Just EIGHTEEN (18) more hours until Breath of the Wild embargo lifts

>just EIGHTEEN (18) more hours until Breath of the Wild embargo lifts
What are your predictions? Hopes? Fears?

Did I miss the meme-o or are we just skipping March 2nd?

Review embargo, user, not release.

Oh, I assumed this thread was about something actually important like the game releasing and not Sup Forums deciding reviews matter now. I'll just excuse myself out the thread.

>he doesn't know

I predict:
>at least 5 perfect scores
>85% of reviews with a score of 90 or higher
>a few balanced critical reviews with a score of 75-89
>the rest of the reviews basically saying "not horizon"

Well, game reviews may be a fucking joke, but they unfortunately do matter. A bad score may make a good game sell like crap, and vice versa.

>Tons of near-perfect scores
>5 or so perfect scores (two already confirmed)
>A couple sites giving it a low score for clickbait
>One 8.8 for memes

It's Zelda, it will review well.

Never mind that enemy variety is lacking and the world is barren. Reviewers will give it passes

Raiding camps and gathering in other game are "checklisty" but in Zelda it's "making your own adventure!"

So where the heck are all the saved streams? I wanna see what the game is like.


Does anyone know if they are going to have it out on display in the Nintendo NYC store? I didn't get to preorder a Switch but really want to try it.

>Never mind that enemy variety is lacking and the world is barren.

Maybe you should actually play the game first.

I'm hoping all the redditfugees leave so we can talk about something else besides fucking zelda.

Australiafag here

Switch and BotW release in less than 18 hours for me.

>Caring about reviews
>Especially for Zelda games

so if *I* personally play the game, suddenly it won't be the same 16 enemies recolored and equipped differently?

that's a neat trick, I had no idea such things hinged on me specifically

Oh, shit, we're almost there!

>stores do not do midnight releases in my goddamned country
Just fuck my shit up!

I was watching some dude stream it earlier.
Barren is a fucking understatement.

Even skyrim had more stuff do to and that was mediocre as fuck. I do like how you need certain weapons, clothing or items in order to progress though. The game does look interesting since it's something I can play at a horribly slow pace, but there seems to be a lot of padding, which kinda works out because fast travel.

8.7 screencap this

like e-celebs and politics?

My only hope is that the shitposting will end and the threads will be limited to one at a time instead of 20


but he's right. I've watched a lot of Lenny and Josh and that Norwegian guy's streams (ChuppyChap?). The world is a little bare (not barren), but the enemy variety blows. ~80% of the enemies are Bokoblins and Moblins. The four main dungeons (I have watched them all) are basically giant puzzles with little to no enemies, except some random bats or that purple goo with the eye. It needs more common enemy variety, a buff to all item durability, a another dungeon, and it will be 10/10, Also, no hookshot and minimal boomerangs. Bombs are unlimited but your bow and boomerangs have finite number of uses?

>tfw I'll be owning the game in less than 18 hours

Maybe you should play the game first.


Nah, I can just hide those threads. If I were to hide every zelda or switch thread that would work too, but I'd be filtering out half the fucking catalogue.

I was thinking more along the lines of emulation, amateur game making threads, 3ds hacking or OST threads

a response was already made for me

hopes: at least ONE site reviews it where it probably belongs (under 8) so i have something to fill the board with
fears: it gets a higher score than horizon zero dawn

After playing over 25 hours, it doesn't deserve higher than 93/100

mainline zelda games will never a bad score, even if they deserve it

After playing over 25 hours, it doesn't deserve higher than a 94.

There will be at least 15.

Alright never mind i'm changing that to at least 30.

They'll matter a little less if we stop talking about them. Do your part.


Damn, I really want to play this game, but Nintendo is dead in my country.
What to do?

Predictions and hopes? I have none.

But after watching a few minutes of those streams, my biggest fear is that it suffers from 3D Zelda syndrome, in that it has an open world portion that doesn't actually have anything in it and is almost completely empty and barren. which is magnified greatly when that's supposed to be the focus.

After playing for 13 hours it doesn't deserve all the praise it's getting

Swissfag here, game was released yesterday

Send all your trannies to America. I know you're Brazilian, you Portuguese fuck.



Almost universally high scores with the exception of a few click bait sites like Giant Bomb and IGN

I predict a 7.5/10 from Dualshocker AT BEST.

That's... not how timezones work.

Unless you mean you pirated it in which case meh.

I predict a ton of spammed topics from the guy at dual shitters with an op that links directly to his low ball review

The fact you can buy it in shops since yesterday 28th of February 8am has nothing to do with timezones

Literally none. I refuse to get hyped for a zelda game after Twilight Princess, especially since this is looking to be TP hype 2.0.

why does anyone even care

it's fucking skyrim with a coat of zelda paint on it, it's going to get an average of 9.5/10 minimum

>I refuse to get hyped for a zelda game after the best Zelda game
What did he mean by this?

Well now you've done it.

Predicting it will be like SS where everyone treats it like the second coming of jesus, and then after a month or two when the honeymoon period ends, everyone that didn't buy a switch just to play the slightly better version will actually admit its fairly mediocre for a zelda game, just like SS was.

my fear is that Amazon hasn't shipped my console yet. I hope I get it this Friday