No eShop on launch

>no eShop on launch
>one game (last gen port)
>controllers don't work
>no pack in
>paid online

Other urls found in this thread:

>No eShop

But that's wrong. There's no Virtual Console at launch.

>being this much in denial

>can't see the cheap plastic screen outside

every normie I talked to at gamestop says that the switch looks like a $300 fisher price toy

Looking forward to the buyer's remorse threads.

>last gen port
Oh come on, BoW was clearly developed with the Switch in mind.

>playing games outside

It started development before the Wii U came out, user

Things that didn't happen

All of them posted by butt hurt Sony fanboys who got conned into buying Horizon Zero Fun

And was optimized to work better with the Switch once it got under development. The Wii U version doesn't even make use of the game pad, they clearly focused on the Switch version.

it actually did happen

t. gamestop employee in miami

>being THIS much in denial

Snipperclips is an eShop only game that launches 3/3/17. Explain how they plan on releasing something that I can't buy.

>fisher price toy
>300 dollars

Normies will not know what two of those things are.

But the advert told me to

maybe if you live in some shithole in yuropoor country

By buying a physical copy that only has a code inside

Where would you enter it?

The web browser of course

You already made this post in the other switch thread.
If you want more replies, start a thread with it.

What are you talking about?

There is no internet browser though.

How the fuck will I shitpost here on it then?

You're already doing it.

>true but only after autumn and 20 bucks a year

You tried

I went to gamestop to pre order one, said they were all out. And the 4 they have that werent pre ordered will be taken fucking immediatly on midnight launch.
I got 350$ in gamestop credit and cant get a switch god dammit

But eshop is at launch, there is at least three (3) good games at launch (BOTW, SC, F-RMX), controllers work if you aren't a retard that smashes them, and online is twenty (20) dollars compared to the sixty (60) of the PS4.