing ? and why Mae specifically ?

>but then it takes a dive off the deep-end
There's a bunch of hinting, everything from references to the "Black Goat" to the ghost haunting your dreams STRAIGHT UP TELLING YOU THERES ALSO ELDRITCH SHIT OUT THERE, and he even SHOWS YOU.

This is long before the actual finale, when you're still stuck on the idea that it's a "ghost" fucking with you.

Gregg is a faggot and I had to eat his faggoty crust.

I thought that was a bug. If you can seriously hand him a slice a of pizza I'm gonna feel like some shit.

It's okay.

It's not mindblowingly incredible, but it's not horrible either. A little heavy handed but eh.

If you have nothing to do for a couple days it might be worth kicking back and checking it out.

Ignore the bait, don't give him (you)s

Nope. Despite loving the shit outta the game and wanting nothing better than to talk about it, the game is pretty meh from the neutral point of view.
Honestly boils down to how much you can relate to the characters and tolerate the dialogue that others seem to dislike for being zany n shit.

Wasn't the point of Germ's character, even in the kickstarter bio, that he's the +1 tagalong that is weird and no-one in the group really knows anything about?

Yeah but that stuff all comes in like the 3rd chapter. The first two chapters gave me a completely different vibe than that of 3's.

They fumble the ending and leave several things woefully unresolved. Outside of that, it's nice. Music is fantastic, the world is really detailed, and the characters are generally good. Some of the characters grind on people here but I didn't mind it. They never try to paint anyone as "right" which is the key that bugs me with other games that do these kindsa characters.

The thing in your dreams told you when you asked.

1) She wasn't "chosen". She was in the wrong place at the wrong time when there were "holes" being torn in reality by greater cosmic stuff which doesn't give two fucks. The particular hole in the mineshaft, she refers to like a "porch light for bugs" on one occasion. You even see the things, looking like cosmic bugs. The cultists talk about powers and shit, everything from going through walls (which the guy you later shot did), to life extension, all in the name of throwing food down the hole to them.

2) Remember her mother said she was basically sterile but Mae was her miracle child? And her grandfather was in the cult? There's a good fan theory saying her conception was through a sacrifice to the eldritch shit. So she could have anything from a connection to a straight up purpose for it.

3) You find lots of references to people having crazy hallucinations and dreams and shit due to gas leaks and gas pockets. So something may or may have not been real in all this.

4) The forest spirits are real, alongside from the eldritch shit. Your grandfather died and looked out to XYZ choices, all of which are in the woods, not the actual Mine. His words "This place is haunted" was literal. You also had cult shit buried under the house by your grandfather, and aside from the safe, there was also some kind of incident when the foundation of the house was poured. Basically, the house itself could also be slightly haunted.

Man I have to replay this. I was so confused the first time through

Gregg is dead to me.

Will we ever figure out why you don't go to ?

Anyone have the Night in the Woods edit of this? I saw it yesterday but failed to save it.

here you go friend

>tfw only a couple hours into the game but want to hang out in the threads and talk about it

Just spoiler my shit up, senpai.

Not popular enough to warrant a thread on /vg/, but enough to keep a Sup Forums thread going now and then.


>now and then
Every few hours isn't "now and then", furcunt

I still cant believe she plays some percussion samples with her laptop during band practice

there are 150 threads available at any given time.
why does it matter that one of them is about a game you don't care for, and why does that matter more than there being 10 simultaneous zelda threads?

Typical tumblr child like response, SAGE THIS THREAD

>tfw I find this game slightly depressing
>Realize it's because a few of my friends are spitting images of the characters, but most of them have moved out of town and on with their lives
>Now I'm 30, stuck in the work, sleep, eat, rinse, repeat cycle with only one friend in town
>And he's a drunk ass I don't hang out with much because he's a drunk ass

Guess it makes me nostalgic in a bittersweet way. I'm happy with where I am in life. Guess I just kind of miss my early twenties.

Given the choice, I wouldn't go back to redo and change it. I had a great time.

>nitw is so 2deep4me guys lol mae feel like trash dude lol shipping
don't act like these threads are any better than the nintendrone threads you furry faggot

>"You are bad"
shut up, you just press one button and sounds play

So which one are you?

>Typical tumblr child like response, SAGE THIS THREAD

Neckbeard fedora bear that's good with computers. Just without a qt3.14 excitable fox to sodomize.


Who was it that vandalized the mural ? and why? I don't remember that ever explained

did you not see the gang of punk teens? You missed it. There's a nice "hello fellow kids" interaction with them.

>New journal entry
>Void on page, clearly making room for something else to be there
>tfw not sure if it will be filled in later or if I missed something
>tfw 'Go to sleep?' every day, not sure if there's something I missed

Will I enjoy this game if I don't have any friends or will it make me kill myself because of """feels"""?

One of the characters you can hang out with did that actually. They tell you at the end if you hung out with them.

But Lori admits to doing it. Rat girl, remember? In the epilogue.

Was this the best moment in the game?

>Realize I reflexively light a cigarette every time I see Bea smoking

Too much slice of life. My smoke cycle has synced with hers.

Subjective. Mine was this

Youre objectively wrong.


its been a while i dont see people actually having thoughtful and respectful conversations about the story of a game on Sup Forums.

good job for now

Probably both!

eating pizza with the gang
eating greg's crust

>talk to the 3 goth kids
>they don't give me the quest to get the 3 pentagram things

What the fuck man

Why can't they figure out which of Mae's ears is missing a piece?

Who was the cultist guy who lost his arm trying to grab Mae in the mineshaft? I noticed that he had a bitten ear similar to Mae's. Does anyone in town have a bitten ear other than her?

I know that feel bro

Is Gregg boy or girl?

Is that in game or can it be found elsewhere?

>ywn see Mae in her prom dress

Hes all man.
Him and his boyfriend.

Gregg is a fuckboi slave to the foot long bear cock.