Now this I can get into

Now this I can get into.

I want to be a girl like Zelda!

Can I play the whole game crossdressing?

>link hiding his boner from dressing like a sissy


Girls are disgusting, though. Boys will always be cuter.

i really wish you gay faggots would stop shitting up Sup Forums with threads like this.

>literally fanservice
they're getting desperate

The outfit gives heat resistance so you'll actually want to wear it during the daytime in the desert at least.

Same. People complain about female fanservice but when we get male fanservice like this the fanbase is much more obnoxious.

Where 2 find memory photos?

>you can crossdress if you want to
How many cute outfits are there for link?

what if zelda was a girl?



oh baby


Now tayne i can get into

Would you?

My eyes are up here user~

>lonely arrow girl is a quest npc

Oh, cool.

Now I'm definitely buying this

Where's that chowder pic when I need it


This is the best thing nintendo has every done. The fan art and fan games alone will pay in lewd spades.

It's weird to add muscles where there weren't any before.


Wtf I love BotW now!

we have come full circle.


I wasn't planning on getting a Switch but this is tempting me.
Should I wait? Is there any chance it will be emulated or ported? The graphics look kind of fuzzy.

It's coming out for the Wii U too, and theres the cemu emulator for Wii U.

If you have a U then just get it for that
If you don't then hold off until the switch has anything resembling a library and more games you want

>Any chance

It boots already
>Inb4 drones will deny this is anything short of a miracle

Wait a week or two and see what the general consensus is on the switch post launch.

Nice, does it upgrade the visuals?


Pleb taste.

There's a 4k pack already,
But the game doesn't actually start yet,
Just the menu.

Next release will probably do something, they said they wanted the game out first so as not to confess to work on pirated copies.

Man y'all are a bunch of faggots

jesse we need cock

Christ almighty

>ywn rub your hands on her smooth chest and suck on her cock

It's a guy you fag

>all this Gerudo Link fanart already

Deviant Japs liking what they see

post yfw crossdressing becomes mainstream

link has always been top tier fujo bait.

Is it the WiiU version?

Sounds like SOMEONE'S insecure with their sexuality.

That someone is you.

Stop this. Crossdressers are men.

I've been wanting to draw this cutie link
give requests

Crossdressing Link bottoming for strong men.

>Now this I can get into.
Is there any way to generate a nude Link?

If only my husband hadn't become obsessed with cuccos

>Obviously link crossdressing
What did he mean by this?

Just admit you wanna fuck a boy faggot.

Why is he so cute bros?
>ywn make Link a meal for when he comes home then sit in his lat after supper

He's projecting his own insecurities onto others. "Straight" guys that can't admit they like guys are the fucking worst.


Faggot this real? Tree house you mad men/women

It's not gay if he's this cute.

>SJW's convincing boys that dressing up as girls is normal
>SJW's fighting to legalize pedophilia
>tfw creating a world where cute traps are legal was their plan all along and all the racial issues were just a diversion

best timeline

Nope still gay

It's turbo gay that you even think he's cute in the first place.

>You die a villain, or live long enough to see yourself become the hero

They'd need to take a hard line stance against trannies for this to work, though. Crossdressing boys are pure and should be celebrated everywhere, but trannies are utter filth that need to be wiped off the earth.

If wanting to love link is gay I don't want to be straight.

>SJW's fighting to legalize pedophilia
nobody is doing this.

Loving guys is gay, faggot

I like to imagine all this stuff is just one trap user who's really passionate about hating women.

Liking cute things wont make you gay.

Do you become gay if you like Kirby or Meta Knight? They are all male.

This literally screams of you can fuck me because my husband is away. Cucc

Link is not a guy, Link is a perfect being that transcends gender.

Calamity Ganon spoilers where

He would be the purest husband.

DLC costume?

A perfect being would be explicitly male by definition.

Well, now I'm certain it's going to be my game of the year.

This thread is filled with unholy demons I can't wait until pence zaps your asses back into hell degenerate gay faggots

OwO what's this?

>all Gerudo chicks are brown

>link is pale as fuck

>nobody notices him as he sneaks around

explain this Nintendrones.

hail satan

>he wouldn't kiss this face


would you a nazi?

they get off to cross-dressing twinks, so they pretend not to notice while building up a waterfall down there.

Isn't that picture Linkle?

Little boys are girls though.

>ywn go on honeymoon with link

She wouldn't be into me, I'm not white.

>Little boys are girls though.
That's just plain fucking wrong even if you're memeing

Is that a boy?
Either way yes.

>talking about eating shit out of a big hipped android's ass is okay
>admiring the aesthetics of a young boy is wrong


Only a cute guy nazi.

i don't know user
i literally can't tell, he/she is really cute tho

bro, shota threads seldom reach bump limit, don't waste your time.

Is there only one girl costume?
Can you cross dress in Splatoon 2?
Nintendo could open up this market.

>talking about eating shit out of a big hipped android's ass is okay
When did anyone ever say this and why would anyone say this is ok?