How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?

Other urls found in this thread:



The way WE make video games doesn't dictate how others should make video games.

I can't wait to play as a black transexual in a wheelchair.

So glad they're inclusive enough to have my preferred pronoun Steve Gaynor

Get ready for wheel chair FPS

>tfw you identify as a steve gaynor


Modern video games culture is funny.

>I identify as a Steve Gaynor

I wouldn't mind if this happened.

Politics were never an issue in the golden age of video games (pre 2005).

>its a redditor baiting for replies and pretends he was shitposting the whole time episode

>How to make games the communist way

>every lead character is now a paraplegic black tranny
wow so progressive fighting crime in a wheelchair!

I haven't bought a western game in so long. Go ahead and put messages on it if they care so much

>tfw Nintoddlers will never be as socially conscious as Sony gamers

Is this real?

Wow that's incredibly racist and sexist.

>Bonnie ((((Ruberg))))

That's the problem, it doesn't make me "feel" anything anymore.

Not wrong.

who cares you stupid faggots fucking sage

Same old shit, they will fuck themselves over again just like before.

Images like this exists and yet retards still say
>no sjws arent trying to change vidya

It makes me glad that I don't give a fuck about modern gaming

What the fuck does that have to do with video games?


Sup Forums was right

one more reason why japan is gaming's last hope

>White & Black are the only races.

That's not what I said. I just want them to be different races. I wonder how japanese artists would draw an african american video game protagonist.


I don't play amerilards games.

Please tell me this is bait

To those who don't know, pic related is the level designer for Bioshock: Infinite and Bioshock 2.

Who the fuck is Bonnie Ruberg?

No body like this shit whether it's Sonygger, Nintendrone or PCuck, these fucker are cancer for everyone.

>Japs not caving to SJWs
>SJW localization teams trying to rape incoming jap games

>fighting crime in a wheelchair!
I seriously want that game

Only Nintendo.

>not including the dates in all the articles to show that they were all published within 24 hours


Makes me want to make the political choice of not supporting games that make this their focus.
Buying only at massive discount if ever.

This is Fake btw.

Oops, forgot Sazh Katzroy from Final Fantasy. Well I wonder how they would draw someone a less generic Black person.

It is not

Well, since this is a political thread, not like my comment will be off-topic. I think there are definitely elements in Liberalism that are vile and hostile to normal, decent people. Not sure if these elements are a small fringe group that will never gain wide support, or something actually supported by the majority of the party but in secret, and will continue gaining traction.

Either way, it's pretty easy to see how there are many anti-white sentiments within the Liberal party. As a white guy, I can't go along with that, just survival instinct.

In terms of my opinion on politics in video games, I don't mind them as long as there isn't an obvious agenda bring driven behind the narrative. You can have politics within a video game without making it feel like you are trying to convert people or normalize a concept.

Who here is giving up video games as a hobby

It's right.

All art is political to some extent. Even "This is not political" is a form of political statement.

get out Sup Forums

What's her youtube/twitch/vk/batoto/alibay/amazon/aliexpress/social security number/credit card number/phone and address? I can't take a comic seriously if accounts don't take at least 50% of it

Never stopped Ironsides!

GDC is a joke

Political games are mediocre, and feminists belong in coffins.

Only western games.



Sup Forums was right again!

It's real but the talk was about production planning or some shit

It sadly isn't.

>kafka trapping

Like someone has too much time on their hands.

Is it really difficult enjoying good vidya?


I get that Sup Forums is normally full of shit, but their distrust of jews is starting to make sense. I noticed this in my local NC newspaper when some guy named Cohen decided to write about how the farmers outside of the city center needed to get with the times and we where holding them back. Also no, a game can be political but it doesn't have to be, I tend to actually prefer it that way. Just don't try to shove it in and be clear from the start.

> my pronouns ar gaynor, gaynis and gayners

>Political games are mediocre

I thought Sup Forums liked New Vegas and Deus Ex.

How is a bear collecting jigsaw pieces political?

Even with some attempt at a nebulous metaphor wouldn't capture what the game is about

Japan has always been gamings savior tho... Who do you think ruined the fucking industry back in the early 80's... then who resurrected it in the late 80's???

And westfags still fucking shit on Japanese gaming cuz they're pathetic fucking losers who can't recognize greatness.

>Sup Forums is right again
>Sup Forums, on the other hands, always wrong.

Wait, what the fuck. Sup Forums use to be worse than Sup Forums R-right guys?

Your about to.
Timmy is a character in fractured but whole.

Wtf marxism has to do with video games?
It's not like factory workers attend these.

Yeah video games aren't art not sure what that guy is on about

Ugh! You just don't understand how they feel, from your tower of privilege! You're a white fucking male!

In all seriousness, I totally agree with your last paragraph though user

>America can't figure out what the fuck it's future agenda is
>The American political parties have to pin their agenda on whatever they can, including video games

Seriously... keep your fucking shit within your own borders, nobody else cares.



>America can't figure out what the fuck it's future agenda is
Pretty sure it did just that a few months ago.

Stop making this thread

>tfw studied computer science
>graduated 2010
>get a job offer from ZeniMax Online and this other smaller company that shall not be named
>go to interview
>things go pretty smooth, excited at the idea of working on an Elder Scrolls MMO since Oblivion was my shit in uni
>go to other interview
>better pay, more freedom, little responsibility, but the job is pretty boring desu
>choose bigger paying job

There are times I wonder what sort of life I would lead now, if I worked in the video games industry. There are extremely crafty individuals who would love to work with vidya, but all this nonsense drives talented people away, and I honestly cannot blame them.
I mean, who wants to sit on their asses, doing a shit job and talking about nonsense and then blaming your customers for being bad people for criticizing your product.

Time for a new hobby or just ignore western games from Commiefornia.

GDC is based in Commiefornia. All their interest when it comes to video games are an attempt to brainwash people into marxist ideals. They also want full power and control of video game devs, and creating massive restrictions to creativity. They just want to use video games as a platform for their communist propaganda.

>The effect that emphasizing beauty and hygiene can have on people's lives (Grunty is ugly, kidnaps Tooty in hopes of stealing her beauty)

>The importance of teamwork and cooperation in society (Banjo can't accomplish anything without Kazooie's abilities, and Kazooie needs Banjo to carry her)

>A belief in magic and the occult and its potential for both good and evil (Grunty is a witch, Mumbo is a shaman)

>Equating a life of travel and exploration with fulfillment (Banjo needs to explore a wide variety of different locations to proceed, staying home accomplishes nothing)

And this is all off the top of my head. I could probably think of more if I sat down and got really pretentious about it.

>I am gaynis cupcake
>I will rape you


>Deus Ex

Deus Ex didn't stray into polarizing social issues at all though, it touched on mostly the issues that most Americans would worry about. Loss of freedom in an effort to fight terrorism, centralization and the loss of individual powers, fear of a growing corporatocracy, government controlling speech and ideas. Hell, the NSF are constitutionalists who started the rebellion after congress came for their guns.

Those are things that I, a rural southerner, fear just as much as a northern worker.

Name a SINGLE good game people like this have ever created.

>Nine of the ten richest states are liberal
>Nine of the ten poorest states are conservative

Sorry California can't be as advanced and enlightened as Mississippi.

Except leftists and the right are still in bitter conflict behind the scenes. Everyone knows the moral in fighting between Americans nowadays is the highest its ever been since the Civil War.

Video game crash when?

Social issues aren't the only kind of political issues.

Your post is basically admitting that Deus Ex is a politically charged game.

the guy who also designed levels for Perseus Mandate

And the right controls everything while the left can only scream in an autistic fashion.

They're right
This is an opinion
Probably a waste of paper, but they're paying for it.

What's the problem OP?

Is Sup Forums ever wrong?

Fucking Jews every single fucking time.

>poorest states have the most niggers
really rattles my noggin

>They're not gonna take away your games.
>Just separate the creators from the game.
>Nothing is wrong.

> nebulous metaphor wouldn't capture what the game is about

You're just playing a game of connecting two abstract points, you can make anything about anything that way thus it is pointless.

I agree with this. I want more playable skeletons and monsters instead of humans.

Videogames before retarded stepped in were entertainment as far anyone with a brain knew.
