>no eShop on launch
>one game (last gen port)
>controllers don't work
>no pack in
>paid online
No eShop on launch
John Garcia
Other urls found in this thread:
Isaiah Jenkins
>No eShop
But that's wrong. There's no Virtual Console at launch.
Ryder Clark
>being this much in denial
Hunter Foster
>can't see the cheap plastic screen outside
Nathan Watson
every normie I talked to at gamestop says that the switch looks like a $300 fisher price toy
Oliver Rodriguez
Looking forward to the buyer's remorse threads.
Logan Butler
>last gen port
Oh come on, BoW was clearly developed with the Switch in mind.
Ethan Turner
>playing games outside
Adam Bell
It started development before the Wii U came out, user
Ryder Turner
Things that didn't happen
All of them posted by butt hurt Sony fanboys who got conned into buying Horizon Zero Fun